Upcoming agendas
Upcoming Agendas
Telecon Information is also accessed from the calendar
February 11th (Chuck)
- WCAG 2 scoping discussion discussion update
- Define a default Accessibility Support Set
- Sub-group stand-up (quick update, particularly on anything which might overlap with other groups).
- Sub group work
February 18th (Alastair)
- Handling Research
- Sub-group stand-up (quick update, particularly on anything which might overlap with other groups).
- Sub group work
February 25th (Chuck)
- Sub-group stand-up (quick update, particularly on anything which might overlap with other groups).
- Sub group work
CSUN 2025, March 10th
AGWG will have a hybrid meeting from 9am PT – 4pm PT the day before CSUN.
- Retro (2 hours)
- Core issues (rest of day)
A group dinner will follow if we can find a volunteer to coordinate it.
Items to Comment On (Ongoing Agenda Items)
Please subscribe to issues you will be reviewing.
- Terminology
- Accessibility Supported
- Assertions
- Sufficient coverage and Accessibility Supported
- Deceptive Patterns
Items to Review (Not Yet Agenda Items)
Current Subgroups
- Voice Control (Exploratory) - Giacamo?
- Text Contrast - DJ?
- Text to Speech - Shawn?
- Define Views - JJ?
- Keyboard - Bruce
Recent Subgroups
- Keyboard - Bruce
- Section Labels - Giacomo
- Implied Meaning - Julie
- Non-Text Contrast - Alastair
- Haptic Stimulation - DJ?
Previous Agendas (Most recent agenda at top)
February 4th (Rachael)
(Alastair away)
- Silver Issues Ready To Close https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues?q=is%3Aissue%20state%3Aopen%20label%3A%22survey%20%3A%20ready%20for%22
- WCAG 2.2 issues review https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2025JanMar/0033.html
- Path update https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/wiki
- Sub-group work
January 28th (Chuck)
- Assertions and Best Practices https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/120#discussioncomment-11854616
- Follow Up on Paths
- Sub-group work
January 21st (Alastair)
- Reminder about coming to this meeting (in agenda email) for sub-group planing.
- WCAG 2 scoping discussion update
- WCAG 2 issues batch
- Review handbook updates
- NEW pathway based sub-group work
January 14th (Chuck)
- Introduce updated WCAG2ICT work statement
- CSUN Planning update
- Onboarding discussion
- Review Handbook updates with exercise
- Sub-group work
January 7th (Alastair)
- WCAG2 scoping discussion https://github.com/w3c/wcag/discussions/4188
- Current sub-group check-in (when can they wrap-up current work)
- Future Sub-group breakdown & prep
- Current Sub-group work (2nd hour)
December 10th (Chuck)
- WCAG2ICT scope [tentative]
- Publishing First Public Working Draft (FPWD) of Mobile Accessibility: How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C/WAI Guidelines Apply to Mobile https://w3c.github.io/matf/ [tentative]
- Year end wrap and timeline for 2025
- Sub-group working session
December 3rd (Alastair)
- WCAG 3 publication discussion (if needed) https://w3c.github.io/wcag3/guidelines/
- Content Related Definitions (text, image, content, interactive component, etc.) https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/140
- WCAG 2.2 review of updates https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-issues/2024Nov/0012.html
- Sub-group working
November 26th (Chuck)
- Introduction to FPWD Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.2 to Mobile (WCAG2Mobile)(JJ) [15 minutes]
- Discussions of issues with publication (if needed)
- Communications
- Subgroup Work (2nd hour assuming publication discussions are done)
November 19th (Alastair)
- Keyboard wrap up briefings (tentative)
- Issue 2296 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/2296/files
- EN 301 549 Tool (Gregg) [10 min]
- Discussion of WCAG 3 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/129 and WCAG 3 Guidelines Update Preview (As needed)
- Check acknowledgements
- Subgroup Work (2nd hour)
November 12th (Chuck)
- Subgroup wrap up briefings
- Discussion of WCAG 3 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/129 (As needed)
