MultilingualWeb-LT (LT-Web) Annual Report Executive Summary
Version 0.3 • 29 December 2012
This document describes the overall status of the MultilingualWeb-LT (LT-Web) Project (287815 - CSA) at the end of the first year of project activities. The following sections briefly describe the milestones and activities carried out within each workpackage. For more detailed descriptions, readers should view the workpackage-specific pages (linked to above or from the individual sections below).
Work Package 1: Overall Project Coordination
To be filled in by Felix… [Read more…]
Work Package 2: Standardization Process
On December 3, 2012, W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group declared its metadata specification ITS 2.0 feature complete
, asking for final comments from the public. This ambitious revision of the ITS 1.0 specification had input from over 40 individuals. During intense discussions (17.000+ access to the working group wiki and more than 2700 mails to the mailing lists), the Working Group added 13 new metadata items, called data categories
. In addition the group has been actively developing a test suite providing test input and test output data for each specification feature, to enable implementers to verify their code. An auto-generated test suite dashboard has been made available to detect errors and to provide a quick overview. For each ITS 2.0 data category there are at least two implementation commitments.[Read more…]
Work Package 3: CMS-Localization Chain Integration
Work is currently progressing in integrating LT-Web/ITS 2.0 data categories into CMS environments, with preliminary implementations ready and ongoing work refining these. Preliminary Drupal Modules for supporting ITS 2.0 are scheduled for release in January/February 2003 and the first full integrations should be completed in Q1 2013 and reported on in March 2013. [Read more…]
Work Package 4: Online MT Systems
This work package exemplifies how ITS 2.0 allows an HTML5 Content Author to send instructions for translation to MT Systems and to a Content Editor through a Real Time Translation System (RTTS). This RTTS is in turn connected to different MT Service Providers: a Statistical MT System MaTrEx (DCU) and a Rule-based MT System (LucySoftware). Current efforts are focusing on the creation of a web services-based integration of these components. [Read more…]
Work Package 5: Deep Web Information and MT Training
Work Package 6: Community Involvement
The Multlingual-Web LT project has been successful in engaging participation from a wide segment of the content-producing, translation and localization, and content consumer community. It has successfully run one MultilingualWeb Workshop (in Dublin, June 2012) and is currently planning the next workshop, to be held in March 2013 in Rome. The project was successful in gathering input on requirements for ITS 2.0 from many organization and individuals, in reaching out to conference and other audiences with information on the project, and in gaining commitments from outside parties to implement ITS 2.0 features in their products. Ongoing work will further evangelize ITS 2.0, engage the community for feedback on the ITS 2.0 draft, and promote ITS 2.0-based solutions. [Read more…]