Feedback and Discussion
There are three ways to provide feedback about P3P.
- www-p3p-dev is a mailing list for P3P software developers to discuss P3P implementation. We will also use this list to alert developers about changes to the P3P spec, future interop events, etc. To subscribe, email with "subscribe" in the Subject.
- www-p3p-policy is a mailing list for people who are responsible for creating P3P policies for web sites to discuss issues that come up in the process of making their web sites P3P compliant. To subscribe, email with "subscribe" in the Subject.
- If you have specific comments on the specifications, please email them to public-p3p-spec at or send them to rigo at who will forward.
If you have questions about implementing P3P on your web site, please use the www-p3p-policy mailing list only!
Papers & Presentations about P3P
The following papers and presentations have been prepared by P3P working group members, but do not necessarily represent the views of the entire working group:
- German description of P3P by Hitflip Lexikon.
- Web Privacy with P3P by Lorrie Faith Cranor - book published by O'Reilly in September 2002; chapter 1 and examples along with several slide presentations on P3P are available from the book web site
- Help! IE6 is Blocking My Cookies - October 2002 article by Lorrie Faith Cranor
- Videos from Washington, DC P3P Implementation Workshop, 14 May 2002
- Short video of Tim Berners-Lee announcing P3P Recommendation [small - 3.7M; large - 119M]
- Why P3P is a Good Privacy Tool for Consumers and Companies April 2002 article on by Lorrie Cranor and Rigo Wenning
- The Role of Privacy Advocates and Data Protection Authorities in the Design and Deployment of the Platform for Privacy Preferences - CFP2002 paper by Lorrie Cranor
- Presentations from the March 11, 2002 P3P Implementation Workshop in Boston
- Presentations from the February 4, 2002 P3P Implementation Workshop in NYC
- Presentations from the November 16, 2001 P3P Implementation Workshop in Silicon Valley
- Presentations from the November 14, 2001 P3P Implementation Workshop in Redmond, Washington
- Web Privacy and the P3P Standard - October 2000 article by Martin Presler-Marshall
- P3P 1.0: A New Standard in Online Privacy - June 2000 P3P brochure
- Daniel Weitzner's testimony on Internet Privacy and P3P before the United States Senate Commerce Committee
- P3P and Privacy: An Update for the Privacy Community - March 2000 paper by Deirdre Mulligan, Ari Schwartz, Ann Cavoukian, and Michael Gurski
- Identity Management Based On P3P - July 2000 paper by Oliver Berthol and Marit Köhntopp presented at the Workshop on Design Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability
- An Introduction to P3P - one-pager available in English and German
- Agents of Choice: Tools that Facilitate Notice and Choice about Web Site Data Practices - 1999 paper by Cranor presented at the 21st International Conference on Privacy and Personal Data Protection
- Beyond Concern" Understanding Net Users' Attitudes About Online Privacy - 1999 report by Cranor, Reagle, and Ackerman
- How to manage, negotiate, and transfer personal information on the Web - thesis by Jörg Meyer - March 1999
- P3P: The Platform for Privacy Preferences - a 1998 hypertextual tutorial on P3P presented at "La Sapienza" in Pisa by Massimo Marchiori (in Italian)
- The Platform for Privacy Preferences - a 1998 W3C Note by Reagle and Cranor, also published in CACM - a good introduction to P3P, but does not reflect recent major changes
- Internet Privacy: A Public Concern - 1998 article by Cranor from ACM netWorker magazine
- Designing a Social Protocol: Lessons Learned from the Platform for Privacy Preferences - 1997 paper by Cranor and Reagle
- Protocols for Automated Negotiations with Buyer Anonymity and Seller Reputations - 1997 paper by Cranor and Resnick
The following papers contain commentaries and critiques of P3P:
- P3P Dashboard - The latest information on P3P adoption rates across the Top 500 public web sites, compiled by Ernst &Young (look for link to latest monthly update on right side of page)
- P3P and the privacy legislation in Germany: can P3P help to protect privacy worldwide? - by Rdiger Grimm and Alexander Rossnagel
- Privacy on the Internet - An integrated EU Approach to On-line Data Protection-Adopted on 21st November 2000 by the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (p. 84-85)
- A Critique of P3P : Privacy on the Web- by Robert Thibadeau, August 2000
- A Response to "P3P and Privacy: An Update for the Privacy Community" by the Center for Democracy and Technology- by Karen Coyle, May 2000
- Pretty Poor Privacy: An Assessment of P3P and Internet Privacy - by EPIC and JunkBusters
- Infomediaries and negotiated privacy techniques - by Dr. Alexander Dix, LL.M. (in CFP2000 proceedings)
