W3help.org, the Website of China Web Standards Promotion Community was officially launched on Google DevFest event, Sep 2nd 2010 in Beijing. Prof. Dianfu Ma, Dean of School of computer Science and engineering, gave an opening speech to share his thoughts on the future of web and web standards on behalf of W3C China Office. He said: “I’m happy to wish the community success and I expect, that with all the effort and support we can build a better Web in China, based on open standards.” The China Web Standards Promotion Community, formerly known as W3C China Community, is a joint effort of the industry, standards bodies, research institutes, volunteer communities or other organizations bodies who care about web standards in China and the W3C China Office. W3help.org focuses on the promotion and application of web standards by way of providing standards related technical reports, cross-browser development and compatibility resources, Chinese translations, online courses and local news.