Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
matatk: going to add New Charters to review, since we have one new one
Compute Pressure CfC
janina: CFC will be expiring at midnight tonight
janina: CFC will be expiring at midnight tonight
janina: midnight Boston time
New Charters Review
Web Identity Credential Working Group Charter
<Roy> - charter: https://
<Roy> - issue: w3c/
<gb> Issue 427 [wg/wic] Web Identity Credential Working Group Charter (by plehegar) [Security] [Horizontal review requested] [security-tracker] [Advance Notice Sent] [charter]
Roy: Web identity Credential Working Group. New group at W3C
Roy: authorization for the web. I read their documents and a11y is not mentioned in the charter
Roy: they try to use some new web feature within browser to support authentication flow.
matatk: starting with what's out of scope. the designing of new authentication methods and credentials formats is all out of scope.
matatk: authentication and authorization are different. authentication is proving you are who you say. authorization is checking that the person you say you are has access. two different things
matatk: struggling to pick out exactly what the group will be doing.
matatk: seems like credential status, API...
matatk: with anything new like this, it's best to be cautious and ask for coordination as necessary. I think it might be beneficial for us to ask to talk with them so we can learn more about what they're working on
matatk: I don't object to this as an APA co-chair
Lionel_Wolberger: we do wish to ensure they have front of mind experience of a11y, particularly time-based and memory limitations as articulated by relationship with COGA
janina: basically Lionel's point. we will surface requirements that we have their API support time limitations, etc.
Lionel_Wolberger: [Noting that 'memory' referred to here is the user's biological memory, not device memory]
matatk: don't think we can approve this right away
PaulG: at a minimum, we want them to reference 3.3.8 (WCAG 2.2) double AA. they should be able to reach AAA (3.3.9)
PaulG: 2.2.5 is AAA*
Lionel: We respectfully suggest that the Web Identity Credential Working Group Charter add to the list of W3C Groups the APA-WG.
… Justification: We seek to ensure that accessibility is kept front of mind, as authentication timing and the reliance on short term memory are known and thorny topics for people with disabilities;
… APA can represent these issues that have been raised in COGA and AGWG
… We'd like them to at minimum to reach 3.3.8 WCAG Authentication criteria
… and ideally to reach the 2.2.5 AAA requirement
… [thanks to Paul for those WCAG citations]
… 3.3.9 is also relevant to the solving of puzzles, another challenge to COGA
<Fredrik> +1
matatk: do we support the above statement?
<matatk> +1
<PaulG> +1
<niklasegger> +1
<Leandro__> +1
<Fredrik> +1
<Roy> +1
<janina> +1
<IrfanAli> +1
Leandro__: do we need to type anything in IRC to be noted as present?
Prospects for APA Face to Face Around CSUN?
matatk: need to ask in our TFs so we can make plans. will there be enough of us at CSUN to warrant getting a room to do APA work in?
<Leandro__> I won't go
matatk: it appears that there is interest but most members on the call cannot confirm just yet
CSS Update (Paul)
<PaulG> w3c/
<gb> Issue 9398 [css-zoom?] Zoom and CSSOM (by emilio)
PaulG: there was a draft/statement on Zoom I'm trying to understand. (Zoom as in the CSS property.) Has to do with how position is calculated through API
PaulG: gist is that they wanted to be more accurate. need some time to look into it further
PaulG: complicated to think about. they want consistency throughout APIs. the handling is different depending on browser. they're choosing the non-zoomed positions to be reported by the API.
matatk: it does make sense to me but I assume that zoom is applied equally all over the page. it's not like zooming is going to change relative proportions.
matatk: would like to see a demo to more fully understand
PaulG: it affects the transform Scalable of a page. can have something on regular and 2.5 zoom adjacent to each other
PaulG: could be simply a caveat as to how it could be used. lots to consider.
<PaulG> w3c/
<gb> Issue 6026 [css-values] Use of 100vw is causing pointless horizontal scrollbars on some websites (by simevidas) [css-values-3] [Agenda+] [Closed Accepted by CSSWG Resolution] [css-values-4] [Needs Edits]
PaulG: usage of 100% width causes scroll bars to appear in some websites. all about scroll bars and how much space they take up. can be very difficult to implement consistently. gutter width will be preserved from 100p width in certain configurations.
PaulG: scroll bar gutter. there's stable and stable Both. in these cases 100p will go 100% of the width minus the scrollbar
matatk: earlier in web, scroll bars were opaque. nowadays, scroll bars can be transparent since some of the site is being rendered underneath the scroll bar
matatk: to me, this seems clearer than the zoom property. I'm curious about how zoom is going to work
PaulG: not seen as a hindrance for a11y at this point
Actions Checkin (Specs)
matatk: any open actions to declare?
matatk: the stated timelines for pronunciation need to be extended because CR was hoped for by end of year
Roy: if there is a resolution from the TF about the timeline, can adjust accordingly for next charter
matatk: will support reaching a new reasonable timeline. as Roy says, the update can then be made
matatk: do want to address ASAP and provide feedback quickly also
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
Other Business
matatk: intros for Leandro__
<PaulG> I need to drop.