Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
matatk: I'm glad to be back, looking forward working together again
<Lionel_Wolberger> +1 glad to have Matt here, now from Samsung!
janina: We have now a liason with coga, more details next week
Conference Attendance Checkins
<Fredrik> Matthew! Whoop whoop! With far superior sound quality to boot!
matatk: Who is going to be at CSUN 2024? (Please ask in your taskforces, who is also going)
Nichole: I'm going
matatk: Awesome, and who is going to AccessU next year in Austin, Texas in May?
matatk: Anyone who is in a taskforce please report back, who is going
Nichole: I'm also going to ATIA
Fredrik: I'm going to the Zero Project next year
Lionel_Wolberger: Me too
New Charters Review
Browser Tools and Testing WG (WebDriver) rechartering
<Roy> - charter: https://
<Roy> - issue: w3c/
<gb> Issue 438 Browser Tools and Testing WG (WebDriver) rechartering (by sideshowbarker) [Horizontal review requested] [charter]
Roy: They want to have a liason with, work with us. There is a possibility of a11y considerations
matatk: I think we just need to work with them in general, but let me double check. I don't think they ask for a specifiy liason, more like a horizontal review
<janina> TPAC 2024 is a hybrid meeting the week of 23-27 September 2024. In person will be at the Hilton Anaheim, California uSA
matatk: I don't see any concerning parts, I think we can sign it off. Are there any objections?
(... no objections)
A11y Review Comment Tracker
matatk: Any new comments/ requests?
[accordion] UA ability for user to over-ride exclusive accordions functionality
<Roy> - issue: openui/
<gb> Issue 925 [accordion] UA ability for user to over-ride exclusive accordions functionality (by gregwhitworth) [a11y-tracker] [accordion]
Clarify details documentation for a11y and usage
<Roy> - issue: whatwg/
<gb> Issue 9899 Clarify details documentation for a11y and usage (by scottaohara) [accessibility] [a11y-tracker]
janina: Big topic, since a few years. We should keep an eye on it
matatk: I'm going to have a look into these threads. Once I have understood the situation better I will post in the list
Explicit Review Requests
<matatk> w3c/
<gb> Issue 66 DAPT 2021-07-18 (by nigelmegitt) [REVIEW REQUESTED] [FPWD] [pending]
matatk: I thought we have done the DAPT one?
matatk: They have been waiting since July
matatk: Do you want to take a look at it Fredrik?
Fredrik: Yeah, sure
janina: I'll have a look too and hopefully a response ready by next week
new on TR
CSS Update (Paul)
Paul: There is nothing going on right now. I've spent a lot of time on APIs
matatk: There are two things I want to mention: In the TPAC meeting we were in, friday evening, with CSS. They introduced us to 3 proposals from Google to make summaries more accessible
<matatk> Check under "next steps" for the CSS meeting, via our APA TPAC 2023 page: https://
matatk: Happy to hear opinions on that... just post to the list
matatk: Another interesting discussion about focus indicator and the problem with dark modes. Developers forgetting some aspects resulting in not accessbile focus indicatos
matatk: Please everyone have a look at the linked wiki-page. A lot of interessting discussions
matatk: For example, anchor positions, to create accessible floating widgets, menus for example
Paul: Also important with anchor positions, you focus an element but it leaves the DOM, you would have to tab through the page to get back to the position you were. Anchor positions also want to tackle that problem
Actions Checkin (Specs)
matatk: I'm catching up on mine
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
Other Business
janina: We are thinking about changing the ADAPT call
matatk: we are thinking of changing from Monday at 10am Boston to Tuesday at 10am Boston
janina: Typically we take the two weeks at the end of year off. Just a heads up at this point