
From SVG

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Test Coverage for SVG Tiny 1.2 Chapter 16: Animation



 - is a comment or note
  is an assertion or feature that is fully covered in the test suite
 # is an assertion or feature that is partially or not covered in the test suite
 D Test case status: draft
 ? problematic issue/test case

16.2.4 Attributes to identify the target element for an animation

 animate-elem-27-t.svg identify with xlink:href or as parent element
 animate-elem-52-t.svg eventbase targets to start animation
 animate-elem-218-t.svg xml:id or id? Identification of the element, that is target of an animation.

16.2.5 Attributes to identify the target attribute or property for an animation

 animate-elem-25-t.svg animating an XML attribute with and without setting attributeType explicitely to 'XML'.
 animate-elem-26-t.svg animating a CSS property with and without setting attributeType explicitely to 'CSS'.
D animate-elem-219-t.svg Identify the attributeType and the priority of an animation.

# Test overwrite rules for two or more animations having different attributeType and doing animation for example for the same fill of an element.
# Test scenario like the animation of a rect, using attributeType = "CSS" attributeName="width" or for a polygon, using attributeType = "CSS" attributeName="points" the other way around is more difficult, what is expected for an animated text with attributeType = "auto" attributeName="font" values="40 sans-serif; 20 serif; 30 monospace" or for attributeType = "XML" attributeName="font" values="40 sans-serif; 20 serif; 30 monospace"
 - For SVG1.1 what is expected for 'auto' or 'CSS' - continuous or discrete animation for the font-size of the font property? (for 'XML' no animation is expected). For SVGT 1.2 'font' is not in the list of shared properties, but 16.2.5 notes for 'auto' to look for all supported properties, not just for SVG specified ones.

16.2.6 Animation with namespaces

D animate-elem-226-t.svg  resolving of namespace names in animations

16.2.7 Paced animation and complex types

See issue 268.

? animate-elem-53-t.svg polygon points - fits to current formulas but does not fit to the definition of calcMode paced? 
? animate-elem-82-t.svg paced transformations - tests still behaviour of SVG 1.1 (which is not consistent with the definition of calcMode paced. The translation tests fits to any behaviour and is not really a test. There is no behaviour to rotate with changed center fitting to the definition of calcMode paced at all.
# angle, integer, length, coordinate not specific for SVGT 1.2, can be tested...
# color not specific for SVGT 1.2, this is already specified correctly for animateColor in SMIL, can be tested
# list of length, list of points, path-data: the given formulas do not provide a paced change of the value as required for calcMode paced. Because a paced change of the value does not interpolate between the values, there is no useful or meaningful behaviour for calcMode paced for such properties. This needs to be corrected in the CR. For example use calcMode linear as a fallback for attributes without a meaning for calcMode paced.
# transform list can be tested after formular for scaling is corrected as already discussed and that for  rotate(alpha, x, y) is skipped or adjusted. Currently unspecified in the CR and not tested:
  • list of <coordinate> respectively <coordinate>+,
  • list of <number> respectively <number>+ (text x,y,rotate)

16.2.8 Attributes to control the timing of the animation

# (absolute/relative) high accuracy timing tests.
 - Discussion: Times like those for dur, end, begin are not of the number type and SMIL specifies that an arbitrary number of digits is allowed but not scientific notation. But we can at least check, that values in the specified number range work properly (and maybe that longer than 4 digits for the fraction is rounded/accepted and does not prevent the animation from being running). For accuracy tests: SVGT allows numbers in the range -32767.9999 to +32767.9999 with a maximum of 4 digits for the fractional part and related scientific notation (chapter 4). Animation values of the number type have to work in this range. Times are given in ms or s (maybe to be careful or just to create a simple test, we can use the same  number range and the same maximum number of  fractional digits to be graceful). Rendering has to be within one device pixel correct. This allows relative timing tests (see below) both for short time intervals and long time intervals (short range and long range accuracy tests). The other application is an absolute accuracy test for timing for long range stability. For this an animation with a duration of several minutes or hours can be used to compare the accuracy with an external quarz oscillator (maybe radio controlled, if the tester has such a device). This requires user interactivity with an estimated accuracy for timing within 0.1s. This can be used too to test, if other activities disturb the animation (open another window/tab, send an email, writing, start another animation while the test animation is already running). Using only times from the number range, this gives a theoretical possible relative measurement accuracy of about 3E-6, about 1E-3 already within 2 minutes. This is in the range of a typical quarz oscillator compared with the required accuracy in the range around 2E-5 resulting from the SVGT restrictions for numbers and rendering accuracy. Of course, we cannot expect that the viewer has a higher accuracy than a typical quarz oscillator. 

