Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

18 August 2023


BrianE, Fred, Jade_, jedi, kakinney, Kevin, Laura, len, MarkPalmer, shawn

Meeting minutes

Brian: Discussing the charter


Brian: We have to get moving on the charter. TPAC coming up in week 2 September. One of my goals is to have charter in shape by end of that week. Number of things to do first

<shawn> Charter info in "EOWG 2023" https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_2023#Considerations

Brian: i.e. what we are going to do

<shawn> Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_2023#Considerations

Brian: Charter page linked from the agenda shows considerations for EOWG work

Brian: Sometimes there is some curiosity about what we are doing, what our mandate is and who decides that. Ultimately that is up to us. What does the world want EOWG to do.

Brian: Might be insight from other groups. What is appropriate given the type of work we do.

Brian: And then what do we want to commit to working on. We are the ones doing the work. Some stuff done in the past may have a sponsor and an outside agency but for most part it is us doing the work.

Brian: This is where the brainstorming work comes in.

Brian: (to Shawn) any additions to that?

Shawn: We propose what we want in the charter, W3C Members review and there can be objections. This is part of why the process can take longer.

Shawn: We should send an advance notice of our charter so that we can send a draft for early member input.

Shawn: We should try to get this out before TPAC

Shawn: I drafted the charter last spring, so we have a complete draft charter with a lot of good stuff in it.

Shawn: It doesn't have to be perfect. The draft can be drafty.

Shawn: For clarity, we are working on shifting more to a common situation where a working group participant is the lead editor.

Brian: We make the commitment to be the lead editor and source other people to help.

Brian: One of the notes from this is that there is some discussion around how much time we spend on new resources versus updating current resources.

Jade: Is the charter where the testimonials go?

Shawn: No, that's the support page.

Shawn: There are a couple of places where we gather testimonials from organisations. Also in the work for this week is to create examples of where our resources are used.

Jade: Yes, I sent a couple of screenshots recently but can write them out in full.

Updating Resources

Brian: Next thing on the list is to briefly talk about our current resources - what's being worked on and updated etc

<shawn> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WoLFkjBHFNV3eRQSjXzlARQxuXP0sVb/edit#gid=315849256

Brian: I think this is items that we would want to make sure that we are aware of and have some understanding so that we can prioritise for the upcoming year.

Brian: Looking at what items here need to be prioritised and considered for this upcoming charter.

Kris Anne: This should be editable so if you have comments, think something should be prioritised then please do so.

Shawn: Column C is EO - if it has an EO then EO is formerly responsible. I - EO provided input.

Kris Anne: Add a column with your name if you need to add anything

Kris Anne: We have a long list of updates to resources that need to be made, with various levels of complexity so please use this Google Doc to make those notes.

Kris Anne: Not set in stone. Created so that we can get input in a concise way.

Shawn: You can request access and I am adding a column for comments.

Brian: Should we make comments using the comments feature on a particular cell? Might make it more manageable.

Brian: Any other comments about this?

Shawn: Jade had noted and I plus oned that we do want to focus on updating and improving resources.

Shawn: Another point is that a lot of these have pending issues. Nothing huge but would be nice to clean them up.

Brian: There are a couple of things we are considering - long list of git hub issues which we should maybe just review and get rid of. Also WCAG 2.2 being released imminently.

Brian: Maybe even still some resources needing updated for 2.1

Brian: That's going to be a large part of our mandate, at least for the first year

Brian: Definitely something we need to consider over adding new things

2.2 Update

Shawn: We will be sharing public information soon. There are some issues we need to update on soon.

Shawn: For now, I'll say not next week but probably this calendar year.

Charter Brainstorming

<shawn> brainstorming list https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_2023#Deliverables_Brainstorming

Brian: Plan is to go through items raised in Brainstorming with goal of everyone having an understanding of the items and what we should prioritise as a group.

Brian: Possibly a survey will go out to determine priority but we will re-evaluate after this.

Kris Anne: A lot was based on the thought that WCAG 2.2 was coming out.

Shawn: To clarify, the success criteria will not change substantially. Won't change what we do with out resources.

<kevin> WCAG2 FAQ on Parsing change

Brian: results of brainstorming will be in the Wiki

<kakinney> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_2023

<kevin> +1 to guidance on evaluating libraries

<jedi> +1 to guidance on evaluating libraries

<shawn> s|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WoLFkjBHFNV3eRQSjXzlARQxuXP0sVb/edit#gid=1508143930|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XC9su-Xc7Yyl7Ke0KOcxXfafp1nn8e2Y1GoS0esP8g/edit#gid=315849256

<shawn> guidance on evaluating https://www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/

<kevin> -1 for any sort of skeuomorphism

<Jade_> +1 to Brent's TikTok idea!

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cognitive/

<shawn> supplemental guidance https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG2/supplemental/about/

Shawn: One of the things I think is sad in accessibility is that there is so much recreating the wheel

Shawn: A waste of effort

Shawn: There is a lot of work done on procurement that is out there publicly

Shawn: If we want to pursue this more we should see what is out there first

Shawn: and either choose not to do anything or do quick tips and point to others

Shawn: Usually we are reluctant to do this but this might be a candidate where we don't need to create a resource ourselves

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Easy_Checks_2022#Use_Cases "Procurer — Pat is responsible for contracting a vendor to do a promotional campaign for a major product release. The campaign includes creating web pages and social media content. The RFP/RFT includes accessibility requirements. Pat wants to check the potential vendors’ websites -- and other projects that they submitted as examples

<shawn> -- to see if they covered basic accessibility issues."

<shawn> additional info https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/abilities-barriers/

<shawn> s|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WoLFkjBHFNV3eRQSjXzlARQxuXP0sVb/edit#gid=1508143930|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XC9su-Xc7Yyl7Ke0KOcxXfafp1nn8e2Y1GoS0esP8g/edit#gid=315849256

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Failed: s|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WoLFkjBHFNV3eRQSjXzlARQxuXP0sVb/edit#gid=1508143930|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XC9su-Xc7Yyl7Ke0KOcxXfafp1nn8e2Y1GoS0esP8g/edit#gid=315849256

Failed: s|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WoLFkjBHFNV3eRQSjXzlARQxuXP0sVb/edit#gid=1508143930|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XC9su-Xc7Yyl7Ke0KOcxXfafp1nn8e2Y1GoS0esP8g/edit#gid=315849256

Maybe present: Brian, Jade

All speakers: Brian, Jade, Shawn

Active on IRC: AlpinerLB, BrianE, fbedora, Jade_, jedi, kakinney, kevin, Laura, MarkPalmer, shawn