HTML5 Internationalization Tests
Text direction
This page gathers links related to tests being developed by the Internationalization Core Working Group to assess internationalization support of user agents. These tests are subject to change from time to time.
For each of the sections below, this page links to summaries of the results of related tests (for major browsers), to more detailed results (by test suite) in the W3C Test Framework, and to pages in the framework that allow you to run the tests and record results. The remainder of each section provides direct links to the tests themselves, with information about the test assertion and relevant formats.
Bidi algorithm (no markup)
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- directional type, ltr context, hebrew (bidi-markup-011)
In a left-to-right context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of Hebrew characters and spaces will progress from right to left.
TestResults - directional type, ltr context, arabic (bidi-markup-012)
In a left-to-right context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of Arabic characters and spaces will progress from right to left.
TestResults - directional type, ltr context, hebrew in english (bidi-markup-013)
In a left-to-right context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of Hebrew characters and spaces will progress from right to left when embedded in a left-to-right script.
TestResults - directional type, rtl context, english (bidi-markup-014)
In a right-to-left context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of English characters and spaces will progress from left to right.
TestResults - directional type, rtl context, english in arabic (bidi-markup-015)
In a right-to-left context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of English characters and spaces will progress from left to right when embedded in a right-to-left script.
TestResults - directional type, rtl context, english in hebrew (bidi-markup-016)
In a right-to-left context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of English characters and spaces will progress from left to right when embedded in a right-to-left script.
TestResults - numbers, european (bidi-markup-025)
A number takes on the direction of the surrounding text.
TestResults - numbers, arabic (bidi-markup-026)
A number using Arabic digits takes on the direction of the surrounding text.
Unicode control characters
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- RLO/PDF around inline text (direction-controls-001)
Inline text surrounded by RLO and PDF controls will run right to left.
TestResults - RLO/PDF around inline element (direction-controls-002)
Text in an inline element surrounded by RLO and PDF controls will run right to left.
TestResults - RLO/PDF around inline text around inline element (direction-controls-003)
Inline text that includes an inline element and is surrounded by RLO and PDF controls will all run right to left in a single flow.
TestResults - RLO/PDF around block element (direction-controls-004)
Text in a block element surrounded by RLO and PDF controls will not run right to left.
TestResults - RLO/PDF around inline text around block element (direction-controls-005)
When text that surrounds a block element is surrounded in turn by RLO and PDF controls, the text inside the block element will run left to right.
TestResults - RLO/PDF around inline text around block element 2 (direction-controls-006)
When text that surrounds a block element is surrounded in turn by RLO and PDF controls, the text outside the block element will run right to left when it appears before but not after the block element.
Basic block markup tests
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Page direction set to RTL
- paragraphs (bidi-markup-001)
When the html tag sets dir to rtl, (a) directional runs in a paragraph are ordered right-to-left, (b) the paragraph is right-aligned on the page.
TestResults - tables (bidi-markup-002)
When the html tag sets dir to rtl, (a) directional runs in a table are ordered right-to-left, (b) columns run right-to-left, (c) text is right-aligned within cells, and (d) the table is right-aligned on the page.
Direction on element
- ltr context, rtl p (bidi-markup-003)
When dir="rtl" is added to a paragraph in a ltr context, (a) directional runs in a paragraph are ordered right-to-left, (b) the paragraph is right-aligned on the page.
TestResults - ltr context, rtl table (bidi-markup-004)
When dir="rtl" is added to a table in a ltr context, (a) directional runs in a table are ordered right-to-left, (b) columns run right-to-left, (c) text is right-aligned within cells, and (d) the table is left-aligned on the page.
TestResults - rtl context, ltr p (bidi-markup-005)
When dir="rtl" is added to a paragraph in a rtl context, (a) directional runs in a paragraph are ordered left-to-right, (b) the paragraph is left-aligned on the page.
TestResults - rtl context, ltr table (bidi-markup-006)
When dir="rtl" is added to a table in a rtl context, (a) directional runs in a table are ordered left-to-right, (b) columns run left-to-right, (c) text is left-aligned within cells, and (d) the table is right-aligned on the page.
Inheritance from non-html parent
- ltr page, rtl div, p (bidi-markup-007)
When dir="rtl" is added to a div in a ltr context, for paragraphs in the div (a) directional runs are ordered right-to-left, (b) the paragraphs are right-aligned on the page.
TestResults - ltr page, rtl div, table (bidi-markup-008)
When dir="rtl" is added to a div in a ltr context, for tables in the div (a) directional runs in a table are ordered right-to-left, (b) columns run right-to-left, (c) text is right-aligned within cells, and (d) the table is right-aligned on the page.
