4th WoT WG Charter Meeting - Day 1

27 February 2023


Andrea_Cimmino, Christian_Glomb, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

PR #64

<Github> PR 64 - Remove details

no objections are presented, therefore, PR is merged

PR #42 - Mission Satement

<McCool_> PR 42 - Mission Statement Revise

McCool: this PR gets rid of several things we needed to remove

this PR deal with different issues that were pointed out

Kaz: it would be nicer if we could describe the relationship between the WG and the other related groups like WoT IG (and CG), not here within the mission but later within the scope or the collaboration. My second comment is that it would be better to say "These specifications should complement and enhance the use of the other related standards." rather than "These building blocks should complement and enhance the use of existing standards."

McCool: let's merge it as it is, and face this later

McCool: I do not want to review the text without the supervision of some experts, but it seems ok

Ege: it would be nice to paint the CG colaboration

McCool: I think these should be under collaboration section, but for now, let's merge it and do it later

<cris_> agree for moving it out

no objections are presented, therefore, the PR is merged

McCool: I will create an issue for moving this text

PR #40

<Github> PR 40 - Simplify the binding mechanism

McCool: I review it and I'm ok with the text

the only comment is under the Web of Things (WoT) Binding templates

the sentence "this document specifies the policy", I suggest some wording

<Ege> https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/#reg-def

Ege: in order to use a registry the policy does need to be included in the document

McCool: we do not predeclare when we use a registry right?

Kaz: yes

McCool: I think the text covers the different options on the registry. My suggestion is to merge the PR, and then, we can decide how to do it

Kaz: a quick note should be added about the path, which will be normative and which informative

McCool: is this blocking the PR?

Kaz: I would like to add it as a note for this PR itself.

mccool updates the PR with the note

since no objections are presented the PR is merged

PR # 56

<kaz> PR 56 - Profile deliverables

McCool: anybody objects to merge this PR about WoT Profiles?

since no objections are presented PR is merged

PR #55

<Github> PR 55 - Reorganize and consolidate work items

the PR is about consolidating work items

McCool: the PR is grouping them into a few categories. I think these categories can go up

Ege: what is the detail of level to something be a working item?

McCool: maybe we could delete the bullet items and replace them with the groups
… we need to unify everything under the same part of the document

Kaz: if we work on yet another iteration we can merge this, but having two series of points one at the scope section and another later is strange.
… we should start with more consolidated directions like WoT deployment, collaboration with IoT ecosystems, better support for security, etc.

mccool organises the elements in the PR by adding a new comment

McCool: comment on these categories and we will work on them

<kaz> McCool's comments based on today's discussion

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).