This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The test-case cbcl-subsequence-010 (i.e: 'count(subsequence(1 to 3000000000, -2147483648, 2147483647))') goes beyond the limits of representation for a integer value in Java and therefore we are not able to produce the expected result in our implementation. Hence, we suggest that any-error be allowed as an additional expected result for us to pass this test. In addition, for the test cbcl-subsequence-008 there is spurious error code (i.e. <error code="ANDY0001"/>) given as one of the expected results.
This is interesting. In the XSLT 3.0 specification at: lists 7 implementation defined limits. 1. For the xs:decimal type, the maximum number of decimal digits (the totalDigits facet). This must be at least 18 digits. (Note, however, that support for the full value range of xs:unsignedLong requires 20 digits.) 2. For the types xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, xs:gYear, and xs:gYearMonth: the range of values of the year component, which must be at least +0001 to +9999; and the maximum number of fractional second digits, which must be at least 3. 3. For the xs:duration type: the maximum absolute values of the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds components. 4. For the xs:yearMonthDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as an integer number of months. 5. For the xs:dayTimeDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as a decimal number of seconds. 6. For the types xs:string, xs:hexBinary, xs:base64Binary, xs:QName, xs:anyURI, xs:NOTATION, and types derived from them: the maximum length of the value. 7. For sequences, the maximum number of items in a sequence. Not all of these are represented in the XQuery 3.0 specifiaction in Of the above, 1 to 5 are represented in the F&O specification by error codes FOAR0002, FOCA0001, FOCA0003, FOCA0006, FODT0001 and FODT0002. There aren't any codes for 6 or 7. Perhaps there should be? The code ANDY0001 is XmlPrime's error for "Argument out of implementation defined range." Perhaps a code for this could be added to F&O 3.0 so that the condition can be handled uniformly across processors.
To add a new error code I think we would need a WG decision.
The WG decided add an error code for "implementation-defined limit exceeded". Therefore this bug depends on the resolution of bug #21413,
In addition to comment #3 the spurious error code described in comment #0 has been removed from the test case.
Test cases fixed by using the new error codes