D rendering and animation precision
 D types-data-203-t.svg superposition of animate, animateTransform, animateMotion together with transform and set are used to test both relative timing and rendering precision 
 D types-data-204-t.svg relative timing and rendering precision using transform attribute, set and animate (description needs to be fixed) 
# begin
  animate-elem-52-t.svg begin with event - identify the correct event base element
 ? animate-elem-60-t.svg various begin attribute values for set; contains still wallclock not available in SVGT 1.2
 D animate-elem-61-t.svg multiple begin conditions in begin attribute for set
 D animate-elem-225-t.svg erroneous begin list equals to value 'indefinite'
  animate-elem-201-t.svg Advanced test for begin and end with offset, syncbase, event value lists - correct begin and active duration
  animate-elem-39-t.svg (offset value lists)
  animate-elem-63-t.svg (offset value lists)
# begin animation with a element
 # begin animation with a element - maybe a more advanced test with 'animation history'
# end
 D? animate-elem-62-t.svg various end attribute values for set; contains still wallclock not available in SVGT 1.2
 D animate-elem-63-t.svg multiple end conditions in the end attribute for set
 D animate-elem-86-t.svg active duration shortened by end and fill freeze for discrete animation
 D animate-elem-221-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, max.
 D animate-elem-222-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, min.
  animate-elem-201-t.svg Advanced test for begin and end with offset, syncbase, event value lists- correct begin and active duration
# events for begin and end
  focusin, focusout in interact-focus* 
  mouseover, mouseout, mousedown, mouseup in interact-event-203-t.svg
  mouseover in interact-pevents-02-t.svg
  activate in interact-focus-202-t.svg
 # mousemove potentially missing?
 # New events or changed behaviour/name: load, resize, scroll, zoom, rotate?

# accessKey new notation is available like accessKey(U+0030)

# dur is tested in many samples
  animate-elem-64-t.svg Basic test on dur attribute with set; clock value, indefinite, media (without having a media)
 # dur="media" test this with element video/audio having media - because no video/audio format is required to be supported, this is optional - add conditional processing using requiredFormats.
 - I think, the element animation has in general no simple media duration, but it is in SMIL a continuous and not a discrete media, therefore the dur="media" becomes indefinite for the animation animation, could be interesting to verify this assumption and to test it too (and to add a note to the definition of the animation element).

# min and max:
  animate-elem-65-t.svg min tests for set element.
  animate-elem-66-t.svg min and max tests with for set element.
 D animate-elem-221-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, max.
 D animate-elem-222-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, min.
 D animate-elem-223-t.svg interactive animation with min and max animate element.
 # tests for animateMotion, animateTransform, animateColor missing

# restart
  animate-elem-67-t.svg Basic test on restart attribute for set
 # currently only with set available, behaviour related to additive/accumulative interesting to test (seems to be wrong for example in Squiggle 1.7)

# repeatCount and repeatDur
  animate-elem-68-t.svg Basic test on the repeatCount attribute with set
  animate-elem-69-t.svg Basic test on the repeatDur attribute with set
 # test, that the (intermediate) active duration (IAD) is correctly calculated, if both repeatDur and repeatCount are specified - it is the minimum of both.
 # similar systematic tests for animate, animateMotion, animateTransform, animateColor? 

# fill
  animate-elem-70-t.svg Basic test on the fill attribute with set
  animate-elem-86-t.svg active duration shortened by end and fill freeze for discrete animation
 D animate-elem-221-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, max.
 D animate-elem-222-t.svg Correct timing with combined begin, end, dur, fill, min.

