attributeAll using the rules suggested in the Rendering section.
may have the content attribute set. The attribute is a . When specified on an element, it indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, directly relevant to the page's current state, or that it is being used to declare content to be reused by other parts of the page as opposed to being directly accessed by the user. User agents should not render elements that have the attribute specified. This requirement may be implemented indirectly through the style layer. For example, an HTML+CSS user agent could implement these requirementsBecause this attribute is typically implemented using CSS, it's also possible to override it using CSS. For instance, a rule that applies 'display: block' to all elements will cancel the effects of the
attribute. Authors therefore have to take care when writing their style sheets to make sure that the attribute is still styled as expected.In the following skeletal example, the attribute is used to hide the Web game's main screen until the user logs in:
<h1>The Example Game</h1> <section id="login"> <h2>Login</h2> <form> ... <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked --> </form> <script> function login() { // switch screens document.getElementById('login').hidden = true; document.getElementById('game').hidden = false; } </script> </section> <section id="game" hidden> ... </section>
attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown in another presentation. For example, it is incorrect to use to hide panels in a tabbed dialog, because the tabbed interface is merely a kind of overflow presentation — one could equally well just show all the form controls in one big page with a scrollbar. It is similarly incorrect to use this attribute to hide content just from one presentation — if something is marked , it is hidden from all presentations, including, for instance, screen readers.Elements that are not themselves for
attributes of and elements that are not
themselves must similarly not refer to elements that are
. In both cases, such references would cause user
Elements and scripts may, however, refer to elements that are
in other contexts.For example, it would be incorrect to use the
attribute to link to a section marked with the attribute. If the content is not applicable or relevant, then there is no reason to link to it.It would be fine, however, to use the ARIA
attribute to refer to descriptions that are themselves . While hiding the descriptions implies that they are not useful alone, they could be written in such a way that they are useful in the specific context of being referenced from the images that they describe.Similarly, a
element with the attribute could be used by a scripted graphics engine as an off-screen buffer, and a form control could refer to a hidden element using its attribute.Elements in a section hidden by the
attribute are still active, e.g. scripts and form controls in such sections still execute and submit respectively. Only their presentation to the user changes.The hidden
IDL attribute must
the content attribute of the same name.
A node (in particular elements and text nodes) can be marked as inert. When a node is inert, then the user agent must act as if the node was absent for the purposes of targeting user interaction events, may ignore the node for the purposes of text search user interfaces (commonly known as "find in page"), and may prevent the user from selecting text in that node. User agents should allow the user to override the restrictions on search and text selection, however.
For example, consider a page that consists of just a single inert
paragraph positioned in the middle of a body
. If a user moves their pointing device
from the body
over to the inert paragraph and clicks on the paragraph,
no mouseover
event would be fired, and the mousemove
and click
events would
be fired on the body
element rather than the paragraph.
When a node is inert, it generally cannot be focused. Inert nodes that are commands will also get disabled.
While a browsing context container is marked as inert, its
nested browsing context's active document, and all nodes in that
, must be marked as inert.
An entire Document
can be marked as blocked by a modal dialog subject. While a Document
is so marked, every node that is in the Document
, with the exception of the subject element and its descendants, must be marked inert. (The
elements excepted by this paragraph can additionally be marked inert through other
means; being part of a modal dialog does not "protect" a node from being marked
Only one element at a time can mark a Document
as being blocked by a modal
dialog. When a new dialog
is made to block a Document
, the previous element, if any, stops blocking the
The dialog
element's showModal()
method makes use of this mechanism.
Certain elements in HTML have an activation behaviour, which means that the user
can activate them. This triggers a sequence of events dependent on the activation mechanism, and
normally culminating in a click
event, as
described below.
The user agent should allow the user to manually trigger elements that have an activation behaviour, for instance using keyboard or voice input, or through mouse clicks. When the user triggers an element with a defined activation behaviour in a manner other than clicking it, the default action of the interaction event must be to run synthetic click activation steps on the element.
Each element has a click in progress flag, initially set to false.
When a user agent is to run synthetic click activation steps on an element, the user agent must run the following steps:
If the element's click in progress flag is set to true, then abort these steps.
Set the click in progress flag on the element to true.
Run pre-click activation steps on the element.
Fire a click
event at the element. If the
run synthetic click activation steps algorithm was invoked because the click()
method was invoked, then the isTrusted
attribute must be initialised to false.
If this click
event is not canceled, run post-click
activation steps on the element.
If the event is canceled, the user agent must run canceled activation steps on the element instead.
Set the click in progress flag on the element to false.
When a pointing device is clicked, the user agent must run authentic click activation steps instead of firing the click event. When a user agent is to run authentic click activation steps for a given event event, it must follow these steps:
Let target be the element designated by the user (the target of event).
If target is a canvas
element, run the canvas
rerouting steps. If this changes event's
target, then let target be the new target.
Set the click in progress flag on target to true.
Let e be the nearest activatable element of target (defined below), if any.
If there is an element e, run pre-click activation steps on it.
Dispatch event (the
required click
event) at target.
If there is an element e and the click
event is not canceled, run post-click activation steps on element e.
If there is an element e and the event is canceled, run canceled activation steps on element e.
Set the click in progress flag on target to false.
The algorithms above don't run for arbitrary synthetic events dispatched by author
script. The click()
method can be used to make the run
synthetic click activation steps algorithm happen programmatically.
Click-focusing behaviour (e.g. the focusing of a text field when user clicks in one) typically happens before the click, when the mouse button is first depressed, and is therefore not discussed here.
Given an element target, the nearest activatable element is the element returned by the following algorithm:
If target has a defined activation behaviour, then return target and abort these steps.
If target has a parent element, then set target to that parent element and return to the first step.
Otherwise, there is no nearest activatable element.
When a user agent is to run pre-click activation steps on an element, it must run the pre-click activation steps defined for that element, if any.
When a user agent is to run canceled activation steps on an element, it must run the canceled activation steps defined for that element, if any.
When a user agent is to run post-click activation steps on an element, it must run
the activation behaviour defined for that element, if any. Activation behaviours can
refer to the click
event that was fired by the steps above
leading up to this point.
()Acts as if the element was clicked.
The click()
method must run the following steps:
If the element is a form control that is disabled, abort these steps.
Run synthetic click activation steps on the element.
This section is non-normative.
An HTML user interface typically consists of multiple interactive widgets, such as form controls, scrollable regions, links, dialog boxes, browser tabs, and so forth. These widgets form a hierarchy, with some (e.g. browser tabs, dialog boxes) containing others (e.g. links, form controls).
When interacting with an interface using a keyboard, key input is channeled from the system, through the hierarchy of interactive widgets, to an active widget, which is said to be focused.
Consider an HTML application running in a browser tab running in a graphical environment. Suppose this application had a page with some text fields and links, and was currently showing a modal dialog, which itself had a text field and a button.
The hierarchy of focusable widgets, in this scenario, would include the browser window, which would have, amongst its children, the browser tab containing the HTML application. The tab itself would have as its children the various links and text fields, as well as the dialog. The dialog itself would have as its children the text field and the button.
If the widget with focus in this example was the text field in the dialog box, then key input would be channeled from the graphical system to ① the Web browser, then to ② the tab, then to ③ the dialog, and finally to ④ the text field.
Keyboard events are always targetted at this focused element.
The term focusable area is used to refer to regions of the interface that can become the target of keyboard input. Focusable areas can be elements, parts of elements, or other regions managed by the user agent.
Each focusable area has a DOM anchor, which is a Node
that represents the position of the focusable area in the DOM. (When the focusable
area is itself a Node
, it is its own DOM anchor.) The DOM anchor is
used in some APIs as a substitute for the focusable area when there is no other DOM object
to represent the focusable area.
The following table describes what objects can be focusable areas. The cells in the left column describe objects that can be focusable areas; the cells in the right column describe the DOM anchors for those elements. (The cells that span both columns are non-normative examples.)
Focusable area | DOM anchor |
Examples | |
Elements that have their tabindex focus flag set, that are not actually disabled, that are not expressly inert, and that are either being rendered or being used as relevant canvas fallback content. | The element itself. |
| |
The shapes of area elements in an image map associated with an
img element that is being rendered and is not expressly inert.
The img element.
In the following example, the <map id=wallmap><area alt="Enter Door" coords="10,10,100,200" href="door.html"></map> ... <img src="images/innerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a white wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap"> ... <img src="images/outerwall.jpeg" alt="There is a red wall here, with a door." usemap="#wallmap"> | |
The user-agent provided subwidgets of elements that are being rendered and are not actually disabled or expressly inert. | The element for which the focusable area is a subwidget. |
The controls in the user
interface that is exposed to the user for a | |
The scrollable regions of elements that are being rendered are not expressly inert. | The element for which the box that the scrollable region scrolls was created. |
The CSS 'overflow' property's 'scroll' value typically creates a scrollable region. | |
The viewport of a Document that is in a browsing context and is not
The Document for which the viewport was created.
The contents of an | |
Any other element or part of an element, especially to aid with accessibility or to better match platform conventions. | The element. |
A user agent could make all list item bullets focusable, so that a user can more easily navigate lists. Similarly, a user agent could make all elements with |
A browsing context container (e.g. an
) is a focusable area, but key events routed to a browsing context
container get immediately routed to the nested browsing context's active
document. Similarly, in sequential focus navigation a browsing context
container essentially acts merely as a placeholder for its nested browsing
context's active document.
Each focusable area belongs to a control group. Each control group has an owner. Control group owners are control group owner objects. The following are control group owner objects:
object in browsing contexts.dialog
elements that have an open
attribute specified and that are being rendered.Each control group owner object owns one control group (though that group might be empty).
If the DOM anchor of a focusable area is a control group owner object, then that focusable area belongs to that control group owner object's control group. Otherwise, the focusable area belongs to its DOM anchor's nearest ancestor control group owner object.
Thus, a viewport always belongs to the control group of the Document
for which the viewport was created, an input
control belongs to the control
group of its nearest ancestor dialog
or Document
, and an image
map's shapes belong to the nearest ancestor dialog
or Document
of the
elements (not the area
elements — this means one
element might create multiple shapes in different control groups).
An element is expressly inert if it is inert but it is not a control group owner object and its nearest ancestor control group owner object is not inert.
