CSS Counter Styles Level 3
CSS Counter Styles Level 3. Note there is a name similarity with a later spec, Custom Counter Styles, which appears to be ancillary to this one, so do not confuse them. See Custom Counter Styles.
- 2013-08-21: PFWG sent comments.
- 2013-11-01: CSS? response. Requested clarifications, didn't implement suggestions. Will agenda+ for next week.
- 2016-06-22: The ball seems to have been dropped. Noticed publication of Custom Counter Styles which triggered looking back at this. Lisa actioned to review that spec.
- 2016-07-11: Discovered we had confused this spec with Custom Counter Styles. This one remains open.
- 2016-07-13: ACTION-2070 Lisa to check on next steps.
- 2017-04-20: CSS TF activity reflected at CSS-A11Y ISSUE 6.
- 2017-12-14: Has gone to CR.
- 2018-01-24: Ian confirms this would benefit from review to ensure that concerns raised at [1] are addressed.
- 2021-06-03: Review request.
- 2021-06-30: After some noodling, decided the potential considerations don't belong to this spec.