16.2.9 Attributes that define animation values over time

# calcMode 
   animate-elem-02-t.svg calcMode discrete from-to animate testing additive, accumulative behaviour
  animate-elem-09-t.svg calcMode discrete for animate and animateMotion
  animate-elem-10-t.svg calcMode linear for animate and animateMotion
  animate-elem-11-t.svg calcMode paced for animate and animateMotion
  animate-elem-12-t.svg calcMode spline + keySplines for animate and animateMotion
  animate-elem-31-t.svg implicitely calcMode discrete by animated property, from-to and values animate, partly with keyTimes
  animate-elem-35-t.svg values animate, animateTransform, calcMode implicitely linear or discrete, with keyTimes
 ? animate-elem-82-t.svg calcMode linear and paced for animateTransform (tests still 1.1 behaviour)
  animate-elem-86-t.svg active duration shortened by end and fill freeze for discrete animation
 D? animate-elem-204-t.svg Advanced test for discrete animateMotion (with keyPoints and keyTimes). Problem see animateMotion section
  animate-elem-205-t.svg Advanced test for linear animateMotion.
  animate-elem-207-t.svg Advanced test for paced animateMotion. 
 # Precision tests for paced, spline, discrete animateColor, discrete animateTransform, skewX/Y paced animateTransform

# keySplines (+ calcMode spline)
 D animate-elem-220-t.svg Precicison test for calcMode spline, keySplines, values animate. Basic tests see above for calcMode.

  animate-elem-14-t.svg calcMode discrete, keyTimes, values, animate
  animate-elem-15-t.svg calcMode paced (for attribute with scalar value), keyTimes, values, animate
  animate-elem-17-t.svg calcMode spline. keySplines, keyTimes, values, animate
  animate-elem-19-t.svg calcMode linear, keyTimes, values, animate
  animate-elem-31-t.svg from-to and values animate, implicitely calcMode discrete, partly with keyTimes
  animate-elem-35-t.svg values animate, animateTransform, calcMode implicitely linear or discrete, with keyTimes
# values animation
 D animate-elem-208-t.svg  this sample is intended to test something different, but uses animateMotion with only one value in the values attribute, what is for example a problem for Squiggle 1.7; more samples with only one value in the values attribute are 209-217.
  animate-elem-13-t.svg  only basic subtest for animate
  animate-elem-34-t.svg  values (with points list, not numerical values)
 from-to animation
  animate-elem-13-t.svg  only basic subtest for animate (see list for 16.2.10)
  animate-elem-22-t.svg from-to animate for x, y, width, height of rect
 from-by animation
  animate-elem-13-t.svg  only basic subtest for animate (for more see list for 16.2.10)
 by animation
  animate-elem-13-t.svg only basic subtest for animate (for more see list for 16.2.10)
# to animation
 D animate-elem-208-t.svg specific rules for to animations for the combination with underlying values/animations and shortend active duration for the element animateMotion
 D animate-elem-224-t.svg specific rules for to animations for the combination with underlying values/animations and shortend active duration for the element animate
  animate-elem-13-t.svg only basic subtest for animate
 # to animation only for animate and animateMotion, missing for animateColor, animateTransform.
# override rules if values, to, by from are all available for one animation

16.2.10 Attributes that control whether animations are additive

# Systematic precision tests for from-to, from-by and by animations with values animations including additive and cumulative behaviour:
   animate-elem-209-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animate with values animate.
   animate-elem-210-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateColor with values animateColor.
   animate-elem-211-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateMotion with values animateMotion.
   animate-elem-212-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform rotate (around zero) with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-213-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform rotate with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-214-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform scale with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-215-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform translate with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-216-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform skewX with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-217-t.svg Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform skewY with values animateTransform.
   animate-elem-02-t.svg discrete from-to animate testing additive, accumulative behaviour
  # Note, that the published SVGT1.2 CR contains a paragraph producing some contradictions for additive and cumulative animateTransform (similar for the proposed errata for SVG1.1). In the example above is mainly tested, that from-to, from-by and by animations have the same behaviour than values animations. Dark red structures assume, that additive behaviour is still possible in SVGT1.2 as in SMIL and SVG1.1 for values animations, however this is not sure taking into account the contradictory paragraph... In the internal draft of SVGT1.2 the paragraph is now (2008-04) modified in such a way, that additive effects for animateTransform are in general prevented (accumulative is ok). However this condradicts with the immediately following example and the main example in the animation chapter. If it is really intended, that animateTransform effectively cannot be additive anymore, such examples in the draft and some tests from the test suite have to be removed or modified. If this is not intended, this paragraph needs to be removed or replaced with a different text. The main reason for the paragraph seems to be a problem with to-animateTransform, because such a type of animation cannot be postmultiplied and following the SMIL rules, how a to-animation has to be calculated, if it is not a discrete animation. One way to fix the problem could be simply to define, that to-animateTransform is always discrete, because the SMIL rule for the discrete case is applicable too for animateTransform without a problem.  
- cumulative animations following SMIL2 create jumps (if the initial or final value of the value list is not zero) This is not very specific for SVGT 1.2, but only understandable for SVG 1.1 with the old SMIL animation recommendation after reading SMIL 2 taking this as an interpretation and clarification of the older recommendation. Tests about this are included in the samples above.
# additive/cumulative behaviour - still underspecified in SMIL and SVG, what happens with to and by animations, if attributes and properties are indicated as none additive ... fix and test this (because SVG specifies, wether an attribute is additive or not, behaviour for non-additive attributes for to- and by-animations can be specified too).

