W3C home > People > Felix Sasaki > ITSImpl

ITSImpl: An Implementation of the 'Internationalization Tag Set 1.0' Specification

This document describes ITSImpl, an implementation of the Internationalization Tag Set 1.0 specification. ITSImpl takes the following as an input:

  1. A description of ITS data categories. (Note that the format of this description has been developed independently of the Internationalization Tag Set 1.0 specification.) A sample description for the data category terminology is below:

    <datacat name="terminology">
    a) <defaults>
    a)  <defaultsElements its:term="no"/>
    a)  <defaultsAttributes its:term="no"/>
    a) </defaults>
    b) <inheritance appliesTo="none"/>
    c) <rulesElement name="termRule"/>
    d) <localAdding datcatSelector="*[@its:term] | its:span[@term]"
    d)  addedMarkup="@its:term | @term[parent::its:span or parent::its:termRule] |
    d)  @its:termInfoRef | @termInfoRef[parent::its:span]"/>

    The description encompasses a) default values for elements and attributes (e.g. the default of not being a term), b) inheritance behavior (e.g. the property of being a term does not inherited to nested elements or attributes), c) the name of an element for global ITS rules (e.g. termRule), and d) an XPath expression to select ITS markup used for local selection and adding of ITS information (e.g. the its:term attribute).

  2. An XML document with ITS markup, i.e. with global rules (example), local markup (example) or with global linked rules (example).

This information is processed as follows:

The motivation for the implementation and various usage scenarios are described in Architectural Forms, CSS, and RDF - What do they have in Common and why should you care?, an Extreme Markup Languages 2006 late breaking paper.

Version: $Id: bugs2html.xsl,v 1.6 2007/02/14 16:15:24 fsasaki Exp $