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Bug 6952 - [XSLT 2.0] Is there really a need to prohibit checking of NOTATIONs during validation?
Summary: [XSLT 2.0] Is there really a need to prohibit checking of NOTATIONs during va...
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSLT 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Recommendation
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Kay
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-05-25 17:21 UTC by Henry Zongaro
Modified: 2010-07-15 16:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Henry Zongaro 2009-05-25 17:21:22 UTC
According to the fourth bullet in the first list section of XSLT 2.0,[1]

"There is no check that the document contains notations whose names match the values of nodes of type xs:NOTATION. (The XDM data model makes no provision for notations to be represented in the tree.)"

Similarly, the sixth bullet of section 19.2.2 of XSLT 2.0[2] reads,

"There is no check that the document contains notations whose names match the values of nodes of type xs:NOTATION. This is because notations are not part of the XDM data model. It is possible to add notations to the result document by referencing a suitable DOCTYPE during serialization."

However, according to section 3.2.19 of XML Schema: Datatypes,[3] "The ·value space· of NOTATION is the set of QNames of notations declared in the current schema. The ·lexical space· of NOTATION is the set of all names of notations declared in the current schema (in the form of QNames)."  This stands in contrast to the ENTITY datatype,[4] whose values have to have been declared as unparsed entities in a DTD.

Have I missed something or is there really no need for this requirement that the processor not check the values of nodes of type xs:NOTATION?  I would suggest striking the two bullets I've quoted above.

Comment 1 Michael Kay 2010-05-27 16:46:10 UTC
Agreed that validation should check that NOTATIONS are declared in the schema, deleting the offending text from the spec.

Noted that the same problem is present in the XQuery specification.
Comment 2 Henry Zongaro 2010-05-27 17:00:07 UTC
See also the related bug filed against XQuery 1.0:  Bug 9816
Comment 3 Michael Kay 2010-07-15 09:37:16 UTC
This will be erratum E48.