One focusable area in each non-empty control group is designated the focused area of the control group. Which control is so designated changes over time, based on algorithms in this specification. If a control group is empty, it has no focused area.
Each control group owner object can also act as the manager of a dialog group.
Each dialog
element that has an open
attribute specified and that is being rendered (i.e. that is a control group
owner object) and is not expressly inert
belongs to the dialog group whose manager is
the dialog
element's nearest ancestor control group owner object.
A dialog
is expressly inert if it is
inert but its nearest ancestor control group owner object is not.
If no dialog
element has a particular control group owner object as
its nearest ancestor control group owner object, then that control group owner
object has no dialog group.
Each dialog group can have a dialog
designated as the focused
dialog of the dialog group. Which dialog
is so designated changes over time,
based on algorithms in this specification.
Focusable areas in control groups are ordered relative to the tree order of their DOM anchors. Focusable areas with the same DOM anchor in a control group are ordered relative to their CSS box's relative positions in a pre-order, depth-first traversal of the box tree. [CSS]
Elements in dialog groups are ordered in tree order.
The currently focused area of a top-level browsing context at any particular time is
the focusable area or dialog
returned by this algorithm:
Let candidate be the Document
of the top-level
browsing context.
If candidate has a dialog group with a designated focused dialog of the dialog group, then let candidate be the designated focused dialog of the dialog group, and redo this step.
Otherwise, if candidate has a non-empty control group, and the designated focused area of the control group is a browsing context container, then let candidate be the active document of that browsing context container's nested browsing context, and redo this step.
Otherwise, if candidate has a non-empty control group, let candidate be the designated focused area of the control group.
Return candidate.
An element that is the DOM anchor of a focusable area is said to gain focus when that focusable area becomes the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context. When an element is the DOM anchor of a focusable area of the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, it is focused.
The focus chain of a focusable area or control group owner object subject is the ordered list constructed as follows:
Let current object be subject.
Let output be an empty list.
Loop: Append current object to output.
If current object is an area
element's shape, append
that area
element to output.
Otherwise, if current object is a focusable area whose DOM anchor is an element that is not current object itself, append that DOM anchor element to output.
If current object is a dialog
object in a dialog group,
let current object be that dialog group's manager, and return to the step labeled loop.
Otherwise, if current object is a focusable area, let current object be that focusable area's control group's owner, and return to the step labeled loop.
Otherwise, if current object is a Document
in a nested browsing
context, let current object be its browsing context container,
and return to the step labeled loop.
Return output.
The chain starts with subject and (if subject is or can be the currently focused area of a top-level browsing
context) continues up the focus hierarchy up to the Document
of the
top-level browsing context.
attributeThe tabindex
content attribute allows authors to
indicate that an element is supposed to be focusable, and
whether it is supposed to be reachable using sequential focus navigation and, if so,
what is to be the relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation.
The name "tab index" comes from the common use of the "tab" key to navigate through the focusable
elements. The term "tabbing" refers to moving forward through the focusable elements that can be
reached using sequential focus navigation.
When the attribute is omitted, the user agent applies defaults. (There is no way to make an element that is being rendered be not focusable at all without disabling it or making it inert.)
The tabindex
attribute, if specified, must have a value
that is a valid integer. Positive numbers specify the relative position of the
element's focusable areas in the sequential focus
navigation order, and negative numbers indicate that the control is to be unreachable by
sequential focus navigation.
Each element can have a tabindex focus flag set, as defined below. This flag is a factor that contributes towards determining whether an element is a focusable area, as described in the previous section.
If the tabindex
attribute is specified on an element, it
must be parsed using the rules for parsing integers. The attribute's values, or lack
thereof, must be interpreted as follows:
The user agent should follow platform conventions to determine if the element's tabindex focus flag is set and, if so, whether the element and any focusable areas that have the element as their DOM anchor can be reached using sequential focus navigation, and if so, what their relative position in the sequential focus navigation order is to be.
Modulo platform conventions, it is suggested that for the following elements, the tabindex focus flag be set:
elements that have an href
elements that have an href
elements whose type
attribute are
not in the stateselect
attribute set, if that would
enable the user agent to allow the user to begin a drag operations for those elements without
the use of a pointing deviceth
elementsOne valid reason to ignore the platform conventions and always allow an element to be focused (by setting its tabindex focus flag) would be if the user's only mechanism for activating an element is through a keyboard action that triggers the focused element.
The user agent must set the element's tabindex focus flag, but should omit the element from the sequential focus navigation order.
One valid reason to ignore the requirement that sequential focus navigation not
allow the author to lead to the element would be if the user's only mechanism for moving the
focus is sequential focus navigation. For instance, a keyboard-only user would be unable to
click on a text field with a negative tabindex
, so that
user's user agent would be well justified in allowing the user to tab to the control
The user agent must set the element's tabindex focus flag, should allow the element and any focusable areas that have the element as their DOM anchor to be reached using sequential focus navigation, following platform conventions to determine the element's relative position in the sequential focus navigation order.
The user agent must set the element's tabindex focus flag, should allow the element and any focusable areas that have the element as their DOM anchor to be reached using sequential focus navigation, and should place the element — referenced as candidate below — and the aforementioned focusable areas in the sequential focus navigation order so that, relative to other focusable areas in the sequential focus navigation order, they are:
attribute has been omitted or whose value, when parsed,
returns an error,tabindex
attribute has a value equal to or less than zero,tabindex
attribute has a value greater than zero but less than
the value of the tabindex
attribute on candidate,tabindex
attribute has a value equal to the value of the tabindex
attribute on candidate but that is
earlier in the document in tree order than candidate,tabindex
attribute has a value equal to the value of the tabindex
attribute on candidate but that is
later in the document in tree order than candidate, andtabindex
attribute has a value greater than the value of the
attribute on candidate.An element that has its tabindex focus flag set but does not otherwise have an activation behaviour defined has an activation behaviour that does nothing.
This means that an element that is only focusable because of its tabindex
attribute will fire a click
event in response to a non-mouse activation (e.g. hitting the
"enter" key while the element is focused).
An element with the tabindex
attribute specified is
interactive content.
The tabIndex
IDL attribute must
reflect the value of the tabindex
attribute. Its default value is 0 for elements that are focusable and −1 for elements that
are not focusable.
The focusing steps for an object new focus target that is either a focusable area, or an element that is not a focusable area, or a browsing context, are as follows. They can optionally be run with a fallback target.
If new focus target is neither a dialog
element that has an
attribute specified and that is being
rendered (i.e. that is a control group owner object), nor a focusable
area, then run the first matching set of steps from the following list:
element with one or more
shapes that are focusable areasLet new focus target be the shape corresponding to the first
element in tree order that uses the image map to which the area
element belongs.
Let new focus target be the element's first scrollable region, according to a pre-order, depth-first traversal of the box tree. [CSS]
Let new focus target be the Document
's viewport.
Let new focus target be the browsing context's active document.
Let new focus target be the browsing context container's nested browsing context's active document.
If no fallback target was specified, abort the focusing steps.
Otherwise, let new focus target be the fallback target.
If new focus target is a control group owner object that is not a focusable area, but does have a dialog group, and that dialog group has a designated focused dialog, then let new focus target be the focused dialog of the dialog group, and redo this step.
Otherwise, if new focus target is a control group owner object that is not a focusable area, and its control group is not empty, then designate new focus target as the focused area of the control group, and redo this step.
Otherwise, if new focus target is a browsing context container, then let new focus target be the nested browsing context's active document, and redo this step.
A dialog
element can be both a control group owner
object and a focusable area, if it has both an open
attribute specified and a tabindex
attribute specified and is being
If new focus target is a focusable area and its DOM anchor is inert, then abort these steps.
If new focus target is the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, then abort these steps.
Let old chain be the focus chain of the currently focused area of the top-level browsing context in which new focus target finds itself.
Let new chain be the focus chain of new focus target.
Run the focus update steps with old chain, new chain, and new focus target respectively.
User agents must immediately run the focusing steps for a focusable area,
, or browsing context candidate whenever the
user attempts to move the focus to candidate.
The unfocusing steps for an object old focus target that is either a focusable area or an element that is not a focusable area are as follows:
If old focus target is inert, then abort these steps.
If old focus target is an area
element and one of its shapes is the
currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, or, if old focus
target is an element with one or more scrollable regions, and one of them is the
currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, then let old focus
target be that currently focused area of a top-level browsing context.
Let old chain be the focus chain of the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context.
If old focus target is not one of the entries in old chain, then abort these steps.
If old focus target is a dialog
in a dialog group, and
the dialog group manager has a non-empty control group, then let
new focus target be the designated focused area of that focus group.
Otherwise, if old focus target is a focusable area, then let new
focus target be the first focusable area of its control group
(if the control group owner is a Document
, this will always be a
Otherwise, let new focus target be null.
If new focus target is not null, then run the focusing steps for new focus target.
When the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context is somehow unfocused without another element being explicitly focused in its stead, the user agent must immediately run the unfocusing steps for that object.
The unfocusing steps do not always result in the focus changing, even when applied to the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context. For example, if the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context is a viewport, then it will usually keep its focus regardless until another focusable area is explicitly focused with the focusing steps.
When a focusable area is added to an empty control group, it must be designated the focused area of the control group.
When a dialog group is formed, if the dialog group manager has an empty
control group, the first non-inert dialog
in the dialog
group, if any, or else the first dialog
in the dialog group regardless of
inertness, must be designated the focused dialog of the dialog
Focus fixup rule one: When the designated focused area of a control group is removed from that control group in some way (e.g. it stops being a focusable area, it is removed from the DOM, it becomes expressly inert, etc), and the control group is still not empty: designate the first non-inert focused area in that control group to be the new focused area of the control group, if any; if they are all inert, then designate the first focused area in that control group to be the new focused area of the control group regardless of inertness. If such a removal instead results in the control group being empty, then there is simply no longer a focused area of the control group.
For example, this might happen because an element is removed from its
, or has a attribute added. It might
also happen to an input
element when the element gets disabled.
Focus fixup rule two: When a dialog group has no designed focused
dialog of the dialog group, and its dialog group manager's control
group changes from being non-empty to being empty, the first non-inert
in the dialog group, if any, or else the first dialog
the dialog group regardless of inertness, must be designated
the focused dialog of the dialog group.
Focus fixup rule three: When the designated focused dialog of a dialog group is removed from that dialog group in
some way (e.g. it stops being rendered, it loses its open
attribute, it becomes expressly inert, etc), and there is still a dialog group (because the
in question was not the last dialog
in that dialog group):
if the dialog group's manager's control
group is non-empty, let there be no designated focused dialog of the dialog group
any more; otherwise (in the case that the control group is empty), designate the first
non-inert dialog
in the dialog group to be the focused
dialog of the dialog group, or, if they are all inert, designate the first
in the dialog group to be the focused dialog of the dialog
group regardless of inertness.
When the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context was a focusable
area but stops being a focusable area, or when it was a dialog
in a
dialog group and stops being part of that dialog group, or when it
starts being inert, the user agent must run the following steps:
Let old focus target be whatever the currently focused area of the top-level browsing context was immediately before this algorithm became applicable (e.g. before the element was disabled, or the dialog was closed, or whatever caused this algorithm to run).
Let old chain be the focus chain of the currently focused area of the top-level browsing context at the same time.
Make sure that the changes implied by the focus fixup rules one, two, and three above are applied.
Let new focus target be the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context.
If old focus target and new focus target are the same, abort these steps.
Let new chain be the focus chain of new focus target.
Run the focus update steps with old chain, new chain, and new focus target respectively.
The focus update steps, given an old chain, a new chain, and a new focus target respectively, are as follows:
Unset the sequential focus navigation starting point.
If the last entry in old chain and the last entry in new chain are the same, pop the last entry from old chain and the last entry from new chain and redo this step.
For each entry entry in old chain, in order, run these substeps:
If entry is an input
element, and the change
event applies to the element, and the element does not have a
defined activation behaviour, and the user has changed the element's value or its list of selected files while the control was focused
without committing that change, then fire a simple event that bubbles named change
at the element.
If entry is an element, let blur event target be entry.
If entry is a Document
object, let blur
event target be that Document
object's Window
Otherwise, let blur event target be null.
If entry is the last entry in old chain, and
entry is an Element
, and the last entry in new
chain is also an Element
, then let related blur target
be the last entry in new chain. Otherwise, let related blur
target be null.
If blur event target is not null, fire a focus event
named blur
at blur event target, with
related blur target as the related target.
In some cases, e.g. if entry is an area
element's shape, a scrollable region, or a viewport, no event is fired.
Apply any relevant platform-specific conventions for focusing new focus target. (For example, some platforms select the contents of a text field when that field is focused.)
For each entry entry in new chain, in reverse order, run these substeps:
If entry is a dialog
element: Let entry be the designated focused dialog of its dialog group.
If entry is a focusable area: Designate entry as the focused area of the control group. If its control group's owner is also a dialog group manager, then let there be no designated focused dialog in that dialog group.
It is possible for entry to be both a dialog
element and a focusable area, in which case it is its own control group
If entry is an element, let focus event target be entry.
If entry is a Document
object, let focus
event target be that Document
object's Window
Otherwise, let focus event target be null.
If entry is the last entry in new chain, and
entry is an Element
, and the last entry in old
chain is also an Element
, then let related focus target
be the last entry in old chain. Otherwise, let related
focus target be null.
If focus event target is not null, fire a focus event
named focus
at focus event target, with
related focus target as the related target.
In some cases, e.g. if entry is an area
element's shape, a scrollable region, or a viewport, no event is fired.
When a user agent is required to fire a focus event named e at
an element t and with a given related target r, the user
agent must create a trusted FocusEvent
object, initialise it to have the given name e, to not bubble, to not be
cancelable, and to have the relatedTarget
attribute initialised to r, the view
attribute initialised to the Window
object of the Document
object of t, and the detail
attribute initialised to 0, and must then dispatch the newly created FocusEvent
at the specified target element t.
When a key event is to be routed in a top-level browsing context, the user agent must run the following steps:
Let target area be the currently focused area of the top-level browsing context.
If target area is a focusable area, let target
node be target area's DOM anchor. Otherwise, target area is a dialog
; let target node be
target area.
If target node is a Document
that has a body element, then let target node be the body
element of that Document
Otherwise, if target node is a Document
that has a
root element, then let target node be the root
element of that Document
If target node is not inert, fire the event at target node.
It is possible for the currently focused area of a top-level browsing
context to be inert, for example if a modal dialog is shown, and then that dialog
element is made inert. It is likely to be the result of a logic error in the
application, though.
If the event was not canceled, then let target area handle the key event. This might include running synthetic click activation steps for target node.
Each control group has a sequential focus navigation order, which orders some or all of the focusable areas in the control group relative to each other. The order in the sequential focus navigation order does not have to be related to the order in the control group itself. If a focusable area is omitted from the sequential focus navigation order of its control group, then it is unreachable via sequential focus navigation.
There can also be a sequential focus navigation starting point. It is initially unset. The user agent may set it when the user indicates that it should be moved.
For example, the user agent could set it to the position of the user's click if the user clicks on the document contents.
When the user requests that focus move from the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context to the next or previous focusable area (e.g. as the default action of pressing the tab key), or when the user requests that focus sequentially move to a top-level browsing context in the first place (e.g. from the browser's location bar), the user agent must use the following algorithm:
Let starting point be the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, if the user requested to move focus sequentially from there, or else the top-level browsing context itself, if the user instead requested to move focus from outside the top-level browsing context.
If there is a sequential focus navigation starting point defined and it is inside starting point, then let starting point be the sequential focus navigation starting point instead.
Let direction be forward if the user requested the next control, and backward if the user requested the previous control.
Typically, pressing tab requests the next control, and pressing shift+tab requests the previous control.
Loop: Let selection mechanism be sequential if the starting point is a browsing context or if starting point is in its control group's sequential focus navigation order.
Otherwise, starting point is not in its control group's sequential focus navigation order; let selection mechanism be DOM.
Let candidate be the result of running the sequential navigation search algorithm with starting point, direction, and selection mechanism as the arguments.
If candidate is not null, then run the focusing steps for candidate and abort these steps.
Otherwise, unset the sequential focus navigation starting point.
If starting point is the top-level browsing context, or a focusable area in the top-level browsing context, the user agent should transfer focus to its own controls appropriately (if any), honouring direction, and then abort these steps.
For example, if direction is backward, then the last focusable control before the browser's rendering area would be the control to focus.
If the user agent has no focusable controls — a kiosk-mode browser, for instance — then the user agent may instead restart these steps with the starting point being the top-level browsing context itself.
Otherwise, starting point is a focusable area in a nested browsing context. Let starting point be that nested browsing context's browsing context container, and return to the step labeled loop.
The sequential navigation search algorithm consists of the following steps. This algorithm takes three arguments: starting point, direction, and selection mechanism.
Pick the appropriate cell from the following table, and follow the instructions in that cell.
The appropriate cell is the one that is from the column whose header describes direction and from the first row whose header describes starting point and selection mechanism.
direction is forward | direction is backward | |
starting point is a browsing context | Let candidate be the first suitable sequentially focusable area in starting point's active document's primary control group, if any; or else null | Let candidate be the last suitable sequentially focusable area in starting point's active document's primary control group, if any; or else null |
selection mechanism is DOM | Let candidate be the first suitable sequentially focusable area in the home control group following starting point, if any; or else null | Let candidate be the last suitable sequentially focusable area in the home control group preceding starting point, if any; or else null |
selection mechanism is sequential | Let candidate be the first suitable sequentially focusable area in the home sequential focus navigation order following starting point, if any; or else null | Let candidate be the last suitable sequentially focusable area in the home sequential focus navigation order preceding starting point, if any; or else null |
A suitable sequentially focusable area is a focusable area whose DOM anchor is not inert and that is in its control group's sequential focus navigation order.
The primary control group of a control group owner object X is the control group of X if X has no dialog group or if its dialog group has no designated focused dialog of the dialog group, otherwise, it is the primary control group of X's dialog group's designated focused dialog of the dialog group.
The home control group is the control group to which starting point belongs.
The home sequential focus navigation order is the sequential focus navigation order to which starting point belongs.
The home sequential focus navigation order is the home control group's sequential focus navigation order, but is only used when the starting point is in that sequential focus navigation order (when it's not, selection mechanism will be DOM).
If candidate is a browsing context container, then let new candidate be the result of running the sequential navigation search algorithm with candidate's nested browsing context as the first argument, direction as the second, and sequential as the third.
If new candidate is null, then let starting point be candidate, and return to the top of this algorithm. Otherwise, let candidate be new candidate.
Return candidate.
Returns the deepest element in the document through which or to which key events are being routed. This is, roughly speaking, the focused element in the document.
For the purposes of this API, when a child browsing context is focused, its
browsing context container is focused in the
parent browsing context. For example, if the user moves the focus to a text field
in an iframe
, the iframe
is the element returned by the activeElement
API in the iframe
node document.
()Returns true if key events are being routed through or to the document; otherwise, returns false. Roughly speaking, this corresponds to the document, or a documented nested inside this one, being focused.
()Moves the focus to the window's browsing context, if any.
()Moves the focus to the element.
If the element is a browsing context container, moves the focus to the nested browsing context instead.
()Moves the focus to the viewport. Use of this method is discouraged; if you want to focus the
viewport, call the focus()
method on the Document
's root element.
Do not use this method to hide the focus ring. Do not use any other method that hides the focus ring from keyboard users, in particular do not use a CSS rule to override the 'outline' property. Removal of the focus ring leads to serious accessibility issues for users who navigate and interact with interactive content using the keyboard.
The activeElement
attribute on
objects must return the value returned by the following steps:
Let candidate be the Document
on which the method was
If candidate has a dialog group with a designated focused dialog of the dialog group, then let candidate be the designated focused dialog of the dialog group, and redo this step.
If candidate has a non-empty control group, let candidate be the designated focused area of the control group.
If candidate is a focusable area, let candidate be candidate's DOM anchor.
If candidate is a Document
that has a body element, then let candidate be the body
element of that Document
Otherwise, if candidate is a Document
that has a root
element, then let candidate be the root element of that
Otherwise, if candidate is a Document
, then let candidate be null.
Return candidate.
The hasFocus()
method on
objects must return the value returned by the following steps:
Let target be the Document
on which the method was
Let candidate be the Document
of the top-level
browsing context.
