This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
It is unclear wether paragraphs are allowed inside other paragraphs. As per the HTML 4.01 spec, this is disallowed, which is what many expect, but in this section no rules regarding nesting are specified (apart from p both being flow content and allowed to contain flow content). If the intention is that p elements should be allowed to nest, this should be stated explicitly as it differs from HTML 4.01 behaviour, and if that is not the case, it should also be stated explicitly to avoid confusion. See e.g. for an example of the confusion that ensues.
> apart from p both being flow content and allowed to contain flow content says that <p> contains phrasing content, not flow content. What am I missing?
You're right, Boris. It might just be that the spec is hard to read — it's not immediately obvious to me that "Content model" means "element may contain this content".
It would probably help if that term linked to where the first sentence is pretty clear....
The spec is correct. See comment 1. (In reply to comment #3) > It would probably help if that term linked to > > where the first sentence is pretty clear.... Filed bug 13228.
mass-move component to LC1