TestResults - rtl page, ltr div, p (bidi-markup-009)
When dir="rtl" is added to a div in a rtl context, for paragraphs in the div (a) directional runs are ordered left-to-right, (b) the paragraphs are left-aligned on the page.
TestResults - rtl page, ltr div, table (bidi-markup-010)
When dir="rtl" is added to a div in a rtl context, for tables in the div (a) directional runs in a table are ordered left-to-right, (b) columns run left-to-right, (c) text is left-aligned within cells, and (d) the table is left-aligned on the page.
- ordered and unordered lists (bidi-markup-029)
In a rtl context, all list items should start from the right, regardless of the direction of the script in the list item.
TestResults - dl lists (bidi-markup-030)
In a rtl context, all list items should start from the right, regardless of the direction of the script in the list item.
Basic inline markup tests
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Base direction
- base direction, ltr context (bidi-markup-017)
In a left-to-right context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of directional runs will progress from left to right.
TestResults - base direction, rtl context (bidi-markup-018)
In a right-to-left context, without markup, styling or special characters, a sequence of directional runs will progress from right-to-left.
Embedded level
- neutral in embedded rtl level (bidi-markup-019)
In a ltr context, an inline element with dir set to rtl will produce an embedded directional context that is applied to neutral characters.
TestResults - neutral in embedded ltr level (bidi-markup-020)
In a rtl context, an inline element with dir set to ltr will produce an embedded directional context that is applied to neutral characters.
- neutral associated with rlm entity (bidi-markup-021)
In a ltr context, an rlm entity will give a right-to-left direction to a neutral character.
TestResults - neutral associated with rlm entity (bidi-markup-022)
In a rtl context, an lrm entity will give a left-to-right direction to a neutral character.
TestResults - neutral associated with rlm NCR (bidi-markup-023)
In a ltr context, an NCR representing the RLM character will give a right-to-left direction to a neutral character.
TestResults - neutral associated with rlm NCR (bidi-markup-024)
In a rtl context, an NCR representing the RLM character will give a left-to-right direction to a neutral character.
bdo element
- bdo, dir ltr (bidi-markup-027)
The bdo element with dir set to ltr causes all contained text to ignore the bidirectional algorithm and displays all characters from left to right.
TestResults - bdo, dir rtl (bidi-markup-028)
The bdo element with dir set to rtl causes all contained text to ignore the bidirectional algorithm and displays all characters from right to left.
bdi element
- BDI: has dir=auto by default (bidi-html5-001)
'The dir global attribute defaults to auto on this element (it never inherits from the parent element like with other elements).'
TestResults - BDI: neutral when BR (bidi-html5-002)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, a BDI containing a BR (which serves as a paragraph break in the content of the BDI) must not serve as a paragraph break in the content around the BDI.
TestResults - BDI: neutral when contains LRO or RLO without PDF (bidi-html5-003)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, if a BDI contains LRO or RLO characters lacking a matching PDF, these must not affect the visual ordering of the content outside the BDI.
TestResults - BDI: neutral when nested (bidi-html5-004)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' This must apply when a BDI is nested within a BDI.
TestResults - BDI: neutral when number (bidi-html5-005)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: paragraph-level container (bidi-html5-006)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, under no circumstances should any part of the content outside a BDI be visually reordered inside the BDI's content.
TestResults - BDI: neutral to following letter (bidi-html5-007)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to immediately following letter (bidi-html5-008)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to preceding letter (bidi-html5-009)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to immediately preceding letter (bidi-html5-010)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to following number (bidi-html5-011)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to immediately following number (bidi-html5-012)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.'
TestResults - BDI: neutral to surrounding letters (bidi-html5-013)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, regardless of its content and its dir attribute (if any), a BDI will not prevent a strongly RTL (or LTR) character preceding it from forming a single directional run with another strongly RTL (LTR) character following it.
TestResults - BDI: neutral when wrapped (bidi-html5-014)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Obviously, this should hold even if the BDI's content is wrapped over more than one line. A single character (U+FFFC or otherwise) obviously never gets wrapped over more than one line, but we still expect the part of the content preceding the BDI, if any, that is displayed on the same line as some part of the BDI to be ordered the same as it would be if that part of the BDI were replaced with U+FFFC. Similarly, we expect the part of the content following the BDI, if any, that is displayed on the same line as some part of the BDI to be ordered the same as it would be if that part of the BDI were replaced with U+FFFC.
