Pending review Actions

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There are 6 pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-57 (edit) pending review Write up one or more fraud use cases. Matt Howarter 2015-02-11 Use Cases
ACTION-74 (edit) pending review Organize a chat with evert, david, and manu about organizing materials for all audiences Ian Jacobs 2015-03-11
ACTION-96 (edit) pending review Ask erik about phone connectivity for the june meeting. David Ezell 2015-05-04
ACTION-100 (edit) pending review Assign topics to time slots for ftf meeting Ian Jacobs 2015-05-18
ACTION-130 (edit) pending review Add actions for each task force to document priorities. David Ezell 2015-08-10
ACTION-147 (edit) pending review Create a list of "top" psps in china to reach out to Kepeng Li 2015-09-18

Add a new action item. See all the action items

David Ezell <>, Dapeng Liu <>, Kenneth Mealey <>, Chairs, Ian Jacobs <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: pendingreview.html,v 1.1 2017/09/15 15:02:30 ted Exp $