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User Page for GJR
- acronym expansion: Gregory John Rosmaita
- actually, the full expansion is: Gregory John Vincent Xavier Rosmaita
- patronymic pronunciation: ross may tuh
- email: oedipus at hicom.net
- skype: oedipusnj
- twitter: oedipusnj
- affiliation: invited expert
W3C Working Group Memberships
- HTML Working Group
- member, HTML5 Accessibility Task Force
- member, Joint Forms Task Force (defunct)
- Protocols & Formats Working Group
- ARIA Subgroup
- DHTML Style Guide (conducts work on WAI XTech emailing list)
- Caucus on HTML5 Accessibility Requirements & Issues
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
- XHTML2 Working Group
W3C Incubator Group Memberships
- member of the now closed Rich Web Applications Backplane XG and contributor to the Interest Group's final report on Rich Web Applications
W3C Interest Group Memberships
Related Work
- vice-chair, webmaster and listmaster, Open Accessibility Workgroup at The Linux Foundation
- invited expert to the DAISY Consortium
- member, Authoring & Interchange Working Group
- working on ZedAI and ZedNext
- DAISY Accessibility Framework
- member, Authoring & Interchange Working Group