CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

W3C Working Draft, 29 November 2011

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Tab Atkins Jr., Google Inc.
Alex Mogilevsky, Microsoft Corporation, alexmog@microsoft.com
L. David Baron, Mozilla Corporation, dbaron@dbaron.org
Authors and former editors:
Neil Deakin, Mozilla Corporation, enndeakin@gmail.com
Ian Hickson, formerly of Opera Software, ian@hixie.ch
David Hyatt, formerly of Netscape Corporation, hyatt@apple.com


The specification describes a CSS box model optimized for user interface design. In flexbox layout model, the children of a box are laid out either horizontally or vertically, and unused space can be assigned to a particular child or distributed among the children by assignment of "flex" to the children that should expand. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

The (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text “css3-flexbox” in the subject, preferably like this: “[css3-flexbox] …summary of comment…

This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity).

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

CSS 2.1 defined four layout modes — algorithms which determine the size and position of boxes based on their relationships with their sibling and ancestor boxes: block layout, designed for laying out documents and simple applications; inline layout, designed for laying out text; table layout, designed for laying out information in a tabular format; and positioned layout, designed for very explicit positioning without much regard for other elements in the document. This module introduces a new layout mode, flexbox layout, which is designed for laying out more complex applications and webpages.

Flexbox layout is superficially similar to block layout. It lacks many of the more complex text or document-formatting properties that can be used in block layout, such as ‘float’ and ‘columns’, but in return it gains more simple and powerful tools for aligning its contents in ways that webapps and complex web pages often need.

The contents of a flexbox can be laid out in any direction, can have their order swapped around dynamically, and can "flex" their sizes and positions to respond to the available space. If a flexbox is multi-line, the flexbox items flow in two dimensions, wrapping into separate lines in a fashion similar to how text is wrapped into multiple lines. The direction that these lines are stacked in can also be controlled explicitly, relative either to the current writing mode (logical directions) or explicit physical directions.

2. The Flexbox Box Model

An element with ‘display:flexbox’ or ‘display:inline-flexbox’ is a flexbox. Block-level children of a flexbox, and some other types of children, are called flexbox items and are laid out using the flexbox box model. (See the Flexbox Items chapter, below, for specifics on which children are flexbox items directly and which children are instead wrapped in anonymous boxes which are then flexbox items)

The flexbox layout algorithm is agnostic as to the physical direction the flexbox happens to be laid out in, so we will define several direction-agnostic terms here to make the rest of the spec easier to read and understand. The main axis of a flexbox is the axis on which flexbox items are laid out along. The flexbox items are ordered such that they start on the main-start side of the flexbox, and go toward the main-end side. A flexbox item's width or height, whichever is in the main axis, is the item's main size. The flexbox item'swidth’ or ‘height’ property, specifically, that is in the main axis is the item's main size property. These terms are mapped to physical directions based on the first keyword in the ‘flex-flow’ property.

The axis perpendicular to the main axis is called the cross axis, and similarly has cross-start and cross-end directions and sides defined. The width or height of a flexbox item, whichever is in the cross axis, is the item's cross size, and similarly the actual ‘width’ or ‘height’ property, whichever is in the cross axis, is the item's cross size property. These terms are mapped to physical directions based on the orientation of the main axis and the second keyword in the ‘flex-flow’ property.

The contents of a flexbox can be easily and powerfully manipulated with a handful of properties. Most significantly, flexbox items can "flex" their main size by using the ‘flex()’ function in the ‘width’ or ‘height’ property. This "flexing" allows the items to get bigger or smaller based on the available space in the page. If there is leftover space in the flexbox after all of the flexbox items have finished flexing, the items can be aligned, centered, or distributed with the ‘flex-pack’ property. Flexbox items can also be completely rearranged within the flexbox with the ‘flex-order’ property.

In the cross axis, flexbox items can either "flex" to fill the available space or be aligned within the space with the ‘flex-align’ property. If a flexbox is multi-line, new lines are added in the cross-end direction, and can similarly be aligned, centered, or distributed within the flexbox with the ‘flex-line-pack’ property.

Similar to other layout modes such as table layout, a flexbox acts like a block when placed into elements using other layout modes. Inline flexboxes act like inline-blocks.