If candidate is target, return true and abort these steps.
If candidate has a dialog group with a designated focused dialog of the dialog group, then let candidate be the designated focused dialog of the dialog group, and redo this step.
Otherwise, if candidate has a non-empty control group, and the designated focused area of the control group is a browsing context container, and the active document of that browsing context container's nested browsing context is target, then return true and abort these steps.
Otherwise, if candidate has a non-empty control group, and the designated focused area of the control group is a browsing context container, then let candidate be the active document of that browsing context container's nested browsing context, and redo this step.
Otherwise, return false and abort these steps.
The focus()
method on the Window
object, when invoked, must run the focusing steps with the Window
object's browsing context. Additionally, if this browsing context is a
top-level browsing context, user agents are encouraged to trigger some sort of
notification to indicate to the user that the page is attempting to gain focus.
The blur()
method on the Window
object, when invoked, provides a hint to the user agent that the script believes the user probably
is not currently interested in the contents of the browsing context of the
object on which the method was invoked, but that the contents might become
interesting again in the future.
User agents are encouraged to ignore calls to this blur()
method entirely.
Historically, the focus()
and blur()
methods actually affected the system-level focus of the
system widget (e.g. tab or window) that contained the browsing context, but hostile
sites widely abuse this behaviour to the user's detriment.
The focus()
method on elements, when invoked, must
run the following algorithm:
If the element is marked as locked for focus, then abort these steps.
Mark the element as locked for focus.
Run the focusing steps for the element.
Unmark the element as locked for focus.
The blur()
method, when invoked, should run the
unfocusing steps for the element on which the method was called. User agents may
selectively or uniformly ignore calls to this method for usability reasons.
For example, if the blur()
method is unwisely
being used to remove the focus ring for aesthetics reasons, the page would become unusable by
keyboard users. Ignoring calls to this method would thus allow keyboard users to interact with the
This section is non-normative.
Each element that can be activated or focused can be assigned a single key combination to
activate it, using the accesskey
The exact shortcut is determined by the user agent, based on information about the user's
keyboard, what keyboard shortcuts already exist on the platform, and what other shortcuts have
been specified on the page, using the information provided in the accesskey
attribute as a guide.
In order to ensure that a relevant keyboard shortcut is available on a wide variety of input
devices, the author can provide a number of alternatives in the accesskey
Each alternative consists of a single character, such as a letter or digit.
User agents can provide users with a list of the keyboard shortcuts, but authors are encouraged
to do so also. The accessKeyLabel
IDL attribute returns a
string representing the actual key combination assigned by the user agent.
In this example, an author has provided a button that can be invoked using a shortcut key. To support full keyboards, the author has provided "C" as a possible key. To support devices equipped only with numeric keypads, the author has provided "1" as another possibly key.
<input type=button value=Collect onclick="collect()" accesskey="C 1" id=c>
To tell the user what the shortcut key is, the author has this script here opted to explicitly add the key combination to the button's label:
function addShortcutKeyLabel(button) { if (button.accessKeyLabel != '') button.value += ' (' + button.accessKeyLabel + ')'; } addShortcutKeyLabel(document.getElementById('c'));
Browsers on different platforms will show different labels, even for the same key combination, based on the convention prevalent on that platform. For example, if the key combination is the Control key, the Shift key, and the letter C, a Windows browser might display "Ctrl+Shift+C", whereas a Mac browser might display "^⇧C", while an Emacs browser might just display "C-C". Similarly, if the key combination is the Alt key and the Escape key, Windows might use "Alt+Esc", Mac might use "⌥⎋", and an Emacs browser might use "M-ESC" or "ESC ESC".
In general, therefore, it is unwise to attempt to parse the value returned from the accessKeyLabel
IDL attribute.
attributeAll HTML elements may have the accesskey
content attribute set. The accesskey
attribute's value is used
by the user agent as a guide for creating a keyboard shortcut that activates or focuses the
If specified, the value must be an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens that are case-sensitive, each of which must be exactly one Unicode code point in length.
In the following example, a variety of links are given with access keys so that keyboard users familiar with the site can more quickly navigate to the relevant pages:
<nav> <p> <a title="Consortium Activities" accesskey="A" href="/Consortium/activities">Activities</a> | <a title="Technical Reports and Recommendations" accesskey="T" href="/TR/">Technical Reports</a> | <a title="Alphabetical Site Index" accesskey="S" href="/Consortium/siteindex">Site Index</a> | <a title="About This Site" accesskey="B" href="/Consortium/">About Consortium</a> | <a title="Contact Consortium" accesskey="C" href="/Consortium/contact">Contact</a> </p> </nav>
In the following example, the search field is given two possible access keys, "s" and "0" (in that order). A user agent on a device with a full keyboard might pick Ctrl+Alt+S as the shortcut key, while a user agent on a small device with just a numeric keypad might pick just the plain unadorned key 0:
<form action="/search"> <label>Search: <input type="search" name="q" accesskey="s 0"></label> <input type="submit"> </form>
In the following example, a button has possible access keys described. A script then tries to update the button's label to advertise the key combination the user agent selected.
<input type=submit accesskey="N @ 1" value="Compose"> ... <script> function labelButton(button) { if (button.accessKeyLabel) button.value += ' (' + button.accessKeyLabel + ')'; } var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 1) { if (inputs[i].type == "submit") labelButton(inputs[i]); } </script>
On one user agent, the button's label might become "Compose (⌘N)". On another, it might become "Compose (Alt+⇧+1)". If the user agent doesn't assign a key, it will be just "Compose". The exact string depends on what the assigned access key is, and on how the user agent represents that key combination.
An element's assigned access key is a key combination derived from the element's
content attribute. Initially, an element must not
have an assigned access key.
Whenever an element's accesskey
attribute is set, changed,
or removed, the user agent must update the element's assigned access key by running
the following steps:
If the element has no accesskey
attribute, then skip
to the fallback step below.
Otherwise, split the attribute's value on spaces, and let keys be the resulting tokens.
For each value in keys in turn, in the order the tokens appeared in the attribute's value, run the following substeps:
If the value is not a string exactly one Unicode code point in length, then skip the remainder of these steps for this value.
If the value does not correspond to a key on the system's keyboard, then skip the remainder of these steps for this value.
If the user agent can find a mix of zero or more modifier keys that, combined with the
key that corresponds to the value given in the attribute, can be used as the access key, then
the user agent may assign that combination of keys as the element's assigned access
key and abort these steps.
Fallback: Optionally, the user agent may assign a key combination of its choosing as the element's assigned access key and then abort these steps.
If this step is reached, the element has no assigned access key.
Once a user agent has selected and assigned an access key for an element, the user agent should
not change the element's assigned access key unless the accesskey
content attribute is changed or the element is moved to
another Document
When the user presses the key combination corresponding to the assigned access key
for an element, if the element defines a command, the
command's facet is false (visible),
the command's Disabled State facet is also false
(enabled), the element is in a Document
that has an associated
browsing context, and neither the element nor any of its ancestors has a attribute specified, then the user agent must trigger the Action of the command.
User agents might expose elements that have
an accesskey
attribute in other ways as well, e.g. in a menu
displayed in response to a specific key combination.
The accessKey
IDL attribute must
reflect the accesskey
content attribute.
The accessKeyLabel
IDL attribute must return
a string that represents the element's assigned access key, if any. If the element
does not have one, then the IDL attribute must return the empty string.
content attribute[NoInterfaceObject] interface ElementContentEditable { attribute DOMString contentEditable; readonly attribute boolean isContentEditable; };
The contenteditable
content attribute is an
enumerated attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true
and false
. The empty string and the true
keyword map
to the true state. The false
keyword maps to the false state.
In addition, there is a third state, the inherit state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).
The true state indicates that the element is editable. The inherit state indicates that the element is editable if its parent is. The false state indicates that the element is not editable.
[ = value ]Returns "true
", "false
", or "inherit
", based on the state of the contenteditable
Can be set, to change that state.
Throws a SyntaxError
exception if the new value isn't one of those strings.
Returns true if the element is editable; otherwise, returns false.
The contentEditable
IDL attribute, on
getting, must return the string "true
" if the content attribute is set to
the true state, "false
" if the content attribute is set to the false state,
and "inherit
" otherwise. On setting, if the new value is an ASCII
case-insensitive match for the string "inherit
" then the content
attribute must be removed, if the new value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for
the string "true
" then the content attribute must be set to the string
", if the new value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for
the string "false
" then the content attribute must be set to the string
", and otherwise the attribute setter must throw a
The isContentEditable
IDL attribute, on
getting, must return true if the element is either an editing host or
editable, and false otherwise.
IDL attributeDocuments have a designMode
, which can be either enabled or
[ = value ]Returns "on
" if the document is editable, and "off
" if it isn't.
Can be set, to change the document's current state. This focuses the document and resets the selection in that document.
The designMode
IDL attribute on the
object takes two values, "on
" and "off
". On setting, the new value must be compared in an ASCII
case-insensitive manner to these two values; if it matches the "on
value, then designMode
must be enabled, and if it
matches the "off
" value, then designMode
must be disabled. Other values must be
On getting, if designMode
is enabled, the IDL
attribute must return the value "on
"; otherwise it is disabled, and the
attribute must return the value "off
The last state set must persist until the document is destroyed or the state is changed.
Initially, documents must have their designMode
When the designMode
changes from being disabled to
being enabled, the user agent must immediately reset the document's active range's
start and end boundary points to be at the start of the Document
and then run the
focusing steps for the root element of the Document
, if any.
Authors are encouraged to set the 'white-space' property on editing hosts and on markup that was originally created through these editing mechanisms to the value 'pre-wrap'. Default HTML whitespace handling is not well suited to WYSIWYG editing, and line wrapping will not work correctly in some corner cases if 'white-space' is left at its default value.
As an example of problems that occur if the default 'normal' value is used instead, consider the case of the user typing "yellow␣␣ball", with two spaces (here represented by "␣") between the words. With the editing rules in place for the default value of 'white-space' ('normal'), the resulting markup will either consist of "yellow ball" or "yellow ball"; i.e., there will be a non-breaking space between the two words in addition to the regular space. This is necessary because the 'normal' value for 'white-space' requires adjacent regular spaces to be collapsed together.
In the former case, "yellow⍽" might wrap to the next line ("⍽" being used here to represent a non-breaking space) even though "yellow" alone might fit at the end of the line; in the latter case, "⍽ball", if wrapped to the start of the line, would have visible indentation from the non-breaking space.
When 'white-space' is set to 'pre-wrap', however, the editing rules will instead simply put two regular spaces between the words, and should the two words be split at the end of a line, the spaces would be neatly removed from the rendering.
The definition of the terms active range, editing host, and
editable, the user interface requirements of elements that are editing hosts or editable, the
, and
methods, text selections, and the delete the selection algorithm are defined in the
HTML Editing APIs specification. [EDITING]
User agents can support the checking of spelling and grammar of editable text, either in form
controls (such as the value of textarea
elements), or in elements in an editing
host (e.g. using contenteditable
For each element, user agents must establish a default behaviour, either through defaults or through preferences expressed by the user. There are three possible default behaviours for each element:
The spellcheck
attribute is an enumerated
attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true
and false
. The empty string and the true
keyword map to the
true state. The false
keyword maps to the false state. In
addition, there is a third state, the default state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).
The true state indicates that the element is to have its spelling and
grammar checked. The default state indicates that the element is to act according to a
default behaviour, possibly based on the parent element's own spellcheck
state, as defined below. The false state
indicates that the element is not to be checked.
[ = value ]Returns true if the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked; otherwise, returns false.
Can be set, to override the default and set the spellcheck
content attribute.
()Forces the user agent to report spelling and grammar errors on the element (if checking is enabled), even if the user has never focused the element. (If the method is not invoked, user agents can hide errors in text that wasn't just entered by the user.)
The spellcheck
IDL attribute, on getting, must
return true if the element's spellcheck
content attribute is
in the true state, or if the element's spellcheck
content attribute is in the default state and the element's default behaviour is true-by-default, or if the element's spellcheck
content attribute is in the default state and the
element's default behaviour is inherit-by-default and the element's parent
element's spellcheck
IDL attribute would return true;
otherwise, if none of those conditions applies, then the attribute must instead return false.
The spellcheck
IDL attribute is not affected
by user preferences that override the spellcheck
attribute, and therefore might not reflect the actual spellchecking state.
On setting, if the new value is true, then the element's spellcheck
content attribute must be set to the literal string
", otherwise it must be set to the literal string "false
User agents must only consider the following pieces of text as checkable for the purposes of this feature:
elements whose type
attributes are in the Text, Search,
URL, or E-mail states and that are mutable (i.e. that do not have the readonly
attribute specified and that are not disabled).textarea
elements that do not
have a readonly
attribute and that are not disabled.Text
nodes that are children of editing
hosts or editable elements.For text that is part of a Text
node, the element with which the text is
associated is the element that is the immediate parent of the first character of the word,
sentence, or other piece of text. For text in attributes, it is the attribute's element. For the
values of input
and textarea
elements, it is the element itself.
To determine if a word, sentence, or other piece of text in an applicable element (as defined above) is to have spelling- and grammar-checking enabled, the UA must use the following algorithm:
content attribute, then: if that attribute is in the
true state, then checking is enabled; otherwise, if that attribute is in the false
state, then checking is disabled.spellcheck
content attribute that is not in the default
state, then: if the nearest such ancestor's spellcheck
content attribute is in the true state, then checking is enabled; otherwise, checking is
disabled.If the checking is enabled for a word/sentence/text, the user agent should indicate spelling
and grammar errors in that text. User agents should take into account the other semantics given in
the document when suggesting spelling and grammar corrections. User agents may use the language of
the element to determine what spelling and grammar rules to use, or may use the user's preferred
language settings. UAs should use input
element attributes such as pattern
to ensure that the resulting value is valid, where
If checking is disabled, the user agent should not indicate spelling or grammar errors for that text.
Even when checking is enabled, user agents may opt to not report spelling or grammar errors in
text that the user agent deems the user has no interest in having checked (e.g. text that was
already present when the page was loaded, or that the user did not type, or text in controls that
the user has not focused, or in parts of e-mail addresses that the user agent is not confident
were misspelt). The forceSpellCheck()
when invoked on an element, must override this behaviour, forcing the user agent to consider all
spelling and grammar errors in text in that element for which checking is enabled to be of
interest to the user.
The element with ID "a" in the following example would be the one used to determine if the word "Hello" is checked for spelling errors. In this example, it would not be.
<div contenteditable="true"> <span spellcheck="false" id="a">Hell</span><em>o!</em> </div>
The element with ID "b" in the following example would have checking enabled (the leading
space character in the attribute's value on the input
element causes the attribute
to be ignored, so the ancestor's value is used instead, regardless of the default).
<p spellcheck="true"> <label>Name: <input spellcheck=" false" id="b"></label> </p>
This specification does not define the user interface for spelling and grammar checkers. A user agent could offer on-demand checking, could perform continuous checking while the checking is enabled, or could use other interfaces.
This section defines an event-based drag-and-drop mechanism.
This specification does not define exactly what a drag-and-drop operation actually is.
On a visual medium with a pointing device, a drag operation could be the default action of a
event that is followed by a series of mousemove
events, and the drop could be triggered by the mouse
being released.
When using an input modality other than a pointing device, users would probably have to explicitly indicate their intention to perform a drag-and-drop operation, stating what they wish to drag and where they wish to drop it, respectively.
However it is implemented, drag-and-drop operations must have a starting point (e.g. where the mouse was clicked, or the start of the selection or element that was selected for the drag), may have any number of intermediate steps (elements that the mouse moves over during a drag, or elements that the user picks as possible drop points as he cycles through possibilities), and must either have an end point (the element above which the mouse button was released, or the element that was finally selected), or be canceled. The end point must be the last element selected as a possible drop point before the drop occurs (so if the operation is not canceled, there must be at least one element in the middle step).
This section is non-normative.
To make an element draggable is simple: give the element a draggable
attribute, and set an event listener for dragstart
that stores the data being dragged.
The event handler typically needs to check that it's not a text selection that is being
dragged, and then needs to store data into the DataTransfer
object and set the
allowed effects (copy, move, link, or some combination).
For example:
<p>What fruits do you like?</p> <ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)"> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-apple">Apples</li> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-orange">Oranges</li> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-pear">Pears</li> </ol> <script> var internalDNDType = 'text/x-example'; // set this to something specific to your site function dragStartHandler(event) { if (event.target instanceof HTMLLIElement) { // use the element's data-value="" attribute as the value to be moving: event.dataTransfer.setData(internalDNDType, event.target.dataset.value); event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; // only allow moves } else { event.preventDefault(); // don't allow selection to be dragged } } </script>
To accept a drop, the drop target has to have a dropzone
attribute and listen to the drop
The value of the dropzone
attribute specifies what kind of
data to accept (e.g. "string:text/plain
" to accept any text strings, or
" to accept a PNG image file) and what kind of feedback to
give (e.g. "move
" to indicate that the data will be moved).
Instead of using the dropzone
attribute, a drop
target can handle the dragenter
event (to report whether or
not the drop target is to accept the drop) and the dragover
event (to specify what feedback is to be shown to the user).
The drop
event allows the actual drop to be performed. This
event needs to be canceled, so that the dropEffect
attribute's value can be used by the source
(otherwise it's reset).
For example:
<p>Drop your favorite fruits below:</p> <ol dropzone="move string:text/x-example" ondrop="dropHandler(event)"> <!-- don't forget to change the "text/x-example" type to something specific to your site --> </ol> <script> var internalDNDType = 'text/x-example'; // set this to something specific to your site function dropHandler(event) { var li = document.createElement('li'); var data = event.dataTransfer.getData(internalDNDType); if (data == 'fruit-apple') { li.textContent = 'Apples'; } else if (data == 'fruit-orange') { li.textContent = 'Oranges'; } else if (data == 'fruit-pear') { li.textContent = 'Pears'; } else { li.textContent = 'Unknown Fruit'; } event.target.appendChild(li); } </script>
To remove the original element (the one that was dragged) from the display, the dragend
event can be used.
For our example here, that means updating the original markup to handle that event:
<p>What fruits do you like?</p> <ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)" ondragend="dragEndHandler(event)"> ...as before... </ol> <script> function dragStartHandler(event) { // ...as before... } function dragEndHandler(event) { if (event.dataTransfer.dropEffect == 'move') { // remove the dragged element event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target); } } </script>
The data that underlies a drag-and-drop operation, known as the drag data store, consists of the following information:
A drag data store item list, which is a list of items representing the dragged data, each consisting of the following information:
The kind of data:
Binary data with a file name.
A Unicode string giving the type or format of the data, generally given by a MIME type. Some values that are not MIME types are special-cased for legacy reasons. The API does not enforce the use of MIME types; other values can be used as well. In all cases, however, the values are all converted to ASCII lowercase by the API.
Strings that contain space characters
cannot be used with the dropzone
attribute, so authors are
encouraged to use only MIME types or custom strings (without
There is a limit of one Plain Unicode string item per item type string.
A Unicode or binary string, in some cases with a file name (itself a Unicode string), as per the drag data item kind.
The drag data store item list is ordered in the order that the items were added to the list; most recently added last.
The following information, used to generate the UI feedback during the drag:
A drag data store mode, which is one of the following:
For the dragstart
event. New data can be added to the
drag data store.
For the drop
event. The list of items representing dragged
data can be read, including the data. No new data can be added.
For all other events. The formats and kinds in the drag data store list of items representing dragged data can be enumerated, but the data itself is unavailable and no new data can be added.
A drag data store allowed effects state, which is a string.
When a drag data store is created, it
must be initialised such that its drag data store item list is empty, it has no
drag data store default feedback, it has no drag data store bitmap and
drag data store hot spot coordinate, its drag data store mode is protected mode, and its drag data store allowed effects
state is the string "uninitialized
objects are used to expose the drag data store that
underlies a drag-and-drop operation.
interface DataTransfer { attribute DOMString dropEffect; attribute DOMString effectAllowed; [SameObject] readonly attribute DataTransferItemList items; void setDragImage(Element image, long x, long y); /* old interface */ [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMString[] types; DOMString getData(DOMString format); void setData(DOMString format, DOMString data); void clearData(optional DOMString format); [SameObject] readonly attribute FileList files; };
[ = value ]Returns the kind of operation that is currently selected. If the kind of operation isn't one
of those that is allowed by the effectAllowed
attribute, then the operation will
Can be set, to change the selected operation.
