July 24 2000: read the following messages: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2000AprJun/0342.html and http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2000JulSep/0018.html explaining why the workshop is postponed and what is the new schedule.
New workshop page is at http://www.w3.org/2000/07/diw.htm.
The W3C and WAP Forum Coordination Group (WWCG) has identified an opportunity for joint discussion and potential collaboration between the W3C, the WAP Forum and the Web and Mobile communities at large (including the TV industry for instance) in the area of developing a common set of Web content guidelines which would facilitate transformation/navigation of generic Web content on non-PC devices and ensure accessibility of this content for people with disabilities.
A short term goal of this meeting is to share expectations and expertise and come up with a plan to develop a common/shared set of Web Content guidelines, of which the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) could either a foundation or an initial input.
One long term goal is to promote the creation of Web content that can be equally understood by its targeted audience regardless of the device used to access it.
We expect several groups to contribute to the workshop:
Position papers are a springboard for discussion at the workshop and we expect that the dialog should go well beyond what is in the position papers. You should submit one to the chairs prior to even registering.
A position paper is usually short, around 1 to 4 pages (there is a maximum of five pages, or 27000 characters) and summarizes:
Position papers will be published on the public Web pages of the workshop, so position papers and slides of presentations must be available for public dissemination. Submitting a position paper comprises a default recognition of these terms for publication.
All participants will be asked to briefly introduce their interest statement orally during the workshop.
The Programme Committee will ask the authors of particularly salient position papers to explicitly present their position at the workshop to foster discussion. In this case, the authors are also required to make the slides of the presentation available on the workshop Web site.
It is required that every member or organization represented at the workshop submit a position paper. Position papers should be submitted via email to the Workshop Chairs prior to registering. Allowed formats are HTML and ASCII. Papers in other formats will be returned, with a request for correct formatting. Good examples of position papers can be seen in the QL'98 workshop.
Please use the Workshop meeting page to register, prepare for the meeting, learn about the dates, venue and agenda information.