For example, the following HTML snippet declares a flexbox with a few children. The flexbox is horizontal, and the children's widths don't fill the flexbox's width, so the additional space is distributed between the children. The flexbox's height isn't explicitly specified, so it shrinks to the height of its tallest child and centers the other children within it:

<p style="width: 500px; padding: 5px; display: flexbox; flex-pack: distribute; flex-align: center;">
	<button style="width: 200px;">Child 1<br>Another Line</button>
	<button style="width: 100px;">Child 2</button>
	<button style="width: 100px;">Child 3</button>

This will render approximately like the following:

2.1. New values for ‘display’ property

Name: display
New value: flexbox | inline-flexbox

You can declare that an element is a flexbox, and thus should use flexbox layout for its contents, by setting the ‘display’ property on the element to the value ‘flexbox’ or ‘inline-flexbox’.

The ‘flexbox’ value makes the flexbox act like a block in other layout modes. The ‘inline-flexbox’ value makes the flexbox act like an inline-block in other layout modes.

Flexboxes use a new layout algorithm, and so some properties that were designed with the assumption of block layout don't make sense in a flexbox context. In particular:

A flexbox creates a new flexbox formatting context for its contents. This is similar to a block formatting context: floats must not intrude into the flexbox, and the flexbox's margins do not collapse with the margins of its contents. Additionally, all of the flexbox items establish new block formatting contexts for their contents.

Figure out the right terms to use here.

2.2. Flexbox Items

Flexbox layout algorithm operates on flexbox items, which are boxes that satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Immediate block-level children of flexbox
  2. Atomic inline-level children of flexbox
  3. Contiguous run of non-replaced inline children, wrapped into an anonymous block

Examples of flexbox items:

<div style="display:flexbox">

    <!-- flexbox item: block-level child -->
    <div id="item1">block</div>

    <!-- not a flexbox item, because it's out-of-flow -->
    <div id="not-an-item1.5" style="position: absolute;">block</div>
    <!-- flexbox item: block-level child -->
    <div id="item2" style="display:table">table</div>
    <!-- flexbox item: anonymous table wrapped around table-cell -->
    <div id="item3" style="display:table-cell">table-cell</div> 

    <!-- flexbox item: anonymous block around inline content -->
    anonymous item 4

    <!-- flexbox item: block-level child -->
    <div id="item5">block</div>

    <!-- flexbox item: anonymous block around inline content -->
    anonymous item 6.1
    <span id="item6.1">
        text 6.2
        <div id="not-an-item6.3">block</div>
        text 6.4

    <!-- flexbox item: block-level replaced element -->
    <iframe id="item7">

    <!-- flexbox item: inline-level replaced element -->
    <img id="item7" style="display:inline">

    <!-- flexbox item: inline-level replaced element -->
    <button id="item8">button</button>

    <!-- flexbox item: inline-table -->
    <div id="item9" style="display:inline-table">table</div>

Notice that block element "not-an-item6.3" is not a separate flexbox item, because it is contained inside an inline element which is being wrapped into an anonymous flex item. Similarly, the block element "not-an-item1.5" is not a flexbox item, because it's absolutely positioned and thus out of flow.

Similar to table cells, flexbox items respond specially to the ‘collapse’ value of the ‘visibility’ property. When a flexbox item is set to ‘visibility: collapse;’, the item does not generate a box at all (identical to setting ‘display: none;’).

2.2.1. Positioning Absolutely Positioned Flexbox Items

Absolutely positioned children of a flexbox are not flexbox items, but their "static position" (their position when the ‘top’/‘right’/‘bottom’/‘left’ properties are ‘auto’) responds somewhat to the flexbox's various properties. The element's static position in the flexbox's cross axis is on the cross-start edge of the flexbox's content box. The static position in the flexbox's main axis is slightly more complex to compute:

First, find the element's hypothetical neighbors by assuming that the element is a normal flexbox item with ‘flex-order:0’, and reorder the flexbox's contents as mandated by ‘flex-order’. The flexbox items immediately preceding and following the element in the flexbox's direction (if any) are the element's hypothetical neighbors.

If the element has two neighbors, its static position in the main axis is exactly in the center of the packing space between them when the flexbox is actually laid out. If the element has only a preceding neighbor, its static position in the main axis is flush with the main-end edge of the margin box of the neighbor. If the element has only a following neighbor, its static position in the main axis is flush with the main-start edge of the margin box of the neighbor. Finally, if the element has no neighbors (the flexbox has no in-flow children at all), the static position in the main axis is based on the value of ‘flex-pack’: if the value is ‘start’ or ‘distribute’, it's flush with the main-start edge of the flexbox's content box; if the value is ‘end’, it's flush with the main-end edge of the flexbox's content box; if the value is ‘center’, it's centered within the flexbox's content box.