- Check acknowledgements
- Discussion of Explainer https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/116#issuecomment-2444491152 (As needed)
- (New) Subgroup Work (2nd hour)
November 5th (Alastair)
- Announcements
- Reminder about the group mentor/buddy request
- WCAG 2.x errata CFC
- Subgroup wrap up briefings
- Discuss Explainer https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/116#issuecomment-2444491152
- Discussion of WCAG 3 Guidelines and Requirements https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hc5fwRKZVdWPoEp-HzrCu4TTsXF36sozE45OfcYUnKU/edit?tab=t.0
- (Existing) subgroup Work (2nd hour)
Oct 29th (Chuck)
- Brief subgroup status updates
- Review WCAG 3 and Explainer Publication Kickoff (Tentative)
- Current subgroup working sessions
Oct 22nd (Alastair)
- Announcements: Onboarding & buddy programme, Sub-group participation
- Requirements Publication https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/117
- WCAG 2.x issues https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-issues/2024Oct/0002.html
- Work Time (Continue breakout on refining technical statements)
Oct 15th (Chuck)
- Discuss what to include for conformance in upcoming publications
- Please review and respond to the Conformance Next Steps GitHub Conversation before the meeting
- Work Time (Current subgroups and continue breakout on refining technical statements)
Oct 8th (Alastair)
- Requirements Publication Review Kickoff, differences, comments in the github thread 117
- Review Pros and Cons document
- Break-outs for:
- Refine statements as consistent outcome based language
- Refine grouping of outcomes into guidelines
Oct 1st (Chuck)
- Review Conformance Model Options
- Deciding on outcome formatting
- Break-outs for:
- Rewrite outcomes statements as consistent outcome based language
- Refine grouping of outcomes into guidelines
- Categorize outcomes as prerequisite, required and enhanced
Sept 23rd / 24th TPAC
- Retrospective (Monday morning)
- Conformance model (Monday afternoon & Tuesday morning)
- Sub-group work (Tuesday afternoon, tentative)
September 17 (Alastair)
- Subgroup check-in
- Section Labels
- Non-text Contrast
- Haptic Stimulation
- Keyboard Only
- Implied Meaning
- Focus appearance and Text alternatives, PR, Preview - End of Review Period
- Accessibility Supported PR Introduction
- WCAG 3 Explainer Introduction
- TPAC Retrospective Introduction
- WCAG 2.2 updates [30 minutes]
September 10 (Chuck)
- WCAG2ICT Review intro [5 minutes]
- Subgroup check-in
- Section Labels
- Non-text Contrast
- Haptic Stimulation
- Keyboard Only
- Implied Meaning
- Subgroup PR https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/112 and https://deploy-preview-112--wcag3.netlify.app/
- Focus appearance
- Text alternatives
- Terminology conversation https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/113#discussion-7138461
September 3 (Alastair)
- Publication sub-group report (Wendy/Juanita) - possible slip to following week
- Subgroup check-in and assertions exercise. For each sub-group, review methods/decision tree and review or suggest assertions that could be included.
- Section Labels
- Non-text Contrast
- Haptic Stimulation
- Keyboard Only
- Implied Meaning
- Should assertions be available to meet a conformance level?
- Do assertions need to be made in a place that is viewable by people who have access to the system or only in a conformance statement that is provided by the author?
August 27 (Rachael)
- Subgroup check-in [10 minute]
- Publications
- Focus Appearance
- Voice Interaction (Not started)
- Section Labels
- Non-text Contrast
- Haptic Stimulation
- Keyboard Only
- Implied Meaning
- WCAG 3 Requirements updates (if needed)
- Focus Appearance draft outcome
- Assertions template
- How to document “sufficient” coverage? (tentative)
(Chuck out)
August 20 (Alastair)
- Subgroup check-in [10 minute]
- WCAG 3 Requirements updates
- Combined Diff of all previous changes, these are all the things from the 'Done' column of the requirements project.