TestResults - BDI: paragraph-level container (bidi-html5-015)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the contents of a bdi element, user agents must treat the element as a paragraph-level container.' Thus, under no circumstances should the content outside a BDI affect the visual ordering of the BDI's content.
TestResults - BDI: neutral to another BDI (bidi-html5-016)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, when a BDIs contains text of the same strong direction as another BDI following it, the two must not form a directional run as would be the case if the BDIs were just SPANs.
TestResults - BDI: neutral to another immediately following BDI (bidi-html5-017)
'For the purposes of applying the bidirectional algorithm to the paragraph-level container that a bdi element finds itself within, the bdi element must be treated like a U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.' Thus, when a BDIs contains text of the same strong direction as another BDI following it, the two must not form a directional run as would be the case if the BDIs were just SPANs, even if the two BDIs are not separated by anything at all.
- BR separates bidi paragraph (bidi-html5-018)
A br element should separate paragraphs for the purposes of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
TestResults - BR in inline ancestors (bidi-html5-019)
'A br element should separate paragraphs for the purposes of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.' 'If an inline element is broken around a bidi paragraph boundary (e.g. if split by a block or forced paragraph break), then the bidi control codes corresponding to the end of the element are added before the interruption and the codes corresponding to the start of the element are added after it. (In other words, any embedding levels or overrides started by the element are closed at the paragraph break and reopened on the other side of it.)'
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- dir=auto, start with bdi, then L (bidi-html5-022)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring bdi elements. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with bdi, then R (bidi-html5-023)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring bdi elements. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with dir=auto, then L (bidi-html5-024)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring contained elements with an explicit dir of their own. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with dir=auto, then R (bidi-html5-025)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring contained elements with an explicit dir of their own. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with dir, then L (bidi-html5-026)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring contained elements with an explicit dir of their own. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with dir, then R (bidi-html5-027)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text while ignoring contained elements with an explicit dir of their own. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with L within contained element (bidi-html5-028)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text, including text within contained elements. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with R within contained element (bidi-html5-029)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text, including text within contained elements. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with script, then L (bidi-html5-030)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant script elements. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with script, then R (bidi-html5-031)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant script elements. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with style, then L (bidi-html5-032)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant style elements. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with style, then R (bidi-html5-033)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant style elements. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with textarea, then L (bidi-html5-034)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant textarea elements. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with textarea, then R (bidi-html5-035)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of descendant text while ignoring descendant textarea elements. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with EN, then L (bidi-html5-036)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with EN, then R (bidi-html5-037)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with EN+L (bidi-html5-038)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with EN+R (bidi-html5-039)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with L (bidi-html5-040)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with N+EN+L (bidi-html5-041)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with N+EN+R (bidi-html5-042)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, all N+EN (bidi-html5-043)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value, or to LTR if there is no such character. In this test, there is no strongly directional character in the value, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with N+L (bidi-html5-044)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with N+R (bidi-html5-045)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, start with R (bidi-html5-046)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with EN+L (bidi-html5-047)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with EN+R (bidi-html5-048)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with L (bidi-html5-049)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with N+EN+L (bidi-html5-050)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with N+EN+R (bidi-html5-051)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to all N+EN (bidi-html5-052)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value, or to LTR if there is no such character. In this test, there is no strongly directional character in the value, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with N+L (bidi-html5-053)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with N+R (bidi-html5-054)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - input with dir=auto, script assigns to start with R (bidi-html5-055)
When dir='auto', the direction of an input element is set according to the first strong character of its value. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, isolated in LTR text (bidi-html5-056)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text, but the element behaves externally as a neutral character. In this test, it allows a preceding R to form a single directional run with a succeeding number.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with L (bidi-html5-057)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Latin letter A, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with N, then EN, then L (bidi-html5-058)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with N, then EN, then R (bidi-html5-059)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals and digits are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with N, then EN, then L (bidi-html5-060)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text, ignoring neutrals and numbers. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with N, then L (bidi-html5-061)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Latin letter A since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with N, then R (bidi-html5-062)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef since neutrals are not strongly directional, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - pre with dir=auto, mixed L and R paragraphs (bidi-html5-063)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level.
TestResults - pre with dir=auto, all N+EN (bidi-html5-064)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - dir=auto, start with R (bidi-html5-065)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. In this test, it is the Hebrew letter Alef, thus the direction must be resolved as RTL.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, mixed L and R paragraphs (bidi-html5-066)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, all N+EN (bidi-html5-067)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, script assigns to mixed L and R paragraphs (bidi-html5-068)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, script assigns to all N+EN (bidi-html5-069)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - pre with dir=auto, all-N between all-Rs (bidi-html5-070)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, all-N between all-Rs (bidi-html5-071)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
TestResults - textarea with dir=auto, script assigns to all-N between all-Rs (bidi-html5-072)
When dir='auto', the direction is set according to the first strong character of the text. For textarea and pre elements, the heuristic is applied on a per-paragraph level. If there is no strong character, as in this test, the direction defaults to LTR.