[ = value ]Returns the kinds of operations that are to be allowed.
Can be set (during the dragstart
event), to change
the allowed operations.
The possible values are "none
", "copyLink
", "copyMove
", "link
", "linkMove
", "move
", "all
", and "uninitialized
Returns a DataTransferItemList
object, with the drag data.
(element, x, y)Uses the given element to update the drag feedback, replacing any previously specified feedback.
Returns an array listing the formats that were set in the dragstart
event. In addition, if any files are being dragged,
then one of the types will be the string "Files
(format)Returns the specified data. If there is no such data, returns the empty string.
(format, data)Adds the specified data.
( [ format ] )Removes the data of the specified formats. Removes all data if the argument is omitted.
Returns a FileList
of the files being dragged, if any.
objects are used during the drag-and-drop
events, and are only valid while those events are being fired.
A DataTransfer
object is associated with a drag data store while it
is valid.
The dropEffect
attribute controls
the drag-and-drop feedback that the user is given during a drag-and-drop operation. When the
object is created, the dropEffect
attribute is set to a string value. On
getting, it must return its current value. On setting, if the new value is one of "none
", "copy
", "link
", or "move
", then the attribute's current value must be
set to the new value. Other values must be ignored.
The effectAllowed
attribute is
used in the drag-and-drop processing model to initialise the dropEffect
attribute during the dragenter
and dragover
events. When the DataTransfer
object is
created, the effectAllowed
attribute is set
to a string value. On getting, it must return its current value. On setting, if drag data
store's mode is the read/write mode and the new value is one of "none
", "copy
", "copyLink
", "copyMove
", "link
", "linkMove
", "move
", "all
", or "uninitialized
", then the attribute's
current value must be set to the new value. Otherwise it must be left unchanged.
The items
attribute must return a
object associated with the DataTransfer
The setDragImage(element,
x, y)
method must run the following steps:
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
If the drag data store's mode is not the read/write mode, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
If the element argument is an img
element, then set the drag
data store bitmap to the element's image (at its intrinsic size); otherwise, set the
drag data store bitmap to an image generated from the given element (the exact
mechanism for doing so is not currently specified).
Set the drag data store hot spot coordinate to the given x, y coordinate.
The types
attribute must return a
live read only array giving the strings
that the following steps would produce.
Start with an empty list L.
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, the array is empty. Abort these steps; return the empty list L.
For each item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string, add an entry to the list L consisting of the item's type string.
If there are any items in the drag data store item list whose kind is File, then add an entry to the list
L consisting of the string "Files
". (This value can be
distinguished from the other values because it is not lowercase.)
The strings produced by these steps are those in the list L.
The getData(format)
must run the following steps:
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, return the empty string and abort these steps.
If the drag data store's mode is the protected mode, return the empty string and abort these steps.
Let format be the first argument, converted to ASCII lowercase.
Let convert-to-URL be false.
If format equals "text
", change it to "text/plain
If format equals "url
", change it to "text/uri-list
" and set convert-to-URL to true.
If there is no item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string and whose type string is equal to format, return the empty string and abort these steps.
Let result be the data of the item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string and whose type string is equal to format.
If convert-to-URL is true, then parse result as appropriate for
data, and then set result to the first URL from
the list, if any, or the empty string otherwise. [RFC2483]
Return result.
The setData(format,
method must run the following steps:
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
If the drag data store's mode is not the read/write mode, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
Let format be the first argument, converted to ASCII lowercase.
If format equals "text
", change it to "text/plain
If format equals "url
", change it to "text/uri-list
Remove the item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string and whose type string is equal to format, if there is one.
Add an item to the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string, whose type string is equal to format, and whose data is the string given by the method's second argument.
The clearData()
method must run the
following steps:
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
If the drag data store's mode is not the read/write mode, abort these steps. Nothing happens.
If the method was called with no arguments, remove each item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string, and abort these steps.
Let format be the first argument, converted to ASCII lowercase.
If format equals "text
", change it to "text/plain
If format equals "url
", change it to "text/uri-list
Remove the item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string and whose type string is equal to format, if there is one.
The clearData()
method does not
affect whether any files were included in the drag, so the types
attribute's list might still not be empty after
calling clearData()
(it would still contain the
" string if any files were included in the drag).
The files
attribute must return a
live FileList
sequence consisting of File
representing the files found by the following steps.
Furthermore, for a given FileList
object and a given underlying file, the same
object must be used each time.
Start with an empty list L.
If the DataTransfer
object is no longer associated with a drag data
store, the FileList
is empty. Abort these steps; return the empty list L.
If the drag data store's mode is the protected mode, abort these steps; return the empty list L.
For each item in the drag data store item list whose kind is File , add the item's data (the file, in particular its name and contents, as well as its type) to the list L.
The files found by these steps are those in the list L.
This version of the API does not expose the types of the files during the drag.
interfaceEach DataTransfer
object is associated with a DataTransferItemList
interface DataTransferItemList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter DataTransferItem (unsigned long index); DataTransferItem? add(DOMString data, DOMString type); DataTransferItem? add(File data); void remove(unsigned long index); void clear(); };
Returns the number of items in the drag data store.
Returns the DataTransferItem
object representing the indexth
entry in the drag data store.
(index)Removes the indexth entry in the drag data store.
()Removes all the entries in the drag data store.
(data, type)Adds a new entry for the given data to the drag data store. If the data is plain text then a type string has to be provided also.
While the DataTransferItemList
object's DataTransfer
object is
associated with a drag data store, the DataTransferItemList
mode is the same as the drag data store mode. When the
object's DataTransfer
object is not
associated with a drag data store, the DataTransferItemList
mode is the disabled mode. The drag data store referenced in this
section (which is used only when the DataTransferItemList
object is not in the
disabled mode) is the drag data store with which the
object's DataTransfer
object is associated.
The length
attribute must
return zero if the object is in the disabled mode; otherwise it must return the number of
items in the drag data store item list.
When a DataTransferItemList
object is not in the disabled mode, its
supported property indices are the numbers in the range
0 .. n-1,
where n is the number of items in the drag data store item
To determine the value of an indexed property
i of a DataTransferItemList
object, the user agent must return a
object representing the ith item in the
drag data store. The same object must be returned each time a particular item is
obtained from this DataTransferItemList
object. The DataTransferItem
object must be associated with the same DataTransfer
object as the
object when it is first created.
The add()
method must run the
following steps:
If the DataTransferItemList
object is not in the read/write mode, return null and abort these steps.
Jump to the appropriate set of steps from the following list:
If there is already an item in the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string and whose type string is equal to the value of the
method's second argument, converted to ASCII lowercase, then throw a
exception and abort these steps.
Otherwise, add an item to the drag data store item list whose kind is Plain Unicode string, whose type string is equal to the value of the method's second argument, converted to ASCII lowercase, and whose data is the string given by the method's first argument.
Add an item to the drag data store item list whose kind is File, whose type
string is the type
of the File
converted to ASCII lowercase, and whose data is the same as the
's data.
Determine the value of the indexed
property corresponding to the newly added item, and return that value (a newly created
The remove()
method, when
invoked with the argument i, must run these steps:
If the DataTransferItemList
object is not in the read/write mode, throw an InvalidStateError
exception and
abort these steps.
Remove the ith item from the drag data store.
The clear
method, if the
object is in the read/write mode,
must remove all the items from the drag data store. Otherwise, it must do
interfaceEach DataTransferItem
object is associated with a DataTransfer
interface DataTransferItem { readonly attribute DOMString kind; readonly attribute DOMString type; void getAsString(FunctionStringCallback? _callback); File? getAsFile(); }; callback FunctionStringCallback = void (DOMString data);
Returns the drag data item kind, one of: "string", "file".
Returns the drag data item type string.
(callback)Invokes the callback with the string data as the argument, if the drag data item kind is Plain Unicode string.
()Returns a File
object, if the drag data item kind is File.
While the DataTransferItem
object's DataTransfer
object is associated
with a drag data store and that drag data store's drag data store
item list still contains the item that the DataTransferItem
object represents,
the DataTransferItem
object's mode is the same as the drag data store
mode. When the DataTransferItem
object's DataTransfer
object is
not associated with a drag data store, or if the item that the
object represents has been removed from the relevant drag data
store item list, the DataTransferItem
object's mode is the disabled
mode. The drag data store referenced in this section (which is used only when the
object is not in the disabled mode) is the drag data
store with which the DataTransferItem
object's DataTransfer
object is associated.
The kind
attribute must return the
empty string if the DataTransferItem
object is in the disabled mode; otherwise
it must return the string given in the cell from the second column of the following table from the
row whose cell in the first column contains the drag data item kind of the item
represented by the DataTransferItem
Kind | String |
Plain Unicode string | "string "
File | "file "
The type
attribute must return the
empty string if the DataTransferItem
object is in the disabled mode; otherwise
it must return the drag data item type string of the item represented by the
The getAsString(callback)
method must run the following steps:
If the callback is null, abort these steps.
If the DataTransferItem
object is not in the read/write mode or the read-only mode,
abort these steps. The callback is never invoked.
If the drag data item kind is not Plain Unicode string, abort these steps. The callback is never invoked.
Otherwise, queue a task to invoke callback, passing the
actual data of the item represented by the DataTransferItem
object as the
The getAsFile()
method must run the following steps:
If the DataTransferItem
object is not in the read/write mode or the read-only mode,
return null and abort these steps.
If the drag data item kind is not File, then return null and abort these steps.
Return a new File
object representing the actual data of the item represented
by the DataTransferItem
interfaceThe drag-and-drop processing model involves several events. They all use the
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional DragEventInit eventInitDict)] interface DragEvent : MouseEvent { readonly attribute DataTransfer? dataTransfer; }; dictionary DragEventInit : MouseEventInit { DataTransfer? dataTransfer; };
Returns the DataTransfer
object for the event.
Although, for consistency with other event interfaces, the DragEvent
interface has a constructor, it is not particularly useful. In particular, there's no way to
create a useful DataTransfer
object from script, as DataTransfer
have a processing and security model that is coordinated by the browser during drag-and-drops.