- What Larry Doesn't Get: Fair Information Practices and the Architecture of Privacy - by Marc Rotenberg (presented at 7 February 2000 Stanford Law School Symposium on Cyberspace and Privacy)
- Recoding the Architecture of Cyberspace Privacy: Why Self-Regulation and Technology Are Not Enough - by Christopher D. Hunter
- Technical Standards and Privacy - by Jason Catlett
- Platform for Privacy Preferences: An Overview and Platform for Privacy Preferences: A Critique - by Roger Clarke (originally prepared for WW7 in Brisbane in April 1998. They were re-published in Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 5, 2, July 1998)
- P3P: Pretty Poor Privacy? A Social Analysis of the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) - by Karen Coyle
- Internet Regulation Through Architectural Modification: The Property Rule Structure of Code Solutions - Harvard Law Review
- The Architecture of Privacy - by Lawrence Lessig
- Platform for Privacy Preferences project and Citibank
- International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications Common Position on Essentials for privacy-enhancing technologies (e.g. P3P) on the WorldWideWeb - adopted at the 23rd Meeting in Hong Kong SAR, China, 15 April 1998
- Using PICS as an enhanced privacy protection technology? - by Jean-Marc DINANT
- Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) and the Open Profiling Standard (OPS) Draft Opinion of the Working Party
Selected P3P Media Coverage:
- Privacy standard could bring clarity to customers by Howard Solomon,, 20 June 2002
- Web founder pushes privacy technology By Tyler Hamilton, The Toronto Star, 20 June 2002
- Does P3P equal privacy? By Larry Seltzer, ZDNetNews, May 15, 2002
- Industry, government endorse P3P By Cara Garretson, InfoWorld, May 14, 2002
- Privacy's new platform: Finally, users have control over how sites use their personal information, By James Mathewson, ComputerUser, April 2002
- Finally, Agreement on P3P, by Beth Cox, 16 April 2002
- IE 6 beta pushes ad networks on privacy, CNET, 15 June 2001
- Pols Push Privacy Standards, InternetWeek, 7 June 2001
- Browser technology promises to encourage better online privacy policies, Associated Press, 12 May 2001
- Can a labeling system protect your privacy? by Simson Garfinkel,, 11 July 2000
- P3P: A green light for privacy on the Web? by Robert Lemos, ZDNet News, 5 July 2000
- New Technology Is Aimed at Increasing Web Privacy, by Jeri Clausing, The New York Times, 22 June 2000
- White House backs Web privacy project, 21 June 2000, by Jim Wolf, Reuters
- Microsoft Announces Internet Tools to Control Web Privacy, Associated Press, April 7, 2000
- Microsoft, AOL Become Privacy Gatekeepers by Marius Meland, Forbes, April 7, 2000
- Online Privacy Update by Matt Margolin, Webmonkey, February 15, 2000
- W3C Releases Last Privacy-Standard Draft by Mo Krochmal, TechWeb, November 5, 1999
- W3C: Privacy Spec Safe by Chris Oakes, Wired News, October 29, 1999
- Your Data, Your Choice by Chris Oakes, Wired News, March 24, 1999
- Patent May Threaten E-Privacy by Chris Oakes, Wired News, November 11, 1998
- U.S. and Europe Clash Over Internet Consumer Privacy By John Markoff, The New York Times, July 1, 1998
- The Trouble with P3P by Chris Oakes, Wired News, June 25, 1998
- W3C drafts privacy system by Courtney Macavinta, CNET NEWS.COM, May 19, 1998
- The Three P's Solve "Part of the Privacy Problem" by Andy Oram, American Reporter Correspondent, April 21, 1998.
Press releases and project updates:
- 6 January 2003: Summary Report - W3C Workshop on the Future of P3P
- Implementation Report for Candidate Recommendation 2002
- Japanese translation of 28 January 2002 P3P1.0 Proposed Recommendation
- Press Release: New Standard in Online Privacy presented in Germany (29 August 2000)
- 21 June 2000 P3P Interop Report
- World Wide Web Consortium Demonstrates P3P Implementations (21 June 2000)
- Press Release: World Wide Web Consortium Announces First Demonstration of Web Privacy Framework (6 April 2000)
- Press Release: World Wide Web Consortium Clears Patent Hurdle for Web Privacy (29 October 1999)
- 21 September 1999 - Note on removing data transfer from P3P
- Press Release: W3C Publishes First Public Working Draft of P3P 1.0 (19 May 1998)
- Press Release: World Wide Web Consortium Announces Completion of P3P Project Phase One (30 October 1997)
- Project Update (22 September 1997)
- Project Update (10 July 1997)
The following documents are now out of date:
- P3P Grammatical
Model and Data Design Model Working Draft (14
October 1997)
- General
Overview of the P3P Architecture Working
Draft (22 October 1997)
Explains the general agent/service architecture. -
P3P Guiding Principles W3C Note (21 July 1998)
Discusses how to maximize user confidence in P3P implementations with respect to privacy -- now incorporated as an appendix to the specification - Update page