- PR of latest changes
- WCAG 2.2 review for this week
- Documenting "Good Enough" for defaults
August 13 (Chuck)
- Assertions Exercise (60 minutes)
- Accessibility supported / Prerequisite level
August 6 (Alastair)
- Priority of supporting user control vs. authoring provided support in exploratory prerequisite levels https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/104 [30 minutes]
- Assertions continued
July 30 (Chuck)
(Alastair out)
- Subgroup meeting [60 minutes]
- Assertions Discussion
July 23 (Rachael)
(Alastair out)
- Assertions Introduction
- Subgroup meeting [90 minutes]
July 16th (Alastair)
- Subgroup meeting 60 minutes
- WCAG 2 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-issues/2024Jul/0003.html
July 9th (Chuck)
- Subgroup meeting Kickoff
- Introduction
- Subgroup meeting
- Questions and Discussion
July 2nd (Alastair)
(Rachael out)
- TPAC reminder
- WCAG 2.x issues (up to 30 minutes)
- Review consolidation - including moving the adjustment requirements.
- Review Template for the subgroups
- Assigning prerequisite/baseline/enhanced
June 25th (Chuck)
- Announcements
- Subgroups (Questions / support) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/
- WCAG2ICT to wide review draft (15 minutes)
- Starting discussion on consolidating outcomes (15 minutes)
- Conformance
- WCAG 2.x issues (30 minutes)
June 18th (Alastair)
- Introduce next steps in subgroups https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/
- Continuing the conformance conversation by exploring a baseline structure
June 11th (Chuck)
- WCAG2ICT update (TBD)
- Conformance - What would a baseline include?
June 4th (Alastair)
- Conformance and structure continuation (Slides, will be updated)
- WCAG 2.2 issues https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-issues/2024May/0014.html
May 28th (Chuck)
- Use of AI for minuting
- Announcement - W3C Health and Safety for TPAC
- Announcement - Old branches https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/3602
- Introduction to Conformance conversation
- WCAG2ICT Review Discussion (tentative)
- Refining WCAG 3 structure continued https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/87
May 21st (Alastair)
- WCAG2ICT Review Discussion https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/labels/Please%20Review
- Text alternatives update https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit
- WCAG 2 issues https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-issues/2024May/0008.html
May 14th (Chuck)
- WCAG2ICT Coming
- ACT Rules format 1.1 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/3616
- Publication Approach Subgroup Mid-Brief
- Focus visible subgroup initial brief
- Accessibility supported proposal 2nd draft
May 7th (Alastair)
- CFC Discussion (if needed)
- Accessibility supported
- WCAG 2 issue resolutions
April 30th (Chuck)
- CEPC Reminder
- Discuss Publishing Pull Request https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/62
- Text Alternatives [Needs link]
April 23rd (Alastair)
First 90 minutes
- Introduce Outcomes Pull Request https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/pull/62
- Text Alternatives Conversation Continued https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit#heading=h.cu8l0ohk9n2q
Last 30 minutes
- WCAG 2 Issues
April 16th (Chuck)
- Subgroup updates
- Exploratory Guidelines and Outcomes https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/60#discussioncomment-9072721 [timebox 30 minutes]
- Text Alternatives Conversation Continued https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit#heading=h.cu8l0ohk9n2q
April 9th (Rachael)
(No Alastair) First 90 minutes
- Subgroup updates
- Exploratory Guidelines and Outcomes https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/60
- Text Alternatives Conversation Continued https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit#heading=h.cu8l0ohk9n2q
Last 30 minutes
- WCAG 2 Issues
March 26th (Alastair)
(No Rachael)
First 90 minutes
- Subgroup Updates
- Accessibility supported
- Introducing List of Outcomes
- WCAG 3 Requirements
Last 30 minutes
- WCAG 2 Issues
March 19th (Rachael)
(No Chuck & CSUN)
April 2nd (Chuck)
- New IRC client
- Subgroup updates
- Continue text alternatives work https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit#heading=h.cu8l0ohk9n2q
March 12th (Alastair)
- Next Publication - Updated Placeholder Guidelines and Outcomes https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/54
- Universal Essential Exception https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/55
- Begin Working Session - Text Alternatives Outcome https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkQ8ZKiRnNnax9ENaDXfQhl6kh-iYlXx7gMEhKMTQBU/edit
March 5th (Chuck)
First 90 minutes
- Introduce Accessibility supported
- Card sort results
- WCAG 3 Requirement updates [45 minutes]
- Backwards compatibility addition from issue 559 resulting in PR 730.
