XML-Signature Editors' Page [ ascii]

Donald Eastlake 3rd <>
Joseph Reagle Jr. <>
David Solo <>

This page provides editors information relevant to the XML-Signature WG.

Source Isssue Owner Resolution
reagle Keep namespace URIs consistent, rewrite so they are dereferenceable. reagle 20000114/
? I have a question regarding the SignedInfo "Type" attribute:  In the latest draft version (19991217) section 2.3 asserts the following: "The optional Type attribute provides information about the content of the  resource identified by URI/IDREF. In particular, it can indicate that it contains a SignatureProperties, Manifest, or Package element." If the ressource is identified by an IDREF, I think there is no problem. But what happens if the resource is part of an XML document and is identified by means of an URI and a XPath Transform? Is this possible at all? If yes, what does the assignment of the "Type" attribute mean in that case? eastlake open: tweak text.
Boyer, Karlinger, Karlinger Do we get rid of IDREF reagle FTF: no
? KeyInfo: Note: Maybe consider group's attribute maxOccurs to be '*' instead of '1' solo FTF: done
? Transform: Maybe consider to change the type of attribute 'Charset' to 'uri'. Eastlake 000302: should be IANA charset types
? >Section " The Transforms Element":

>In this section there is no hint (neither in the textual description nor in the >Schema definition) that the "Transform" element could have mixed content. But >in section 5.6 the specification defines some character content for the "Transform" >element.
>To solve this contradiction, I suggest the following:
>* Keep the content model as-is (content='elementOnly')
>* Put the stuff defined in section 5.6 into a parameter element (for example the XPath language expression).

reagle 20000114/: changed to mixed.
Boyer Transforms don't presently provide closure. reagle Done: statement of what was done.
reagle Don't understand, " If this fact is important, then additional information (such as by including References to both the original and transformed documents) is needed. eastlake resolved through tweaking/
reagle remove package reagle 20000114/
? content of algorithm elements should be ANY (shouldn't  be parameter *) add comment: done. eastlake done
connolly Encoding or Decoding: Is the signature syntax a declaration of what the creator did to create the signature. reagle statement of what was done
connolly CanonicalizationMethod is optional though we don't define a default.   presently no defaults, make consistent
RE: Signature definitions  Fix signature definitions reagle 20000114/
Mark_Champine 2. The capitalization of RFC2119 keywords (RECOMMENDED etc.) is not
reagle 20000114/: added a section describing how we use these terms.
Mark_Champine 5. "BASE64" is inconsistently capitalized/hyphenated/spaced.
reagle done
Mark_Champine Spell check

6. Typos:
section Status, "editoral"
section 2.3 "idenitifies", "ojbect", "Arbritrary"
section 3.0 "exampes".
section 3.3.3 "fragement", "ommit"
section 3.4 "inband"
section 4.1 "applicaiton"
section 5.5.1. "tranforms"
section 10 "DigetsValue" (and section should be 10.0 instead of 10)
section 13.0. "Signture"
section 14.0 "ECSDA"

reagle 20000114/

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 14:14:57 -0500
Subject: RE: core 20000104?

Joseph and Don (I'm not sure who has the ball),

Just a few comments/questions on the 04 draft (mostly typos)

- 1.0 (and many other places) "envoloping" should be "enveloping"

- 2.1, par 1 "While the data object(s) are not directly .... over the data
object(s)." I don't like this as it implies some weaker cryptographic binding
(one could argue signatures are always indirect merely by signing a hash in the
first place). I would prefer deleting this.

- 2.3 third from last par "Transforms can include arbitrary specifications such
as..." I'd rather see "Transforms can include operations such as ...."

- 2.4 (and later) I thought we'd decided to kill package

- 3.3 Missing ? after C14nmethod in the DTD

- 3.3.3 ObjectReference in DTD should be Reference (twice)

- 3.3.3 Add to the end "The type attribute is purely advisory, no validation
of the type information is required by this document."

- 3.5, par 3, line 2 "acual" should be "actual"

- 3.6 (and throughout 3) I thought we'd decided that algorithm parameters were
to be handled by namespace so
<DigestMethod alg="....">

Rather than with an explicit <Parameterelement

reagle done
reagle Signing Signature: do you point at the SignedInfo ID (which is part of original signature) or at Signature ID (which is not) reagle FTF
reagle Include DSS schema in schema def reagle ASAP
reagle Make case of namespace IDs consistent (base64 or Base64, Manifest or manifest,e tc.) reagle ASAP
reagle Do we specifcy c14n further, or we happy with XML c14n? reagle 000302: with the clarification on line ends, seems resolved.
reagle Should Object be <!ELEMENT Object ( (#PCDATA),   SignatureProperties) > reagle ASAP
Karlinger Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 11:08:00 +0100
From: Gregor Karlinger <>
To: "Joseph M. Reagle Jr." <>
Subject: Draft 04-January-2000: Errors and typos

I have found the following errors and typos in our latest draft:

[many small typos corrected and ommitted from this listing.]


