Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

22 Sep 2023


BrianE, jedi, kakinney, shawn, Jade, MarkPalmer, kevin, Len_B, Laura, rabab, Michele, Daniel
Kris Anne


<kakinney> scribe:Jade

<dmontalvo> Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group (EO)


<shawn> Meeting: Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

We're asking for feedback on the deliverables, there's nothing unusual there, continuing with things which are already in progress, assisting with other groups' work, we've left it open so that things can be added if needed.

There's a survey open where you can approve this before it goes to the AC reps for review and approval. Please do this, suggest any changes if you want to.

<kakinney> https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/2023/eowg-charter-2023.html#deliverables

It's the deliverables section which needs the most attention so prioritise that part.

<BrianE> Survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/charter2023/

Also, we need quotes/statements from our member organisations about how you use EO resources to assist with the re-charter. The statements demonstrate how useful the resources are and support what we do.

These can be sent directly to group-eo-chairs@w3.org

or added to the wiki, https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/W3C_Accessibility_Education_and_Outreach

<kakinney> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/W3C_Accessibility_Education_and_Outreach

Michele, question about a resource and who owns it, Shawn answer: At the end, if it says developed by EO, then we do it, but 'with' EO is a staff resouce which EO feeds into. This can also be checked on the resources spreadsheet.

Michele, also, is this 2023 or 2024 charter?

Because we're writing it in 2023, that's what it's called.

Please complete the survet, even if you don't have time to read the charter properly, indicate this in the survey and submit it anyway.

TPAC recap

Kris Anne, lots of networking, liaising with other groups, all good. Brian, an intense week, was good to network with other working groups and see how they operate.

Len, first TPAC, joined remotely, was good to understand how the working groups support W3C and how it all fits together.

Meeting 1, talked about the charter, agreeing on the fact that updates to existing resources are important because of the move to 2.2. Kevin led a successful card sorting activity on Easy Checks.

This helped to prioritise the most important parts of Easy Checks and allow us to focus on getting those out in the first iteration.

<kakinney> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FsKGXi1BrBHBId_ZwKLtloXBZL0GcouQ7c26r-XJLRw/edit?pli=1#gid=1765696469

The last tab is 'revisions of grouping, card sorting'

What we have as the starting point is here.

We found out that a lot of people use Easy Checks as a starting point for testing and training and in their day to day work.

Please let us know if you hear of anyone doing this so we can make sure we're creating a really relevant and useful resource.

Easy Checks ended up taking up most of the day. We're also trying to figure out how to move forwards with tutorials.

We need technical people to look into some of the issues and updates, if you have anyone you can suggest, please let us know.

Brian can work with them to set out a bit of a plan, and then bring anything which needs discussion to us here.

We also discussed linking out to trusted resouces.

Michele, did anything come up about resources for mobile?

No, this is where linking out to trusted resources would help, because everything moves so quickly

There have been talks in the past around making sure mobile isn't viewed as separate and that it's all in together with the rest of accessibility.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note pending updates to tutorials. WAI vision. specifics?

Shawn, we had looked at covering mobile more, it's becoming more of an issue now, when you look internationally mobile is so pervasive, so we do need to have an open discussion about this and what we want to do with it.

<BrianE> WAI vision discussion on mobile - https://github.com/w3c/wai-mission/discussions/7

We also don't want to reinvent everything, but we can relate to things which are happening elsewhere.

Michele, the topic is very relevant at the moment, it's not under W3C, but we do need to reconcile it somehow and acknowledge it.

We need a resource to connect between web and mobile, e.g. with headings to show the difference that mobile doesn't have them.

<shawn> Len: ... Andriod and iOS handle it differently

We could capture ideas in the github link above, even to identify what the gaps are would be useful.

Michele, is the mobile task force still a thing?

Shawn, yes it is. Do we need a separate EO github discussion to collect more info as a group?

Shawn, we could invite the mobile accessibiltiy task force to give us an update too.

Shawn will create a discussion file on Google docs, the link will be added to work for this week.

<BrianE> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/faq/#Sept2023

WCAG messaging, there have been some updates added, any questions/input?

<BrianE> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/faq/#parsing411

WCAG messaging

<kevin> qq+

Lots of questions about how to communicate the messaging around its removal. There's also an update to 2.2 becasue of the 2.1 change.

Brian, question about the use of the word 'errata' in the FAQ section.

Rabab, comment on the last sentence, 'no longer needed', it's good to mention that parsing tools can help with the other criteria.

Reword, to incorporate parsing tools can assist with testing other criteria.

Kevin, the wording has been reviewed and edited on a number of occasions, we need to be careful how much we suggest here.

Rabab, can it be incorporated into Easy Checks?

Kevin, that might not be the right audience for it. There are other places it can go.

<Michele> * Michele didn't get an email - how do I get those?

<Michele> (I also don't know how to do off-record comments sorry)

Discussion about the reaction to the WCAG 2.1 change, suprising but welcome.

Shawn, there are 2 lists, WAI announce, the streamlined version, or WAI IG, which is much more comprehensive.

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/news/subscribe/

Work for this week!

Please do the charter survey, by Tuesday 25th.

<shawn> EOWG google folder https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vSedWeqyioiw8svZ_oMSvzSvJSDZDon77n0iFFLpwCI&usp=drive_copy

Also read up on the WAI objectives, we'll discuss this at the next meeting.

All of the links etc. can be found in work for this week.

<shawn> folder : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1IyBUASejvkVHhnvAt0okMQTUWPWLGsLF

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2023/09/22 13:53:00 $

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Default Present: BrianE, jedi, kakinney, shawn, Jade, MarkPalmer, kevin, Len_B, Laura, rabab, Michele
Present: BrianE, jedi, kakinney, shawn, Jade, MarkPalmer, kevin, Len_B, Laura, rabab, Michele, Daniel
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