- Scope requirement updates from issues issue 729 and issue 224, resulting in PR 734.
- Update the "Multiple ways to display" requirement from issue 726 with PR 733
- Will it be possible to tell whether a site fully or partially conforms? Response to issue 425
- Will WCAG 3 provide guidelines for non-web technologies? Response to issue 611
- Do research across all the proposed guidelines. Response to issue 587
Last 30 minutes
February 27th (Alastair)
Full 2 hours
- Check in on project plan
- WCAG 3 Requirements updates [45 minutes]
- Minor editorial updates in PR 619
- Use well defined normative language
- Update requirement 4.7 motivation
- Issues with responses (scroll down for the "proposed response"):
- Pick first set of outcomes https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/51
- Continue conversation on Structure with Examples
February 20th (Chuck)
First 90 minutes
- Structure [45 minutes]
- Introduce Normative/Informative Conversation [45 minutes]
Last 30 minutes
- WCAG 2.x errata
- WCAG 2.x updates https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2024JanMar/0025.html
February 13th (Alastair)
First 90 minutes
- Review How To Template (Kevin)
- Card Sort Next Steps (Alastair)
- Outcome Language and Normative Conversation (Rachael)
February 6th (Chuck)
First 90 minutes
Last 30 minutes
- WCAG 2.x updates
January 30th (Alastair)
(Chuck Out) Full Meeting
January 23rd (Chuck)
First 90 minutes
Last 30 minutes
January 16th (Alastair)
(Chuck Out)
- Announce CSUN (lack of) activity
First 90 minutes
- Introduce Card Sort of Outcomes and User Needs [tentative]
- Evaluation Criteria for Conformance Models (added to agenda before the Nov 21st meeting)
- Continue Publication Approach to WCAG 3
Last 30 minutes
January 9th (Rachael)
Hour 1:
Hour 2:
- WCAG2ICT Parsing Issue (15 minutes)
- WCAG 2.x issue resolutions (30 minutes)
- Proposed substantive changes (changes that meaningfully add or alter existing non-normative guidance)
- Proposed editorial changes (small improvements to language intended to clarify existing guidance)
January 2nd
No meeting - Leadership work day
December 26th
No Meeting
December 19th
No meeting - Leadership work day
December 12th (Chuck)
(No Alastair)
- New ACT rules
- WCAG2ICT issues
- WCAG 3 sub-groups
- Keyboard Support (Chuck / Wendy)
- User Control (TBD)
- Color and Contrast (Rachael)
December 5th (Alastair)
- Taskforce Process Overview [15-20 minutes]
- TPAC Subgroup Work
- Keyboard Support (Wendy/Chuck)
- Pointer Support (Alastair)
- Provide Help (Rachael)
November 28th (Chuck)
- Input conversation (Alastair) [15 minutes]
- TPAC Subgroup Work
November 21st (Alastair)
- Control Semantics Brief [10 minutes]
- TPAC Subgroup Work
- Pointer Support (Alastair)
- Prevent Harm (Rachael)
- Keyboard Support (Wendy)
- Clear Purpose (Chuck)
November 14th (Chuck)
- Announcing: WCAG 2 approvals and mailing list, reminder to re-join (accept emails / as AC reps)
- TPAC Subgroup Work
- Pointer Support (Alastair)
- Prevent Harm (Rachael)
- Keyboard Support (Wendy)
November 7th (Alastair)
- Press release survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/WCAG22PressRelease/
- Review Project Plan (30 Minutes)
- TPAC Subgroup Work
- Pointer Support (Alastair)
- Prevent Harm (Rachael)
- Keyboard Support (Wendy)