The dataTransfer
attribute of the
interface must return the value it was initialised to. When the object is
created, this attribute must be initialised to null. It represents the context information for the
When a user agent is required to fire a DND event named e at an element, using a particular drag data store, and optionally with a specific related target, the user agent must run the following steps:
If no specific related target was provided, set related target to null.
Let window be the Window
object of the Document
object of the specified target element.
If e is dragstart
, set the drag
data store mode to the read/write mode.
If e is drop
, set the drag data store
mode to the read-only mode.
Let dataTransfer be a newly created DataTransfer
associated with the given drag data store.
Set the effectAllowed
attribute to the drag data
store's drag data store allowed effects state.
Set the dropEffect
attribute to "none
" if e is dragstart
, drag
, dragexit
, or dragleave
; to the value corresponding to the current
drag operation if e is drop
; and to a value based on the effectAllowed
attribute's value and the
drag-and-drop source, as given by the following table, otherwise (i.e. if e
is dragenter
or dragover
effectAllowed | dropEffect |
"none " | "none " |
"copy " | "copy " |
"copyLink " | "copy ", or, if appropriate, "link " |
"copyMove " | "copy ", or, if appropriate, "move " |
"all " | "copy ", or, if appropriate, either "link " or "move " |
"link " | "link " |
"linkMove " | "link ", or, if appropriate, "move " |
"move " | "move " |
"uninitialized " when what is being dragged is a selection from a text field | "move ", or, if appropriate, either "copy " or "link " |
"uninitialized " when what is being dragged is a selection | "copy ", or, if appropriate, either "link " or "move " |
"uninitialized " when what is being dragged is an a element with an href attribute | "link ", or, if appropriate, either "copy " or "move " |
Any other case | "copy ", or, if appropriate, either "link " or "move " |
Where the table above provides possibly appropriate alternatives, user agents may instead use the listed alternative values if platform conventions dictate that the user has requested those alternate effects.
For example, Windows platform conventions are such that dragging while
holding the "alt" key indicates a preference for linking the data, rather than moving or copying
it. Therefore, on a Windows system, if "link
" is an option according to
the table above while the "alt" key is depressed, the user agent could select that instead of
" or "move
Create a trusted DragEvent
and initialise it to have the given name e, to bubble, to be cancelable unless
e is dragexit
, dragleave
, or dragend
, and to have the view
attribute initialised to window, the detail
attribute initialised to zero, the mouse and key
attributes initialised according to the state of the input devices as they would be for user
interaction events, the relatedTarget
attribute initialised to related target, and the dataTransfer
attribute initialised to
dataTransfer, the DataTransfer
object created above.
If there is no relevant pointing device, the object must have its screenX
, screenY
, clientX
, clientY
, and button
attributes set to 0.
Dispatch the newly created
object at the specified target element.
Set the drag data store allowed effects state to the current value of
dataTransfer's effectAllowed
attribute. (It can only have changed value if e is dragstart
Set the drag data store mode back to the protected mode if it was changed in the first step.
Break the association between dataTransfer and the drag data store.
When the user attempts to begin a drag operation, the user agent must run the following steps. User agents must act as if these steps were run even if the drag actually started in another document or application and the user agent was not aware that the drag was occurring until it intersected with a document under the user agent's purview.
Determine what is being dragged, as follows:
If the drag operation was invoked on a selection, then it is the selection that is being dragged.
Otherwise, if the drag operation was invoked on a Document
, it is the first
element, going up the ancestor chain, starting at the node that the user tried to drag, that has
the IDL attribute draggable
set to true. If there is no such
element, then nothing is being dragged; abort these steps, the drag-and-drop operation is never
Otherwise, the drag operation was invoked outside the user agent's purview. What is being dragged is defined by the document or application where the drag was started.
elements and a
elements with an href
attribute have their draggable
attribute set to true by default.
Create a drag data store. All the DND events fired subsequently by the steps in this section must use this drag data store.
Establish which DOM node is the source node, as follows:
If it is a selection that is being dragged, then the source node is the
node that the user started the drag on (typically the Text
that the user originally clicked). If the user did not specify a particular node, for example if
the user just told the user agent to begin a drag of "the selection", then the source
node is the first Text
node containing a part of the selection.
Otherwise, if it is an element that is being dragged, then the source node is the element that is being dragged.
Otherwise, the source node is part of another document or application. When this specification requires that an event be dispatched at the source node in this case, the user agent must instead follow the platform-specific conventions relevant to that situation.
Multiple events are fired on the source node during the course of the drag-and-drop operation.
Determine the list of dragged nodes, as follows:
If it is a selection that is being dragged, then the list of dragged nodes contains, in tree order, every node that is partially or completely included in the selection (including all their ancestors).
Otherwise, the list of dragged nodes contains only the source node, if any.
If it is a selection that is being dragged, then add an item to the drag data store item list, with its properties set as follows:
"Otherwise, if any files are being dragged, then add one item per file to the drag data store item list, with their properties set as follows:
" otherwise.Dragging files can currently only happen from outside a browsing context, for example from a file system manager application.
If the drag initiated outside of the application, the user agent must add items to the drag data store item list as appropriate for the data being dragged, honoring platform conventions where appropriate; however, if the platform conventions do not use MIME types to label dragged data, the user agent must make a best-effort attempt to map the types to MIME types, and, in any case, all the drag data item type strings must be converted to ASCII lowercase.
User agents may also add one or more items representing the selection or dragged element(s) in other forms, e.g. as HTML.
If the list of dragged nodes is not empty, then extract the microdata from those nodes into a JSON form, and add one item to the drag data store item list, with its properties set as follows:
Run the following substeps:
Let urls be an empty list of absolute URLs.
For each node in the list of dragged nodes:
If urls is still empty, abort these substeps.
Let url string be the result of concatenating the strings in urls, in the order they were added, separated by a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED character pair (CRLF).
Add one item to the drag data store item list, with its properties set as follows:
Update the drag data store default feedback as appropriate for the user agent (if the user is dragging the selection, then the selection would likely be the basis for this feedback; if the user is dragging an element, then that element's rendering would be used; if the drag began outside the user agent, then the platform conventions for determining the drag feedback should be used).
Fire a DND event named dragstart
at the
source node.
If the event is canceled, then the drag-and-drop operation should not occur; abort these steps.
Since events with no event listeners registered are, almost by definition, never canceled, drag-and-drop is always available to the user if the author does not specifically prevent it.
Initiate the drag-and-drop operation in a manner consistent with platform conventions, and as described below.
The drag-and-drop feedback must be generated from the first of the following sources that is available:
From the moment that the user agent is to initiate the drag-and-drop operation, until the end of the drag-and-drop operation, device input events (e.g. mouse and keyboard events) must be suppressed.
During the drag operation, the element directly indicated by the user as the drop target is called the immediate user selection. (Only elements can be selected by the user; other nodes must not be made available as drop targets.) However, the immediate user selection is not necessarily the current target element, which is the element currently selected for the drop part of the drag-and-drop operation.
The immediate user selection changes as the user selects different elements (either by pointing at them with a pointing device, or by selecting them in some other way). The current target element changes when the immediate user selection changes, based on the results of event listeners in the document, as described below.
Both the current target element and the immediate user selection can be null, which means no target element is selected. They can also both be elements in other (DOM-based) documents, or other (non-Web) programs altogether. (For example, a user could drag text to a word-processor.) The current target element is initially null.
In addition, there is also a current drag operation, which can take on the values
", "copy
", "link
", and "move
". Initially, it has the value
". It is updated by the user agent
as described in the steps below.
User agents must, as soon as the drag operation is initiated and every 350ms (±200ms) thereafter for as long as the drag operation is ongoing, queue a task to perform the following steps in sequence:
If the user agent is still performing the previous iteration of the sequence (if any) when the next iteration becomes due, abort these steps for this iteration (effectively "skipping missed frames" of the drag-and-drop operation).
Fire a DND event named drag
at the
source node. If this event is canceled, the user agent must set the current
drag operation to "none
" (no
drag operation).
If the drag
event was not canceled and the user has not
ended the drag-and-drop operation, check the state of the drag-and-drop operation, as
If the user is indicating a different immediate user selection than during the
last iteration (or if this is the first iteration), and if this immediate user
selection is not the same as the current target element, then fire a
DND event named dragexit
at the current
target element, and then update the current target element as follows:
Set the current target element to null also.
Set the current target element to the immediate user selection.
Fire a DND event named dragenter
at the immediate user selection.
If the event is canceled, then set the current target element to the immediate user selection.
Otherwise, run the appropriate step from the following list:
, or an input
element whose type
attribute is in the Text state) or an editing host or
editable element, and the drag data store item list has an item
with the drag data item type string "text/plain
" and the
drag data item kind Plain Unicode stringSet the current target element to the immediate user selection anyway.
attribute that matches the drag data storeSet the current target element to the immediate user selection anyway.
attribute that matches the drag data storeLet new target be the nearest (deepest) such ancestor element.
If the immediate user selection is new target, then leave the current target element unchanged.
Otherwise, fire a DND event named dragenter
at new target, with the current
current target element as the specific related target. Then, set
the current target element to new target, regardless of whether
that event was canceled or not.
Leave the current target element unchanged.
Fire a DND event named dragenter
at the body element, if there is one, or at the Document
if not. Then, set the current target element to the body
element, regardless of whether that event was canceled or not.
If the previous step caused the current target element to change, and if the
previous target element was not null or a part of a non-DOM document, then fire a DND
event named dragleave
at the previous target
element, with the new current target element as the specific related
If the current target element is a DOM element, then fire a DND
event named dragover
at this current
target element.
