This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Depending on whether the input URI is or one gets different graphs in the Notation3 output, namely earl:testSubject <> versus earl:testSubject <> which is rather undesirable. URI->canonicalize(...) would prevent that.
Uhm. AFAIK, the two URLs are entirely equivalent. Why would this be a problem (in n3 or otherwise)? Canonic URLs is probably a good idea on general principle, but you seem to be implying a specific bug here?
They are not equivalent when compared as strings which is how things work in RDF, as I wrote, you have two different graphs which is undesirable. This does not violate some protocol, but should be fixed nonetheless.
Fixed in HEAD.