User agent chrome and bidi text
Scrollbar alignment
- Exploratory: dir on html, vertical scrollbar alignment (bidi-chrome-001)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, the browser window's vertical scroll bar will be on the usual side of the window.
TestResults - Exploratory: dir on body, vertical scrollbar alignment (bidi-chrome-009)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, the browser window's vertical scroll bar will be on the usual side of the window.
Alert box
- Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript alert box (bidi-chrome-002)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in a JavaScript alert box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript alert box layout (bidi-chrome-002a)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of items in the JavaScript alert box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript alert box (bidi-chrome-010)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in a JavaScript alert box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript alert box layout (bidi-chrome-010a)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of items in the JavaScript alert box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript alert box (bidi-chrome-015)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in a JavaScript alert box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript alert box layout (bidi-chrome-015a)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, the layout of items in the JavaScript alert box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: javascript alert box with Unicode controls (bidi-chrome-020)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround text to be displayed on a JavaScript alert, text runs on the dialog box appear in the correct order.
Confirm box
- Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript confirm box (bidi-chrome-003)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in a JavaScript confirm box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript confirm box layout (bidi-chrome-003a)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of the JavaScript confirm box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript confirm box (bidi-chrome-011)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in a JavaScript confirm box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript confirm box layout (bidi-chrome-011a)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of the JavaScript confirm box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript confirm box (bidi-chrome-016)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in a JavaScript confirm box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript confirm box layout (bidi-chrome-016a)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, the layout of the JavaScript confirm box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: javascript confirm box with Unicode controls (bidi-chrome-021)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround text to be displayed on a JavaScript confirm box, text runs on the dialog box appear in the correct order.
Prompt box
- Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript prompt box (bidi-chrome-004)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in the chrome of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript prompt box input (bidi-chrome-004a)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in the default input of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, javascript prompt box layout (bidi-chrome-004b)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of a JavaScript prompt box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript prompt box (bidi-chrome-012)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in the chrome of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript prompt box input (bidi-chrome-012a)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in the default input of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, javascript prompt box layout (bidi-chrome-012b)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, the layout of a JavaScript prompt box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript prompt box (bidi-chrome-017)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in the chrome of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript prompt box (bidi-chrome-017a)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in the default input of a JavaScript prompt box are in the correct order and characters within a directional run are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, javascript prompt box (bidi-chrome-017b)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, the layout of a JavaScript prompt box has the same direction as usual.
TestResults - Exploratory: javascript prompt box with Unicode controls (bidi-chrome-022)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround text to be displayed on a JavaScript prompt box, text runs on the dialog box chrome appear in the correct order.
TestResults - Exploratory: javascript prompt box with Unicode controls input (bidi-chrome-022a)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround text to be displayed on a JavaScript prompt box, text runs for the initial prompt appear in the correct order.
- Exploratory: rtl on html, tooltip text starts with RTL (bidi-chrome-005)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, tooltip text starts with LTR (bidi-chrome-006)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, tooltip text starts with RTL (bidi-chrome-013)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on body, tooltip text starts with LTR (bidi-chrome-014)
[Exploratory test] When the body tag sets dir to rtl, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, tooltip text starts with RTL (bidi-chrome-018)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: local rtl, tooltip text starts with LTR (bidi-chrome-019)
[Exploratory test] When dir is set to rtl on a local element, text runs in tooltip popups are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in tooltip popups are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: tooltip text with Unicode controls (bidi-chrome-023)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround attribute text to be displayed in a tooltip, text runs in the tooltip appear in the correct order.
Page title
- Exploratory: rtl on html, page title text begins with RTL (bidi-chrome-007)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, directional runs in the window title are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in the window title are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: rtl on html, page title text begins with LTR (bidi-chrome-008)
[Exploratory test] When the html tag sets dir to rtl, directional runs in the window title are in the correct order and characters within a directional run in the window title are in the right order.
TestResults - Exploratory: page title text with Unicode controls (bidi-chrome-024)
[Exploratory test] When Unicode directional control characters surround the text in the text element, text runs in the window title location appear in the correct order.
Content last changed 2012-03-30 06:36 GMT.