16.2.11 Inheritance

 animation and inheritance 
  animate-elem-03-t.svg from-to animate and inheritance of CSS property
  animate-elem-28-t.svg from-to animate and inheritance of CSS property

16.2.12 The 'animate' element

Used in many tests, see other lists

   animate-elem-30-t.svg animate from-to (includes too: animateTransform, animateColor, animateMotion)
   animate-elem-32-t.svg animate from-to

16.2.13 The 'set' element

Used in many tests, see other lists


16.2.14 The 'animateMotion' element

   animate-elem-203-t.svg Precision test for additive animateMotion with different animation types (path, mpath, values ...).
   animate-elem-202-t.svg Precision test for accumulative animateMotion, testing too, that different rotate values do not interfere with cumulative behaviour.
  D? animate-elem-204-t.svg Advanced test for discrete animateMotion with keyPoints and keyTimes (keyPoints list contains still typos, correct list: keyPoints="0.0191;0.0955;0.1719;0.2326;0.3685;0.5044;0.5769;0.6775; 0.7782;0.8281;0.9045;0.9809;0.6775;0.3685;0.0191;0.8281;0.5769;0.9809;0.7782;0.1719"
   animate-elem-205-t.svg Advanced test for linear animateMotion.
   animate-elem-207-t.svg Advanced test for paced animateMotion.
  D animate-elem-208-t.svg specific rules for to animations for the combination with underlying values/animations and shortend active duration for the element animateMotion
   animate-elem-04-t.svg from-to animateMotion 
   animate-elem-05-t.svg linear values animateMotion
   animate-elem-06-t.svg linear path animateMotion
   animate-elem-08-t.svg linear path animateMotion with rotate auto and auto-reverse
   animate-elem-24-t.svg path animateMotion
   animate-elem-33-t.svg values, from-to, path animateMotion, calcMode linear, keyTimes, keyPoints

16.2.15 The 'mpath' element

   animate-elem-206-t.svg animateMotion with animated mpath.
   animate-elem-07-t.svg linear mpath animateMotion

16.2.16 The 'animateColor' element

   animate-elem-23-t.svg from-to
   animate-elem-84-t.svg from-to, using too: inherit, currentColor
   animate-elem-85-t.svg from-to, to, using currentColor
  # 16.2.16 notes, that animateColor is to be used for <color>, but the table in 16.2.18 notes, that it can be used for <paint> too - fix this inconsistency and test then.

16.2.17 The 'animateTransform' element

   animate-elem-24-t.svg animateTransform for transform, types scale and rotate; from-to, additive sum
   animate-elem-30-t.svg animateTransform for transform, types scale, rotate, translate; from-to, additive sum
   animate-elem-36-t.svg animateTransform for transform type rotate, values
   animate-elem-37-t.svg animateTransform for transform type rotate, values
   animate-elem-80-t.svg animateTransform for transform types rotate, skewX, skewY, scale, translate;  values
   animate-elem-81-t.svg animateTransform for transform types rotate, scale;  from-to, additive, accumulate
  ? animate-elem-82-t.svg calcMode linear and paced for animateTransform (tests still 1.1 behaviour)

16.2.18 Attributes and properties that can be animated

5. Document Structure

5.1.2 svg element

- animation of all values of preserveAspectRatio

- snapshotTime in combination with a simple animation (?, only optional)

- playbackOrder in combination with starting an animation with an a element and a fragment identifier?

- timelineBegin with retarded external content (needs maybe serversided scripting)

- animation of width and height

5.4 discard element

- test that an element can be discarded


- test that a discarded element cannot be 'reanimated' somehow using animation

5.5 desc' and 'title'

if an element with title or desc is exchanged (for example with an animation of xlin:href of use) - does the provided content of title or desc change?

