
From SVG

This page is an archive of the previous Group's wiki from http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Group/wiki.

Test Coverage for SVG Tiny 1.2

Below are links to pages that detail the current SVG 1.2 Tiny test suite coverage for each chapter. See TestSuiteCommentsSVGMobile1.2 started at the ZurichF2F

Testsuite coverage analysis

Below is a list of tests which are required to raise coverage to levels required to reach Recommendation status.

Section Test Status
12.1.1 onLoad and onStart AE
14.1 references ( tests described in coverage ) CL
15.4 listener attributes ED
15.5 handler attributes ED
A.5.10 connectionEvent Ikivo
A.7.3 connection Ikivo

Recently completed tests

This list of recently completed tests may still need review and approval.

Section Test Status
12.6 runtime synchonization attributes media-sync-201-t.svg
A.8.4 SVGSVGElement - moveFocus svg-udom-241-t.svg
5.8.2 switch element for "requiredFormats" and "requiredFeatures", "requiredExtensions" Complete (struct-cond-01-t.svg, struct-cond-02-t.svg, struct-cond-03-t.svg, struct-cond-04-t.svg, struct-cond-05-t.svg, struct-cond-06-t.svg, struct-cond-07-t.svg, struct-cond-08-t.svg, struct-cond-09-t.svg, struct-cond-10-t.svg)
5.8.7 "requiredFonts" basic attribute and list valies tests Complete (struct-cond-208-t.svg, struct-cond-211-t.svg, struct-cond-212-t.svg )
5.10.1 class attribute tests Complete (struct-class-201-t.svg)
7.11 Need test for optional units mm, cm, in, pt, or pc on SVG width/height Complete (test list)
A.7.4 timer Complete (test list)
A.8.18 SVGGlobal - binaryToString,stringToBinary, parseXML Complete (udom-svg-238-t.svg, udom-svg-239-t.svg, udom-svg-240-t.svg)
10.12 editable text tests Complete (test list)
13.2 addEventListener tests for complete list of events Complete (test list)
A.5.5 wheelEvent Complete (test list)
A.5.6 textEvent Complete (udom-event-207-t.svg)
A.5.7 keyboardEvent Complete (udom-event-220-t.svg)
A.5.7 progressEvent Complete (test list)
A.8.4 SVGSVGElement - setFocus, getCurrentFocusedObject, setCurrentTime, getCurrentTime (donated by BitFlash) udom-svg-226-t.svg , udom-svg-227-t.svg, udom-svg-228-t.svg, udom-svg-229-t.svg
A.8.5 SVGRGBColor (donated by BitFlash) udom-svgcolor-201-t.svg
A.8.6 SVGRect (donated by BitFlash) udom-svgrect-201-t.svg
A.8.7 SVGPoint (donated by BitFlash) udom-svgpoint-201-t.svg, udom-svgpoint-202-t.svg
A.8.8 SVGPath (donated by BitFlash) udom-svgpath-201-t.svg, udom-svgpath-202-t.svg
A.8.9 SVGMatrix (donated by BitFlash) udom-svgmatrix-201-t.svg, udom-svgmatrix-202-t.svg, udom-svgmatrix-203-t.svg, udom-svgmatrix-204-t.svg, udom-svgmatrix-205-t.svg, udom-svgmatrix-206-t.svg
A.8.10 SVGLocatable (donated by BitFlash) udom-svglocatable-201-t.svg, udom-svglocatable-202-t.svg, udom-svglocatable-203-t.svg
A.8.12 Trait Access ( donated by BitFlash ) udom-svg-230-t.svg, udom-svg-231-t.svg, udom-svg-232-t.svg,udom-svg-234-t.svg,udom-svg-235-t.svg,udom-svg-236-t.svg,udom-svg-237-t.svg