3. Ordering and Orientation

The first level of flexbox functionality is the ability to lay out a flexbox's contents in any direction and in any order. This allows an author to trivially achieve effects that would previously have required complex or fragile methods, such as using the ‘float’ property to lay out a horizontal navigation bar (which then requires further effort with the ‘clear’ property or others to make the elements interact nicely with the rest of the page). This functionality is exposed through the ‘flex-flow’ and ‘flex-order’ properties.

3.1. Flexbox Flow Direction: the ‘flex-flow’ property

Name: flex-flow
Values: [ row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse ] [ wrap | wrap-reverse ]?
Initial: row
Applies To: flexboxes
Inherited: no
Computed Value: specified value
Media: visual

The ‘flex-flow’ property specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox. The value consists of one or two keywords: the first sets the orientation and direction of the flexbox's main axis, which affects the direction that flexbox items are laid out in, and the meaning of the ‘flex-pack’ properties; the second, if specified, marks the flexbox as being multiline and sets the direction of the cross axis, which affects the direction new lines are stacked in, and the meaning of the ‘flex-align’ and ‘flex-line-pack’ properties.

The flexbox's main axis has the same orientation as the inline axis of the current writing mode (the direction that text is laid out in). The main-start and main-end directions are equivalent to the "start" and "end" directions, respectively, of the current writing mode.
Same as row, except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped.
The flexbox's main axis has the same orientation as the block axis of the current writing mode (the direction that blocks are laid out in). The main-start and main-end directions are equivalent to the "before" and "after" directions, respectively, of the current writing mode.
Same as column, except the main-start and main-end directions are swapped.
The flexbox is multi-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the "start" or "before" direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start.
Same as wrap, except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped.

If the second keyword is omitted, the flexbox is single-line, and the cross-start and cross-end directions are set as described above for the ‘wrap’ keyword.

Some examples of valid flows:

div { flex-flow: row; }                 /* Initial value. Main axis is inline,
                                           no wrap. */
div { flex-flow: column wrap; }         /* Main axis is block-direction and lines
                                           wrap in the inline direction.  For an 
                                           English page, the main axis is top-to-bottom
                                           and lines wrap to the right. */
div { writing-mode: tb-rl;              /* Main axis is block direction (right to left).
      flex-flow: column wrap-reverse; } /* New lines wrap upwards. */

Is there a good, shorter way to refer to the reversed physical directions than the 8-character "-reverse" suffix?

3.2. Display Order: the ‘flex-order’ property

Flexbox items are, by default, displayed and laid out in the same order as they appear in the source document. The ‘flex-order’ property may be used to change this ordering.

Name: flex-order
Value: <number>
Initial: 0
Applies to: flexbox items
Inherited: no
Computed value: specified value
Media: visual

The ‘flex-order’ property assigns flexbox items to ordinal groups.

Ordinal groups control the order in which flexbox items appear. A flexbox will lay out its content starting from the lowest numbered ordinal group and going up. Items with the same ordinal group are laid out in the order they appear in the source document.

This example shows how ordinal groups might be used.

div { display: flexbox; }
#item1, #item3 { flex-order: 1; }
#item4 { flex-order: 0; }

	<button id="item1">One</button>
	<button id="item2">Two</button>
	<button id="item3">Three</button>
	<button id="item4">Four</button>

Items 2 and 4 are both in ordinal group 0 (item 2 defaults to ‘0’ because it doesn't specify one explicitly). This is the lowest ordinal group, so they'll be displayed first, and in document order, with Item 2 displayed before Item 4. The remaining items are both in ordinal group 1, so the resulting display order will be:

Add a realistic example of tab reordering.

Add an example of reordering columns in a page.

4. Flexibility

The defining aspect of flexbox layout is the ability to make the flexbox items "flex", altering their width or height to fill the available space. This is done by declaring a flexible length with the ‘flex()’ function, defined below.

4.1. The ‘flex()’ function

The ‘flex()’ function is used to specify the parameters of a flexible length: the positive and negative flexibility, and the preferred size. The syntax of the ‘flex()’ function is:

flex( [ <pos-flex> <neg-flex>? ]? || <preferred-size>? )

<pos-flex> and <neg-flex> are non-negative <numbers>s, while <preferred-size> is any value (other than another ‘flex()’ function) that would be valid in the ‘width’ or ‘height’ property in which the function is used, except that zero lengths must not omit their unit.

