Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

02 November 2023


EA, JohnRochford, katy, kirkwood, rashmi, tburtin

Meeting minutes

clear language (and internationalization update)

Niamh is new COGA member

Niamh is building a system to test accessibility in language

Can everyone please enter "present+"?

<Niamh> present

Rashmi registered for Navigation team with WCAG 3

Rashmi asked how COGA members can participate in other WCAG 3 teams that are developing WCAG 3 guidelines like "Aid Navigation"

Julie said COGA members should contribute individually and raise concerns with the larger COGA group as needed

Lisa agreed

Rashmi asked about internationalization and mental health

ACTION: doc: Julie will create a google doc so COGA folks can add internationalization issues to the doc

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Lisa raised concerns about different threads in different places

<kirkwood> +1 to avoiding the multi thread issue brought up by Lisa

Rashmi said the issue involve social media and cultural perspectives and phrases that may sound offensive to some people

Lisa said the specific suggestion was not to talk down to people — to pick a tone that isn't patronizing.

Lisa said this overlaps with Clear Language because we tell people to use a simple voice but we don't want to be perceived as childish/patronizing. Do they sometimes conflict?

<kirkwood> cultural meaning? in gov’t we called this internationalization and localization

<kirkwood> localization addressed cultural issue

<rashmi> thank you John for adding this

ACTION: item: Add concern to Clear Language guidelines about avoiding sounding patronizing. This should also be repeated in Mental Health.

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<katy> Yes, really important - can stop people engaging with the information altogether. John K - that's really interesting about Spanish - have you got a link?

next item

next item

Internationalization update: We are working on scheduling a meeting with the chairs of AG and APA and some Internationalization folks

Hopefully that meeting will happen next week

Lisa hopefully at least a couple folks from Internationalization can come

The person we really need feedback from Addison

Lisa: The time zones are so spread out, we can't get everyone

Julie recapped our plan to test in a diverse group of 5 languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian & Hindi

Lisa: We will also have a wiki for other languages

Lisa: The plan is to develop general guidelines and test in these diverse languages to test if appropriate in diverse languages

Lisa: If we are including Hindi, we should consider scheduling the meetings at other times that work for folks in Russia and India

Lisa: You may want to look into time zones

Lisa: We have people in COGA who have expertise in most of these languages

next item

next itme

next item

next item

<lisa> next item

<lisa> close item 2

<lisa> close item 2

<lisa> next item

Julie: General note on the importance of commenting or thumbs-up on Github at least 24 hours prior to AG meeting

Lisa: It would be great for COGA to send a WCAG 3 email once a week or every other week so people know what they need to be looking at and by when

<kirkwood> summary email to the list with deadlines is always very very helpful (Lisa often has done this in the past)

ACTION: item: Julie will develop a system for updating COGA folks on which WCAG 3 items up coming up when

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<JohnRochford> I have been PMing people via Zoom chat, BTW, you peeps.

<lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nw0uqseDHPiRfrC8NvnHAoX2HsRERblGEOGW6MU-jJM/edit#heading=h.sxfsael6ky53

<lisa> i keep our links at https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.49xg1j6yjxur

<lisa> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NSWwowQHzolbxAoepoRFisPEkdQO-Xh2

<lisa> ag agendas https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Upcoming_agendas

<katy> Thank you for sharing these, it's so helpful - I feel a bit overwhelmed with the different docs and where they are.

<kirkwood> what is the first link?

<lisa> spread sheet from ag https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oy5Guap5wnMFhp4OPhgGn1ihuHYmksstPqMHMrc_Krg/edit#gid=0


Lisa: We can ask AG folks for help in knowing which items are coming up next

Lisa: When do they want people to give feedback? We want to be at the right time of the conversation

Lisa: We also want to know who COGA has in each group

John Rochford: We've been talking about participating synchronously

John Rochford: If the current process is inadequate for us, that one week's time is not realistic

ACTION: item: Julie to create a primary tracker doc for COGA to keep track of WCAG 3 teams

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

John K: We could start each COGA meeting looking at this tracker

<JohnRochford> • Split the very long set of Clear Language guidelines into separate guidelines that can be recombined later if needed: o Word comprehension, sentence structure, implied meaning, chunking information, numerical concepts o I think splitting these up will help us move the different parts forward more efficiently.

<Niamh> When is commenting on these to close or deadline for completion?

Summary of action items

  1. doc: Julie will create a google doc so COGA folks can add internationalization issues to the doc
  2. item: Add concern to Clear Language guidelines about avoiding sounding patronizing. This should also be repeated in Mental Health.
  3. item: Julie will develop a system for updating COGA folks on which WCAG 3 items up coming up when
  4. item: Julie to create a primary tracker doc for COGA to keep track of WCAG 3 teams
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: julierawe

Maybe present: Julie, Lisa

All speakers: Julie, Lisa

Active on IRC: EA, JohnRochford, julierawe, katy, kirkwood, lisa, Niamh, rashmi, tburtin