Section 3.4, Schema Definition and DTD of Element KeyInfo:

The content model is inconsistent:

Schema Definition:
"<group order='choice' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>"

"(KeyName | KeyValue | SubjectName | RetrievalMethod | x509Data | PGPData
| MgmtData)*"

There are two possibilities:

a) KeyInfo can contain exactly one child element; then Schema Definition
is OK and the asterisk has to be omited from the DTD

b) KeyInfo can be a repeated choice of its children; then maxOccurs must
be changed to maxOccurs='*' in the Schema Definition and the asterisk
must be replaced by a plus sign in the DTD.

Section 3.4, Schema Definition Element X509Data:

The Schema Definition contradicts the textual description:

Schema Definition:
"<element name='X509Certificate' type='string' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>"

Textual description:
"X509Data contains ... an optional collection of certificates ..."

I think the textual description is correct, so the Schema Definition should
be updated with:

"<element name='X509Certificate' type='string' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*'/>"


Section 3.4, DTD content model for Element X509Data:

The DTD content model contradicts both the textual description and the
Schema Definition:

"((X509IssuerSerial | X509SKI | X509Name),(X509Certificate | X509CRL)*)"

Complying with the suggested error correction above the content model should
be replaced as follows:

"((X509IssuerSerial | X509SKI | X509Name), X509Certificate*, X509CRL?)"

Section 3.5, Schema vs. DTD content model for Element Object:

"<type content='mixed'>"

"<!ELEMENT Object ANY>"

The mixed content model is expressed by the attribute value 'mixed' in
Schema and by the keyword "#PCDATA" in a DTD. So please change DTD part with



Section 3.5, DTD comment:

"<!-- Where type and encoding CDATA conforms to the
productions specified by [URI] -->"

Attribute names Type and Encoding have to be capitalized.


Section 4.1, DTD:

The content models of elements Manifest and Package are currently:

"( (Reference | Object )+ )"

In order to comply with both the Schema definition and the corresponding
sections in chapter 2 both models should be replaced with

"( Reference+, Object* )"

[Should go with original DTD]

Section 4.2, Schema vs. DTD content model for Element SignatureProperty:

a) DTD content model for SignatureProperies is currently:

"<!ELEMENT SignatureProperties SignatureProperty >"

and should be replaced with

"<!ELEMENT SignatureProperties SignatureProperty+ >"

b) DTD content model for SignatureProperty is currently:

"<!ELEMENT SignatureProperty ANY >"

and should be replaced with

"<!ELEMENT SignatureProperty #PCDATA >"

(same as with content model for element Object).

Section 5.4.1, Schema and DTD:

Since the key values refer to the algorithm (DSA) and not to the standard
(DSS) I suggest to rename the element name from

"<element name='DSSKeyValue'>" and
"<!ELEMENT DssKeyValue (P, Q, G, Y, J?, (seed, pgenCounter)?) >"


"<element name='DSAKeyValue'>" and
"<!ELEMENT DSAKeyValue (P, Q, G, Y, J?, (seed, pgenCounter)?) >"

BTW: Currently the element names are different in Schema and DTD
(DSSKeyValue and DssKeyValue respectively).

reagle FTF, edits and tweaks
Karlinger Inconsistent treatment of parameters. reagle Done
Karlinger If minimal canonicalization or Canonical XML has been chosen it is clear what forms the input of the signature method, because both methods are using UTF-8 as character encoding. But what if no canonicalization is used? reagle 000302.
reagle Does KeyInfo have a SubjectName element and a type attribute? reagle Done - no.
Solo 1.3 General issue - the question was raised as to whether since the version is implied by the namespace, do we need to make sure the version is explicitly bound under the signature (it may be already, I'm not sure whether there's a way to include the reference to the schema/DTD within signed info). If not, we might need to thing about recommending inclusion of a reference to the signature schema in cases where this is a concern. Solo Done - removed comment, added cautionary discussion.
Solo 1.3 last par (security comment) I don't like leaving a sentence like "we  haven't assessed the risk" in for last call. I'd suggest an explicit recommendation that if null c14n is used for signedInfo, then all namespaces must be fully expanded. [P.S. there's no 1.4] Reagle Done. (see previous)
? Need to define HMAC output lengths and define element types. Bartel Done
Solo Repeat! Remove "While the data object(s) are not directly operated on by a cryptographic signature algorithm, we still refer to the signature as being over the data object(s)." Reagle ASAP
Solo Figure out proper author attribution for IETF RFC format. ? ASAP


Joseph Reagle <

Last revised by Reagle $Date: 2000/12/07 15:19:39 $