The <pos-flex> component sets the length's positive flexibility; if omitted, the positive flexibility defaults to ‘1’. The <neg-flex> component sets the length's negative flexibility; if omitted, it defaults to ‘0’. The <preferred-size> component sets the length's preferred size; if omitted, it defaults to ‘0px’.


4.2. Resolving Flexible Lengths

Note: This section is non-normative.

Flexible lengths are resolved into normal, inflexible lengths by figuring out how large all of the flexible lengths in the flexbox want to be, then either growing or shrinking that preferred size so that the flexbox items exactly fill the flexbox, neither overflowing nor leaving extra unfilled space.

Flexible lengths are resolved into normal inflexible lengths based on their preferred size, their flexibility, and the amount of free space in the flexbox. The exact algorithm is described in a later section of this spec, but in general, it works like this:

  1. First, set all the flexible lengths to their preferred size.
  2. Then, lay out the flexbox, and see if there is free space left, or if the flexbox is overflowing.
  3. If there's free space, distribute it among the flexible lengths in proportion to their positive flexibility. If the flexbox is overflowing, shrink the flexible lengths in proportion to their negative flexibility.
  4. If there's free space and any flexible lengths are violating a max width or height constraint, change them into the largest inflexible length that doesn't violate their constraint and return to step 2. If the flexbox is overflowing and any flexible lengths are violating a min width or height constraint, change them into the smallest inflexible length that doesn't violate their constraint and return to step 2.
  5. If there's free space and any flexible lengths are violating a min width or height constraint, change them into the smallest inflexible length that doesn't violate their constraint and return to step 2. If the flexbox is overflowing and any flexible lengths are violating a max width or height constraint, change them into the largest inflexible length that doesn't violate their constraint and return to step 2.

This is too much detail for a non-normative section. This is living here only until I flesh out the layout algorithm section. Then this can return to being a fairly simple explanation of what goes on.

If a flexible length is used in a context where it is not allowed (for example, on the ‘width’ property of an element that is not a flexbox item), it represents its preferred size. Authors must not use flexible lengths in contexts where they are not allowed.


5. Alignment

After a flexbox's contents have finished their flexing, they can be aligned in both the main axis with ‘flex-pack’ and the cross axis with ‘flex-align’. These properties make many common types of alignment trivial, including some things that were very difficult in CSS 2.1, like horizontal and vertical centering.

5.1. Main Axis Alignment: the ‘flex-pack’ property

Name: flex-pack
Value: start | end | center | justify
Initial: start
Applies to: flexboxes
Inherited: no
Computed Value: specified value
Media: visual

The ‘flex-pack’ property aligns flexbox items in the main axis of the current line of the flexbox. This is done after any flexible lengths have been resolved. Typically it helps distribute extra free space leftover when either all the flexbox items on a line are inflexible, or are flexible but have reach their maximum size, but it also exerts some control over the alignment of items when they overflow the line.

Flexbox items are packed toward the start of the line. The main-start margin edge of the first flexbox item on the line is placed flush with the main-start edge of the line, and each subsequent flexbox item is placed flush with the preceding item.
Flexbox items are packed toward the end of the line. The main-end margin edge of the last flexbox item is placed flush with the main-end edge of the line, and each preceding flexbox item is placed flush with the subsequent item.
Flexbox items are packed toward the center of the line. The flexbox items on the line are placed flush with each other and aligned in the center of the line, with equal amounts of empty space between the main-start edge of the line and the first item on the line and between the main-end edge of the line and the last item on the line. (If the leftover free-space is negative, the flexbox items will overflow equally in both directions.)
Flexbox items are evenly distributed in the line. If the leftover free-space is negative or there is only a single flexbox item on the line, this value is identical to ‘start’. Otherwise, the main-start margin edge of the first flexbox item on the line is placed flush with the main-start edge of the line, the main-end margin edge of the last flexbox item on the line is placed flush with the main-end edge of the line, and the remaining flexbox items on the line are distributed so that the empty space between any two adjacent items is the same.

TODO: Examples showing the four values.

A previous revision of this spec allowed margins to flex directly, which allowed an effect similar to ‘flex-pack’. In particular, it allowed an author to, for example, split a flexbox in half, with some of the items pushed toward the start and the rest pushed toward the end, by flexing exactly one margin. This sort of effect is no longer possible without either using the ::before or ::after pseudoelements or adding additional elements to the document, to act as an empty item that can then flex. It's expected that we will develop something in the future to make this easier, such as a more general pseudoelement or perhaps the ability to explicitly control individual spaces between flexbox items.

5.2. Cross Axis Alignment: the ‘flex-align’ property

Name: flex-align
Value: start | end | center | baseline | stretch
Initial: stretch
Applies to: flexbox items
Inherited: no
Computed Value: specified value
Media: visual

The ‘flex-align’ property aligns flexbox items in the cross axis of the current line of the flexbox, similar to ‘flex-pack’ but in the perpendicular axis. Note that ‘flex-align’ applies to individual flexbox items, while ‘flex-pack’ applies to the flexbox itself.

The cross-start margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line.
The cross-end margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line.
The flexbox item's margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line.

If the flexbox item's inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to ‘start’.

Otherwise, all flexbox items on the line with ‘flex-align:baseline’ that don't run afoul of the previous paragraph are aligned such that their baselines align, and the item with the largest distance between its baseline and its cross-start margin edge is placed flush against the cross-start edge of the line.


If the cross size property of the flexbox item is anything other than ‘auto’, this value is identical to ‘start’.

Otherwise, this value causes the cross size property of the flexbox item to resolve to the length necessary to make the cross size of the item's margin box the same size as the line.

By using a vertical flexbox and ‘flex-align’, we can emulate the functionality of HTML's <center> element:

	<div>foo foo foo foo</div>
	<div>bar bar<br>bar bar</div>
	<div>foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo</div>
	div {
		display: flexbox;
		flex-flow: column;
		width: 200px;
	div > div {
		flex-align: center;

More examples for the other alignment values!

The precise effects of this property are articulated in the Layout Algorithm section.

6. Multi-line Flexbox

A flexbox can be either single-line or multi-line, depending on the ‘flex-flow’ property. A single-line flexbox lays out all of its children in a single line, even if that would cause the flexbox to overflow its bounds. A multi-line flexbox breaks its flexbox items across multiple lines to avoid overflowing, similar to how text is broken onto a new line when it gets too wide to fit on the existing line. Every line contains at least one flexbox item, unless the flexbox itself is completely empty.

When additional lines are created, they are stacked in the flexbox in the cross axis. Each line is completely independent; flexible lengths and the ‘flex-pack’ and ‘flex-align’ properties only pay attention to the items on a single line at a time. The main size of a line is the same as the main size of the flexbox's content box. The cross size of a line depends on whether the flexbox is single-line or multi-line: the cross size of the sole line in a single-line flexbox is the same as the cross size of the flexbox's content box, while the cross size of a line in a multi-line flexbox is the minimum size necessary to contain the flexbox items on the line, after aligning them with ‘flex-align’. The lines themselves are then aligned within a flexbox with the ‘flex-line-pack’ property.

This example shows four buttons that do not fit horizontally.

#div1 {
	display: flexbox;
	flex-flow: row wrap;
	width: 300px;
button {
	width: flex(80px 1);

<div id="div1">
	<button id="button1">Elephant</button>
	<button id="button2">Tiger</button>
	<button id="button3">Antelope</button>
	<button id="button4">Wildebeest</button>

The buttons are first set to their preferred widths, in this case 80 pixels. This will allow the first three buttons to fit in 240 pixels with 60 pixels left over of remaining space. Because the ‘flex-flow’ property specifies a multiline flexbox (due to the ‘wrap’ keyword appearing in its value), the flexbox will create an additional line to contain the last button.

Flexibility is applied to each element, separately for each line. The first line has 60 pixels of remaining space and all of the buttons have the same flexibility, so each of the three buttons on that line will receive 20 pixels of extra width, ending up 100px wide. The remaining button is on a line of its own and will stretch to the entire width of the line, or 300 pixels.

If the box was resized, the buttons may rearrange onto different lines as necessary.

If the style rules in the example above were changed to the following:

#div1 {
	display: flexbox;
	flex-flow: row wrap;
	flex-pack: center;
	width: 300px;
button {
	width: flex(80px 1);
	max-width: 90px;

Similar to the previous example, the first three buttons will fit on the first line, and the last button will wrap onto a new line. However, when the buttons attempt to flex they can only grow to 90px each, due to their ‘max-width’ property. This leaves 30px of free space on the first line and 210px of free space on the second line. Because ‘flex-pack’ is set to ‘center’, the buttons will be centered on each line, with the free space split equally on either side.