5.6 use element
 animate-elem-30-t.svg animateMotion and animateTransform for use referencing animated elements
 animate-elem-39-t.svg xlink:href animated
 animate-elem-40-t.svg x/y animated
5.7 image
 animate-elem-39-t.svg xlink:href animated
 animate-elem-40-t.svg x/y/width/height animated

- opacity animation for image

- test animation of xlink:href with a change from JPEG to PNG (using transparence) with an explicitely given type attribute (maybe this is currently underspecified because the type attribute is not animatable)

5.9.1 externalResourcesRequired and 5.9.3 The 'prefetch' element

the support is only optional, therefore the test is only optional...

6. Styling

see comments for 16.2.5

7. Coordinate Systems, Transformations and Units

7.1 - 7.6

see comments for 16.2.17

7.7 Constrained Transformations

- animateTransform for a parent g containing elements with constrained transformation


- this seem to require the calculation of the inverse matrix, test that viewers do not crash, if the inverse does not exist (the visible effect is still defined, but not available with the inverse matrix). use for example:

    values="0,2; 2,0; -1,-1.5; 0,0; 0,0; 1,-1; 1,1;3,1;0,2"

for the parent g element of an element with transform="ref(svg,...)"

- test relation to animated viewBox


- test animateTransform inside a g with constrained transformation

- test relation to animated width and height of svg

- test if ref(svg,...) is replaced if an animateTransform is applied

- test, what happens, if this animateTransform is additive

7.8 The 'viewBox' attribute

animation of the viewBox

animate-elem-38-t.svg viewBox of svg element

- test for animation to new value 'none'

7.9 The 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute

- test that it is animatable for svg, video, animation, image

8. Paths

animation of the d attribute

animate-elem-44-t.svg (only commands M, L)

? animate-elem-83-t.svg (commands MCZ; MLVHZ -> MlvhZ; MCSZ -> McsZ; MQTZ -> MqtZ) the to animation in this test is a minor problem, because the behaviour for to animations is unspecified in SMIL2/SVGT1.2 for non additive attributes and ambiguous in the old SMIL animation recommendation referenced in SVG 1.1. However in SMIL3 to animations are defined independently from additivity, therefore with SMIL3 it seems to be ok again.

- discrete and set animation with arbitrary commands in the d attribute; 8.2.1

- no animation for non fitting commands and no explicitly given calcMode discrete

- test animation of pathLength

8.4 Distance along a path

see comments for 16.2.14/15

9. Basic Shapes

9.2 The 'rect' element




and some more

paint-stroke-206-t.svg stroking and small width

- animation of rx, ry including degenerate cases and specific problems of stroking of degenerate cases

9.3 The 'circle' element and 9.4 The 'ellipse' element


paint-stroke-201-t.svg specific problems of stroking of degenerate cases for circle

paint-stroke-203-t.svg specific problems of stroking of degenerate cases for ellipse

- animate cx, cy

9.5 The 'line' element


9.6 The 'polyline' element

- test of animation in general

- are the rules the same as for path d, if number of points differ? (discrete animation for set, calcMode discrete, no animation if calcMode is not set to discrete, but the number of points differ)

9.7 The 'polygon' element

? animate-elem-53-t.svg (problem with calcMode paced, see above)


- are the rules the same as for path d, if number of points differ? (discrete animation for set, calcMode discrete, no animation if calcMode is not set to discrete, but the number of points differ)

10 Text

10.4 The 'text' element

animate-elem-40-t.svg x/y animated (one list item for three glyphs text and two list items for two glyphs text)

- animation of rotate and x/y with two list items for more than two glyphs text

- test cases with values lists with different list item number

- tspan inside text, text with animated x/y/rotate

- test additive behaviour of x, y (and non additive for rotate), for x,y see: TextAdditiveAnimation

10.8 Alignment properties



10.9 Font selection properties



text-area-204-t.svg (font-size for textArea)

text-area-211-t.svg (font-size for tspan in textArea)

text-area-212-t.svg (font-size for textArea)

- test that font-variant is not animatable (it is in SVG 1.1!)

10.11 Text in an area

text-area-203-t.svg from-to animation of width and height

text-area-213-t.svg from-to animation of height

- x, y animatable

- width/height animate to 'auto' - maybe interesting especially for accessibility reasons to get all the content, if the area box is too small for fonts, available for the user. Maybe interesting too to create some text popups...

