This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
XHTML Validator is not validating my page And I've went over my code and it's sytax is correct based on w3school term.
If you are talking about: 1 - it is served as utf-8, even though its actual character encoding is windows-1252. Fix how your Web server serves this page or make the page actually utf-8. 2 - your document is not valid becase all your images are missing the alt attribute. Note that the w3schools site specifies it as being required, though they don't use it in their examples at http:// . Complain to w3schools (which are in no way affiliated with W3C), not about/to the validator, if their documentation is misleading or wrong. Generally speaking I would suggest anyone to think twice before blaming on a tool what is likely to be a mistake on your part. I am certain you honestly though the validator had a bug, but even then, "I am right, the validator is wrong" is hardly a complete, accurate and helpful bug report. Thanks.