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WAI Site UCD Tasks - OLD

Note: This Web page contains outdated drafts and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances.
Please see the lastest version of WAI Site UCD Task Analysis Details.

Last updated $Date: 2003/12/08 17:52:58 $ by $Author: shawn $
Primary Editor: Justin Thorp. This Web page is is under development by the WAI Site Task Force of EOWG.

on this page: Draft 2 | Draft 3

Draft 3 of Task List Grouping

(based on blossom's suggestions)

General Accessibility

  1. I am trying to find the definition of the term Web accessibility.
  2. I need info to help convince self, boss, org, or other that Web accessibility is important and that we should be doing it.
  3. I want to find out about Web access policies around the world.
  4. My boss told me to make our Web site accessible and I need to know where to start.
  5. I want a simple checklist of what I (content developer) need to do for
    Web accessibility.
  6. I am doing a presentation on accessibility and want to order Quick Tips
    to hand out.
  7. I am doing training on general accessibility information and trying to
    find materials for my presentation.
  8. I want to find a list of all the guidelines WAI has published.

Specific Questions and Searches

  1. I have been asked how much time and money it would take to make your Web
    site accessible.
  2. I am trying to find a specific document. ["How People with Disabilities
    Use the Web", "Policies Relating to Web Accessibility", etc.] .
  3. I want statistics on disability to help make a business case for Web
    accessibility. [deliberately not on site or in resource in the foreseeable
  4. I've searched for XYZ in a search engine [that dumped me in the middle of
    a resource]
  5. I am trying to find the list of Web accessibility evaluation tools.
  6. I have a specific question on Web accessibility that I want to ask WAI
    (e.g., interpretation of a guideline).


  1. I heard XYZ [text resizing] is important for accessibility and want to
    find out why.
  2. I heard that Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) helps with accessibility; I
    want to know why CSS is good for accessibility and get an intro on CSS.
  3. Someone gave me a report generated by a Web evaluation tool, and I need
    to look up details about some of the things it said needed human evaluation.
  4. Someone gave me a report generated by a Web evaluation tool, and I don't
    understand how to fix some of the things it identified as errors.
  5. I am looking for a document that explains the techniques to implement
    Check point #X.
  6. I am doing a new thing [data tables, forms, etc.] and I want to make it


  1. I want to know more about WAI in general. How long has it been around?
    How is it funded? Who is on the staff?
  2. I heard W3C WAI was open to outside participation and I want to help out.
  3. I am a member of a WAI WG and I am trying to find out when the next
    meeting is. When is that in your time working zone?

Draft 2 of Task List Grouping

Note that the heading below are only to help "chunk" the long list and the grouping under a certain heading is not important.

Low Web Accessibility Knowledge, Low Technical Knowledge

  1. I am trying to find the definition of the term web accessibility.
  2. I have been asked how much time and money it would take to make your web site accessible.
  3. I need info to help convince self, boss, org, or other that Web accessibility is important and that we should be doing it.
  4. I want to find out about Web access policies around the world
  5. I want to know more about WAI in general. How long has it been around? How is it funded? Who is on the staff?
  6. I want to find out about Web access policies around the world
  7. I am trying to find a specific document. ["How People with Disabilities Use the Web", "Policies Relating to Web Accessibility", etc.]

Moderate Web Accessibility Knowledge, Low Technical Knowledge

  1. I want statistics on disability to help make a business case for Web accessibility.(note: deliberately not on site or in resource in the foreseeable future)
  2. I've searched for XYZ in a search engine [that dumped me in the middle of a resource]
  3. My boss told me to make our web site accessible and I need to know where to start.
  4. I am trying to find the list of web accessibility evaluation tools.
  5. I have a specific question on Web accessibility that I want to ask WAI (e.g., interpretation of a guideline).

Moderate Web Accessibility Knowledge, Moderate Technical Knowledge

  1. I want a simple checklist of what I (content developer) need to do for Web accessibility
  2. I heard XYZ [text resizing] is important for accessibility and want to find out why.
  3. I am doing a presentation on accessibility and want to order Quick Tips to hand out.
  4. I am doing training on general accessibility information and trying to find materials for my presentation.
  5. I heard that Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) helps with accessibility, I want to know why CSS is good for accessibility, and get an intro on CSS.
  6. I want to find a list of all the guidelines WAI has published.

Moderate Web Accessibility Knowledge, Heavy Technical Knowledge

  1. Someone gave me a report generated by a Web evaluation tool and I need to look up details about some of the things it said needed human evaluation
  2. Someone gave me a report generated by a Web evaluation tool and I don't understand how to fix some of the things it identified as errors
  3. I am looking for a document that explains the techniques to implement Check point #X
  4. I am doing a new thing [data tables, forms, etc.] and I want to make it accessible.

Heavy Web Accessibility Knowledge, Varied Amounts of Technical Knowledge

  1. I heard W3C WAI was open to outside participation and I want to help out.
  2. I am a member of a WAI WG and I am trying to find out when the next meeting is. When is that in your time working zone?

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