If the dragover
event is not canceled, run the
appropriate step from the following list:
or an input
element whose type
is in the Text state) or an editing
host or editable element, and the drag data store item list
has an item with the drag data item type string "text/plain
" and
the drag data item kind Plain Unicode stringSet the current drag operation to either "copy
" or "move
", as appropriate given the platform
attribute that matches the drag data store and specifies an operationSet the current drag operation to the operation specified by the dropzone
attribute of the current target
attribute that matches the drag data store and does not
specify an operationSet the current drag operation to "copy
Reset the current drag operation to "none
Otherwise (if the dragover
event is
canceled), set the current drag operation based on the values of the effectAllowed
and dropEffect
attributes of the
object's dataTransfer
object as they stood after the event dispatch
finished, as per the following table:
effectAllowed | dropEffect | Drag operation |
"uninitialized ", "copy ", "copyLink ", "copyMove ", or "all " | "copy " | "copy " |
"uninitialized ", "link ", "copyLink ", "linkMove ", or "all " | "link " | "link " |
"uninitialized ", "move ", "copyMove ", "linkMove ", or "all " | "move " | "move " |
Any other case | "none " |
Otherwise, if the current target element is not a DOM element, use platform-specific mechanisms to determine what drag operation is being performed (none, copy, link, or move), and set the current drag operation accordingly.
Update the drag feedback (e.g. the mouse cursor) to match the current drag operation, as follows:
Drag operation | Feedback |
"copy " | Data will be copied if dropped here. |
"link " | Data will be linked if dropped here. |
"move " | Data will be moved if dropped here. |
"none " | No operation allowed, dropping here will cancel the drag-and-drop operation. |
Otherwise, if the user ended the drag-and-drop operation (e.g. by releasing the mouse button
in a mouse-driven drag-and-drop interface), or if the drag
event was canceled, then this will be the last iteration. Run the following steps, then stop the
drag-and-drop operation:
If the current drag operation is "none
" (no drag operation), or, if the user
ended the drag-and-drop operation by canceling it (e.g. by hitting the Escape key),
or if the current target element is null, then the drag operation failed. Run
these substeps:
Let dropped be false.
If the current target element is a DOM element, fire a DND
event named dragleave
at it; otherwise, if
it is not null, use platform-specific conventions for drag cancellation.
Set the current drag operation to "none
Otherwise, the drag operation might be a success; run these substeps:
Let dropped be true.
If the current target element is a DOM element, fire a DND
event named drop
at it; otherwise, use
platform-specific conventions for indicating a drop.
If the event is canceled, set the current drag operation to the value of the
attribute of the
object's dataTransfer
object as it stood after the event dispatch
Otherwise, the event is not canceled; perform the event's default action, which depends on the exact target as follows:
or an input
element whose type
is in the Text state) or an editing
host or editable element, and the drag data store item
list has an item with the drag data item type string
" and the drag data item kind Plain Unicode
stringInsert the actual data of the first item in the drag data store item
list to have a drag data item type
string of "text/plain
" and a drag
data item kind that is Plain Unicode string into the text field or
editing host or editable element in a manner consistent with
platform-specific conventions (e.g. inserting it at the current mouse cursor position, or
inserting it at the end of the field).
Reset the current drag operation to "none
Fire a DND event named dragend
at the
source node.
Run the appropriate steps from the following list as the default action of the dragend
", and the source of the
drag-and-drop operation is a selection in the DOM that is entirely contained within an
editing hostmove
", and the source of the
drag-and-drop operation is a selection in a text fieldThe user agent should delete the dragged selection from the relevant text field.
"The drag was canceled. If the platform conventions dictate that this be represented to the user (e.g. by animating the dragged selection going back to the source of the drag-and-drop operation), then do so.
The event has no default action.
For the purposes of this step, a text field is a textarea
element or an
element whose type
attribute is in
one of the
Password, or
User agents are encouraged to consider how to react to drags near the edge of scrollable regions. For example, if a user drags a link to the bottom of the viewport on a long page, it might make sense to scroll the page so that the user can drop the link lower on the page.
This model is independent of which Document
object the nodes involved
are from; the events are fired as described above and the rest of the processing model runs as
described above, irrespective of how many documents are involved in the operation.
This section is non-normative.
The following events are involved in the drag-and-drop model.
Event Name | Target | Cancelable? | Drag data store mode | dropEffect | Default Action |
dragstart | Source node | ✓ Cancelable | Read/write mode | "none " | Initiate the drag-and-drop operation |
drag | Source node | ✓ Cancelable | Protected mode | "none " | Continue the drag-and-drop operation |
dragenter | Immediate user selection or the body element | ✓ Cancelable | Protected mode | Based on effectAllowed value | Reject immediate user selection as potential target element |
dragexit | Previous target element | — | Protected mode | "none " | None |
dragleave | Previous target element | — | Protected mode | "none " | None |
dragover | Current target element | ✓ Cancelable | Protected mode | Based on effectAllowed value | Reset the current drag operation to "none" |
drop | Current target element | ✓ Cancelable | Read-only mode | Current drag operation | Varies |
dragend | Source node | — | Protected mode | Current drag operation | Varies |
Not shown in the above table: all these events bubble, and the effectAllowed
attribute always has the value it had
after the dragstart
event, defaulting to "uninitialized
" in the dragstart
attributeAll HTML elements may have the draggable
content attribute set. The draggable
attribute is an
enumerated attribute. It has three states. The first state is true and it has
the keyword true
. The second state is false and it has the keyword
. The third state is auto; it has no keywords but it is the
missing value default.
The true state means the element is draggable; the false state means that it is not. The auto state uses the default behaviour of the user agent.
An element with a draggable
attribute should also have a
attribute that names the element for the purpose of
non-visual interactions.
[ = value ]Returns true if the element is draggable; otherwise, returns false.
Can be set, to override the default and set the draggable
content attribute.
The draggable
IDL attribute, whose value depends
on the content attribute's in the way described below, controls whether or not the element is
draggable. Generally, only text selections are draggable, but elements whose draggable
IDL attribute is true become draggable as well.
If an element's draggable
content attribute has the state
true, the draggable
IDL attribute must return true.
Otherwise, if the element's draggable
content attribute has
the state false, the draggable
IDL attribute must return
Otherwise, the element's draggable
content attribute has
the state auto. If the element is an img
element, an object
element that represents an image, or an a
element with an href
content attribute, the draggable
IDL attribute must return true; otherwise, the draggable
IDL attribute must return false.
If the draggable
IDL attribute is set to the value false,
the draggable
content attribute must be set to the literal
value "false
". If the draggable
attribute is set to the value true, the draggable
attribute must be set to the literal value "true
attributeAll HTML elements may have the dropzone
attribute set. When specified, its value must be an unordered set of unique space-separated
tokens that are ASCII case-insensitive. The allowed values are the
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in a copy of the dragged data.
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in the dragged data being moved to the new location.
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in a link to the original data.
"Indicates that items with the drag data item kind Plain Unicode string and the drag data item type string set to a value that matches the remainder of the keyword are accepted.
"Indicates that items with the drag data item kind File and the drag data item type string set to a value that matches the remainder of the keyword are accepted.
The dropzone
content attribute's values must not have more
than one of the three feedback values (copy
, move
, and link
specified. If none are specified, the copy
value is
An element with a dropzone
attribute should also have a
attribute that names the element for the purpose of
non-visual interactions.
A dropzone
attribute matches a drag data store if the dropzone
processing steps result in a match.
A dropzone
attribute specifies an operation if the dropzone
processing steps result in a specified operation. The
specified operation is as given by those steps.
The dropzone
processing steps are as follows.
They either result in a match or not, and separate from this result either in a specified
operation or not, as defined below.
Let value be the value of the dropzone
Let keywords be the result of splitting value on spaces.
Let matched be false.
Let operation be unspecified.
For each value in keywords, if any, in the order that they were found in value, run the following steps.
Let keyword be the keyword.
If keyword is one of "copy
", or "link
", then: run the following substeps:
If operation is still unspecified, then let operation be the string given by keyword.
Skip to the step labeled end of keyword below.
If keyword does not contain a U+003A COLON character (:), or if the first such character in keyword is either the first character or the last character in the string, then skip to the step labeled end of keyword below.
Let kind code be the substring of keyword from the first character in the string to the last character in the string that is before the first U+003A COLON character (:) in the string, converted to ASCII lowercase.
Jump to the appropriate step from the list below, based on the value of kind code:
"Let kind be Plain Unicode string.
"Let kind be File.
Skip to the step labeled end of keyword below.
Let type be the substring of keyword from the first character after the first U+003A COLON character (:) in the string, to the last character in the string, converted to ASCII lowercase.
If there exist any items in the drag data store item list whose drag data item kind is the kind given in kind and whose drag data item type string is type, then let matched be true.
End of keyword: Go on to the next keyword, if any, or the next step in the overall algorithm, if there are no more.
The algorithm results in a match if matched is true, and does not otherwise.
The algorithm results in a specified operation if operation is not unspecified. The specified operation, if one is specified, is the one given by operation.
The dropzone
IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name.
In this example, a div
element is made into a drop target for image files using
the dropzone
attribute. Images dropped into the target are
then displayed.
<div dropzone="copy file:image/png file:image/gif file:image/jpeg" ondrop="receive(event, this)"> <p>Drop an image here to have it displayed.</p> </div> <script> function receive(event, element) { var data = event.dataTransfer.items; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) { if ((data[i].kind == 'file') && (data[i].type.match('^image/'))) { var img = new Image(); img.src = window.createObjectURL(data[i].getAsFile()); element.appendChild(img); } } } </script>
User agents must not make the data added to the DataTransfer
object during the
event available to scripts until the drop
event, because otherwise, if a user were to drag sensitive
information from one document to a second document, crossing a hostile third document in the
process, the hostile document could intercept the data.
For the same reason, user agents must consider a drop to be successful only if the user
specifically ended the drag operation — if any scripts end the drag operation, it must be
considered unsuccessful (canceled) and the drop
event must not be
User agents should take care to not start drag-and-drop operations in response to script actions. For example, in a mouse-and-window environment, if a script moves a window while the user has his mouse button depressed, the UA would not consider that to start a drag. This is important because otherwise UAs could cause data to be dragged from sensitive sources and dropped into hostile documents without the user's consent.
User agents should filter potentially active (scripted) content (e.g. HTML) when it is dragged and when it is dropped, using a whitelist of known-safe features. Similarly, relative URLs should be turned into absolute URLs to avoid references changing in unexpected ways. This specification does not specify how this is performed.
Consider a hostile page providing some content and getting the user to select and drag and
drop (or indeed, copy and paste) that content to a victim page's contenteditable
region. If the browser does not ensure that
only safe content is dragged, potentially unsafe content such as scripts and event handlers in
the selection, once dropped (or pasted) into the victim site, get the privileges of the victim
site. This would thus enable a cross-site scripting attack.