HTML5 Internationalization Tests
This page gathers links related to tests being developed by the Internationalization Core Working Group to assess internationalization support of user agents. These tests are subject to change from time to time.
For each of the sections below, this page links to summaries of the results of related tests (for major browsers), to more detailed results (by test suite) in the W3C Test Framework, and to pages in the framework that allow you to run the tests and record results. The remainder of each section provides direct links to the tests themselves, with information about the test assertion and relevant formats.
Simple ruby
- Exploratory: basic rendering, with rb (ruby-001a)
[Exploratory test] When simple ruby markup is used with the rb tag, the ruby text appears above the base text at approximately half the font size.
TestResults - basic rendering, no rb (ruby-002)
When simple ruby markup is used without the rb tag, the ruby text appears above the base text at approximately half the font size.
TestResults - no rb, multiple bases in one ruby (ruby-003)
When multiple ruby bases appear within a single ruby element, without the rb tag, the ruby text appears above the appropriate base text at approximately half the font size.
TestResults - Exploratory: rp, with rb (ruby-004a)
[Exploratory test] Ruby parentheses in the source are hidden if the browser supports ruby.
TestResults - rp, no rb (ruby-005)
Ruby parentheses in the source are hidden if the browser supports ruby.
Complex ruby
- Exploratory: multiple ruby texts (ruby-006a)
[Exploratory test] If there are two ruby texts, the first is placed above and the second below the base text.
TestResults - Exploratory: two-line tabulation (ruby-007a)
[Exploratory test] Multiple ruby texts are placed correctly relative to multiple ruby bases.
TestResults - Exploratory: simple tabulation with span (ruby-008a)
[Exploratory test] An rpspan element causes ruby to be centred between the two relevant ruby bases.
TestResults - Exploratory: simple tabulation with width mismatches (ruby-009a)
[Exploratory test] In complex ruby, ruby bases and ruby texts do not overlap by default.
TestResults - Exploratory: three-line tabulation (ruby-010a)
[Exploratory test] When complex ruby has multiple ruby texts associated with multiple ruby bases displays, the rb and rt content is aligned as expected.
TestResults - Exploratory: three-line tabulation with span (ruby-011a)
[Exploratory test] When complex ruby has multiple ruby texts associated with multiple ruby bases displays but the ruby text after the base spans all the base text, the content is aligned as expected.
TestResults - Exploratory: three-line tabulation with wide span (ruby-012a)
[Exploratory test] When complex ruby has multiple ruby texts associated with multiple ruby bases displays and the ruby text after the base spans all the base text and is very wide, the content is aligned as expected.
Selecting markup for styling
- Exploratory: rb styling (ruby-014)
[Exploratory test] When simple ruby markup is used with the rb tag, it is possible to style the rb tag.
TestResults - styling base text surrounded by span (ruby-015)
It is possible to style the whole ruby base text using a span element.
TestResults - styling base text partially surrounded by span (ruby-016)
It is possible to style part of the ruby base text using a span element.
TestResults - Exploratory: styling base text surrounded by span, with rb (ruby-017)
[Exploratory test] It is possible to style the whole ruby base text using a span element.
TestResults - Exploratory: styling base text partially surrounded by span, with rb (ruby-018)
[Exploratory test] It is possible to style part of the ruby base text using a span element.
TestResults - Exploratory: styling base text with, no rb (ruby-019)
[Exploratory test] When simple ruby markup is used without the rb tag, it is not possible to style the base text by using rb in a selector.
Multliplying markup
- Exploratory: nested ruby (ruby-020)
[Exploratory test] When simple ruby markup is nested, it is possible to produce two sets of ruby text associated with a single base text.
TestResults - Exploratory: doubled rt tags (ruby-021)
[Exploratory test] When ruby base text is followed by two rt elements, the second rt element does not appear above or below the horizontal base text.
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Content last changed 2012-03-30 06:36 GMT.
Content last changed 2012-03-30 06:36 GMT.