10.11.4 The 'line-increment' property

- animation of line-increment

10.11.5 The 'text-align' property

- animation of text-align

10.11.6 The 'display-align' property

- animation of display-align

10.12.1 The editable attribute

- animation of editable

11. Painting


animate-elem-34-t.svg fill-rule, fill (animate)

animate-elem-35-t.svg stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-linecap and stroke-linejoin (animate)

? animate-elem-41-t.svg fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset, display, visibility, color (animate). Problem here with discrete to animation of fill-rule: The timing has changed, because this is now explicitly defined in SMIL2/3 and was not before, therefore for for SVG1.1 the current behaviour can be assumed as correct, for SVGT1.2 referencing SMIL2 it should be different; use a from-to animation to avoid this complication here!

animate-elem-78-t.svg fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset, display, visibility, color (set)

animate-elem-31-t.svg display, visibility (animate)

animate-elem-29-t.svg fill-opacity (animate)

11.4 Stroke Properties

paint-stroke-205-t.svg stroking of a subpath with zero length and animation

- stroke-dasharray with values with different list item mumbers discrete?

- animation of stroke-opacity

11.5 Non-Scaling Stroke

paint-nsstroke-201-t.svg - relation to animateTransform

paint-nsstroke-202-t.svg - relation to animateTransform

paint-nsstroke-203-t.svg - relation to animateTransform

- animation of vector-effect

- precision test in relation to animateTransform

- test with animation of width and height of the svg element

- test with animation of viewBox of the svg element

- test relation of stroke-dasharray with animateTransform

- interesting for applications especially, if only one dimension of an object is scaled to zero, that this can be still visible

11.7 viewport-fill

paint-vfill-201-t.svg from-to animation for svg element

- test animation set to 'none' or 'inherit'

- test animation for other viewport creating elements as image (transparent PNG)

 or more useful for animation element
11.8 viewport-fill-opacity

paint-vfillo-201-t.svg from-to animation for svg element

- test animation for other viewport creating elements as image (transparent PNG) or more useful for animation element

11.9 display
11.10 Rendering hints
11.11 Inheritance

see comments for 16.2.11

11.12 Opacity

see comment for 5.7

- if an animation of opacity is applied to a g element containing an image and a rect, test that this can be inherited for the image using the inherit value in animation - in SVGT1.2 it should be not applied to the g element directly, therefore the rect remains without opacity, the image gets only opacity, if opacity is set to inherit

11.13 color values


11.14.2 solidColor element

paint-other-202-t.svg from-to animation for solid-color and solid-opacity

11.14.3 color property


11.15 Paint Servers

see comments for 16.2.16

11.16 Gradients

paint-grad-19-t.svg from-to animateColor for stop-color, color, inheritance from-to animate for stop-opacity

paint-grad-201-t.svg from-to animate for stop-opacity

- animation test for gradientUnits, x1, x2, y1, y2, cx, cy, r

- animation test for stop element attribute offset

12 Multimedia


- face the problem with the type attribute if multimedia content is exchanged using animation, see similar problem for image

12.2 audio element

- animation test for xlink:href attribute

- detailed tests for timing

12.3 video element

media-video-212-t.svg from-to animateTransform rotate, values scale, values skewX/Y, values translate

media-video-213-t.svg from-to animateTransform rotate

media-video-214-t.svg from-to animateTransform translate

- animation test for x, y, width, height, xlink:href

- animation test preserveAspectRatio (see comment for 7.9)

- detailed tests for timing

12.4 animation element

- animation test for x,y, width, height, xlink:href

- animation test preserveAspectRatio (see comment for 7.9)

- detailed tests for timing

12.5 audio-level

media-alevel-201-t.svg set animation of audio-level for audio

media-alevel-202-t.svg set animation of audio-level for video

and some more for animate too in media-alevel-*

13 Interactivity


see comments for eventbase values for begin and end, 16.2.8

13.9 The 'pointer-events' property

interact-pevents-07-t.svg set animation for pointer-events, only all/none

- animation test for all values for pointer-events (especially boundingBox)


- animation test for focusable (for several elements)

13.12.2 Specifying navigation

- animation test for all attributes (for several elements)

14. Linking
14.2 a element

animate-elem-39-t.svg xlink:href animation

- animation test on target

16.3 Animation using the SVG DOM

see The SVG Micro DOM (uDOM)

16.4 Animation and the Bounding Box

 for example click/activate of a slowly rotating line maybe with short stops horizontally and vertically to 
 switch the color as indication for about 2s. Could be combined with tests of 13.9.