July 24 2000: read the following messages: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2000AprJun/0342.html and http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2000JulSep/0018.html explaining why the workshop is postponed and what is the new schedule.
New workshop page is at http://www.w3.org/2000/07/diw.htm.
The W3C and WAP Forum Coordination Group (WWCG) has identified an opportunity for joint discussion and potential collaboration between the W3C, the WAP Forum and the Web and Mobile communities at large (including the TV industry for instance) in the area of developing a common set of Web content guidelines which would facilitate transformation/navigation of generic Web content on non-PC devices and ensure accessibility of this content for people with disabilities.
Rationales: Attaining that goal is good for people with disabilities (PWD) and good for WAP device users, so overall it's good for W3C/WAI (to fulfill its universality mission) and good for the WAP/Mobile industry (more usable content means more users means bigger market means sustained growth)
Experts in WAI WCAG guidelines and WAP folks working on transformation of generic Web content to WAP devices, on authoring languages and on WAP guidelines.
All participants will have to submit an statement of interest in one page and be ready to present it in the Introduction session of the Workshop.
A Call for Participation has been issued, to select the participants, and among them a limited number (5 to 6) of longer presentations (20 minutes each).
First, you must read the call for participation, submit your position statement to the Workshop chairs and receive a confirmation.
The new registration page is now up yet. The minutes will list the people who actually attended.
Address: see the WAP Forum site
We'll probably have dinner together one evening somewhere in the city. We'll pick up the restaurant once there.
If you're also attending the WAP meeting, the best is to reserve your hotel with them: see the WAP Forum site.
See the WAP Forum Web site.
Thursday afternoon:
Friday morning:
Friday afternoon:
[I'll add more links to this section as we go, so please check back from time to time]
Overall Context is ability to do graceful transformation ala:
Generic Web Content (.e.g HTML) -> WAP Gateway -> WAP device WML -> WAP User -> Mainstream UA -> Assistive Technology -> PWD User
Lots of interesting reading in the following WAI materials:
Also look at the HTML 4.0 Guidelines for Mobile Access
Some W3C Member private links:
Author: danield@w3.org
Last updated: May 26 2000.