6.1. flex-line-pack’ property

Name: flex-line-pack
Value: start | end | center | justify
Initial: start
Applies to: multi-line flexboxes
Inherited: no
Computed Value: specified value
Media: visual

The ‘flex-line-pack’ property aligns a flexbox's lines within the flexbox when there is extra space in the cross axis, similar to how ‘flex-pack’ aligns individual items within the main axis:

Lines are packed toward the start of the flexbox. The cross-start edge of the first line in the flexbox is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the flexbox, and each subsequent line is placed flush with the preceding line.
Lines are packed toward the end of the flexbox. The cross-end edge of the last line is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the flexbox, and each preceding line is placed flush with the subsequent line.
Lines are packed toward the center of the flexbox. The lines in the flexbox are placed flush with each other and aligned in the center of the flexbox, with equal amounts of empty space between the cross-start content edge of the flexbox and the first line in the flexbox and between the cross-end content edge of the flexbox and the last line in the flexbox. (If the leftover free-space is negative, the lines will overflow equally in both directions.)
Lines are evenly distributed in the flexbox. If the leftover free-space is negative or there is only a single line in the flexbox, this value is identical to ‘start’. Otherwise, the cross-start edge of the first line in the flexbox is placed flush with the cross-start content edge of the flexbox, the cross-end edge of the last line in the flexbox is placed flush with the cross-end content edge of the flexbox, and the remaining lines in the flexbox are distributed so that the empty space between any two adjacent lines is the same.

Note: Only multi-line flexboxes ever have free space in the cross axis for lines to be aligned in, because in a single-line flexbox the sole line automatically stretches to fill the space.

TODO: examples

7. Flexbox Layout Algorithm

This section contains normative algorithms detailing the exact layout behavior of a flexbox and its contents. The algorithms here were designed to optimize readability and theoretical simplicity, and may not necessarily be the most efficient. Implementations may use whatever actual algorithms they wish, but must produce the same results as the algorithms described here.

Here I'll outline the general structure of the layout algorithm, before I go into the ugly details below.

  1. Reorder flexbox items according to ‘flex-order’.
  2. Find the "hypothetical size" of every flexbox item.

    Pretend that the flexbox is display:block, and still establishes a BFC. Pretend that the flexbox item is the only child of the flexbox (and also establishes a BFC). Resolve flexible widths/heights into their preferred sizes. Resolve ‘auto’ widths/heights by shrinkwrapping them. Using all this pretend knowledge, resolve the width and height.

  3. Based on the hypothetical sizes of the items, find the real main size of the flexbox and the hypothetical cross size.
  4. Based on both of these, linebreak the flexbox if it's multiline. (Or does the possibility of linebreaking affect the main size of the flexbox, in a shrinkwrapping way?)
  5. Resolve any flexible lengths. All items now have a real main size.
  6. Align in the main axis, per ‘flex-pack’.
  7. Based on ‘flex-align’, find the real cross size of the flexbox, its lines, and the items.
  8. Align in the cross axis, per ‘flex-align’.
  9. Align the lines, per ‘flex-line-pack’.

Note that if any "hypothetical" size is a definite length or percentage, it's actually a real size immediately and won't change (well, aside from flexing). The hypothetical calculations are meant to give intermediate results in the presence of ‘auto’ values (and others?), so I can do other calculations that depend on those lengths.

8. Page breaks in flexbox

TODO: define how flexbox should break on pages, columns, etc. This may or may not be normative until there is more than one implementation.

Very roughly:

TODO: define breaking of vertical multi-line flexbox

TODO: add more detail: how breaking affect sizing (for broken boxes and boxes after the break) and alignment

9. Box Properties and Sizing

Define how flexboxes are sized, paying attention to width/height keywords on both the flexbox and flexbox items, the writing modes of both the flexbox and flexbox items, and the flexbox direction.


[This section will contain further acknowledgments.]

Thanks for feedback from James Elmore and Shinichiro Hamaji.


Normative references

Other references

Property index

Property Values Initial Applies to Inh. Percentages Media
display flexbox | inline-flexbox
flex-align start | end | center | baseline | stretch stretch flexbox items no specified value visual
flex-flow [ row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse ] [ wrap | wrap-reverse ]? row flexboxes no specified value visual
flex-line-pack start | end | center | justify start multi-line flexboxes no specified value visual
flex-order <number> 0 flexbox items no specified value visual
flex-pack start | end | center | justify start flexboxes no specified value visual
