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From MultilingualWeb-LT EC Project Wiki
1 Deliverables and Milestones for the LT-Web project
The following deliverables are specific to the underlying EU project. For deliverables of the working group see the Working Group charter.
1.1 Deliverables
Public deliverables will be linked world-readable from the table below. Project internal deliverables are marked as R and will be given with a non-public link.
Deliverable Number | Deliverable Title | Lead bene-ficiary number | Estimated indicative person-months | Nature (R, P, S, O) | Contractual delivery date | Status | |
1 | D1.1 | Detailed Overall Management and Bodies Management, including the Quality Assurance Plan (pdf and charter) (updated version) | 1 | 8 | R | M12 | Submitted |
2 | D1.2.1 | Report on Internal and External Communication Tools (pdf) | 1 | 2 | R | M3 | Submitted |
3 | D1.2.2 | LT-Web - W3C Coordination Yearly
Report (M12 pdf) (M12 updated version) (M24 version) |
1 | 9 | R | M12,M24 | M12 and M24 report submitted |
4 | D1.2.3 | Contact Database (pdf) | 1 | 2 | O | M6 | Submitted |
5 | D2.1 | Requirements and Use Cases Document (pdf) | 2 | 13,2 | R | M8 | Submitted |
6 | D2.2 | LT-Web Metadata Draft Documents (zip) (updated version) | 1 | 16,2 | R | M9 | Submitted |
7 | D2.3 | Metadata Test Suite (pdf, docx, html) (Test Suite Location) | 2 | 14 | O | M21 | Submitted |
8 | D2.4 | LT-Web Metadata Standard (pdf) | 1 | 5,5 | R | M21 | Submitted |
9 | D3.1.1 | Drupal Modules (pdf) | 10 | 19 | P | M21 | Submitted |
10 | D3.1.2 | XLIFF Roundtripping plus XSLT for Hidden Web Formats (pdf) | 9 | 13 | P | M21 | Submitted |
11 | D3.1.3 | Text Processing Component (draft, second draft, final) | 8 | 6 | P | M21 | Submitted |
12 | D3.1.4 | Okapi Components for XLIFF (pdf) | 7 | 6,3 | P | M21 | Submitted |
13 | D3.1.5 | Report on LT-Web Processing in the CMS (pdf) | 10 | 2 | R | M21 | Submitted |
14 | D3.2.1 | Okapi Ocelot (QA Decision Support Showcase) pdf | 12 | 16 | S | M21 | Submitted |
15 | D3.2.2 | B2B Integration Showcase (pdf) | 11 | 6 | S | M21 | Submitted |
16 | D3.2.3 | Report on Showcases (pdf, pdf updated) | 12 | 3 | R | M21 | Submitted |
17 | D4.1.1 | Lucy Modification (pdf, updated version) | 13 | 8 | O | M12 | Submitted |
18 | D4.1.2 | MaTrEx Modification (pdf) | 3 | 6,25 | P | M12 | Submitted |
19 | D4.1.3 | Linguaserve Online System Modification (pdf, updated version) | 11 | 4,5 | O | M12 | Submitted |
20 | D4.1.4 | Report on Modifications in MT Systems (pdf), (Annex I), (Annex II) | 11 | 2 | R | M12 | Submitted |
21 | D4.2.1 | Online MT System Linguaserve Showcase (pdf) | 11 | 7 | S | M18 | Submitted |
22 | D4.2.2 | Report on Online MT System (pdf) | 11 | 2 | R | M18 | Submitted |
23 | D4.3 | XLIFF Roundtripping Prototype based on M4Loc Work and Okapi Tools (pdf) | 9 | 6 | P | M21 | Submitted |
24 | D5.1.1 | Drupal MT Training Module (pdf) | 10 | 8 | P | M15 | Submitted |
25 | D5.1.2 | XLIFF Deep Web MT Training Exporter (pdf) | 9 | 5,5 | P | M15 | Submitted |
26 | D5.2 | Metadata-Aware MT Training Tools (pdf) (Annex pdf) | 3 | 4,75 | P | M21 | Submitted |
27 | D6.1.1 | Workshop 1 (see also workshop program page) | 1 | 10,6 | O | M6 | Submitted |
28 | D6.1.2 | Summary Report 1 (pdf, see also online version) | 1 | 7,9 | R | M7 | Submitted |
29 | D6.2.1 | Workshop 2 (see also workshop program page) | 1 | 7 | O | M15 | Submitted |
32 | D6.2.2 | Summary Report 2 (pdf, see also online version) | 1 | 2,4 | R | M17 | Submitted |
33 | D6.3.1 | LT-Web Event | 1 | 11,1 | O | M22 | LT-Web final outreach event done as part of META-FORUM 2013 |
34 | D6.3.2 | LT-Web Press Kit and Brochure (pdf); see also the ITS 2.0 video channel | 1 | 2,8 | O | M24 | Submitted |
Total: | 237 |
1.2 Deliverables from external partners
Organization | Deliverable Title | Estimated indicative person-months | Status |
Adobe | ITS 2.0 support in Apache Jackrabbit CMS | 6 PM | Submitted |
Disruptive Innovations | ITS 2.0 support in BlueGriffon | unknown | No written deliverable available |
]init[ | Using ITS to transmit additional information to translators in text processing software: Developer Guide, User Guide | 6,8 PM | Submitted |
Kosek | Validation of ITS markup used in HTML5 and tools for migrating ITS content from XHTML into HTML5 | 4 PM | Submitted |
Logrus | HTML 5 - ITS 2.0 implementation project: Work in Context System (WICS) | 5,1 PM | Submitted |
Tilde | Terminology use case for LT-Web metadata | 15,8 PM | Submitted |
1.3 Milestones
No | Title | WP number | Lead Beneficiary | Delivery date | Status |
MS1 | Exploratory Interoperability Trials | WP2 | 2 | 9 | Reached |
MS2 | First Draft of LT-Web Metadata | WP2 | 1 | 12 | Reached |
MS3 | Second Draft of LT-Web Metadata | WP2 | 1 | 18 | Reached |
MS4 | Public Demonstrators and Public Test Suite | WP2 | 2 | 21 | Reached |
MS5 | Final Paper Outputs | WP2 | 1 | 24 | Reached |
1.4 Deliverables writing howto
Please produce your deliverable with the following approach.
- Create a Word document, based on the deliverables template word file. The document will be a few pages long and have the detailed information about the implementation. Detailed means: a simple description and an overview of the parts of your implemtation that implement ITS. There is no need to cover all aspects, that is also non ITS aspects of the implementation. List links to various resources and downloads. Add a link to the HTML summary page (see 2. below). Upload the PDF version of the word document to the wiki and link it from this page. NOTE: use the naming scheme for the other PDF files, e.g. D1.1.pdf. If your deliverable has several PDF files, ZIP the files and use the same naming scheme, e.g. D2.2.zip
- A short HTML summary. The summary needs to be valid HTML5. It should briefly list the parts related to ITS, provide download information and outline some business benefits.
- Put the short HTML summary on your favourite dissamination page: a blog, company home page etc., and make a social buzz about it (via twitter etc.).
- As the final step, provide the links to HTML summary and your social buzz to the ITS IG list public-i18n-its-ig@w3.org.
1.5 Deadlines
Not needed anymore :)