This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
SVG specifically allows foreign namespaces. The validator marks them as invalid. The following example, taken from the SVG 1.1 2nd edition specification returns the error: "Element piechart from namespace not allowed as child of SVG element defs in this context." <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <svg width="4in" height="3in" version="1.1" xmlns = ''> <defs> <myapp:piechart xmlns:myapp="" title="Sales by Region"> <myapp:pieslice label="Northern Region" value="1.23"/> <myapp:pieslice label="Eastern Region" value="2.53"/> <myapp:pieslice label="Southern Region" value="3.89"/> <myapp:pieslice label="Western Region" value="2.04"/> <!-- Other private data goes here --> </myapp:piechart> </defs> <desc>This chart includes private data in another namespace </desc> <!-- In here would be the actual SVG graphics elements which draw the pie chart --> </svg> See: