Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
A11y Review Comment Tracker
[mediaqueries] Suggestion: "prefers-pointer-location"
<Roy> - issue: https://
<Roy> - tracking: https://
Media Queries
matatk: I would need to read this a little more and this needs some general consideration. I think we should leave this open for the next week.
Roy: Only this one on the tracker.
New Charters Review
New on TR
CSS View Transitions Module Level 1
<Roy> - spec: https://
<Roy> - tracking: https://
matatk: I think this is what Chrome just released as Page Transitions. This is definitely CSS and we need Paul's input for this. We should give Paul first refusal on reviewing stuff, but if Paul has already looked it or is happy to then we shouldn't give it to someone alse.
Scroll-linked Animations
<Roy> - spec: https://
<Roy> - tracking: https://
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Third Edition)
<Roy> - spec: https://
<Roy> - tracking: https://
matatk: This seems to be another thing Chrome has also just come out with.
matatk: I have a spoiler for this one as well. Steve Lee just tweeted that PNG has animations and EXIF data natively.
matatk: We definitely want to review this.
matatk: We definitely want to review this one. It doesn't even have an a11y considerations section.
<Roy> https://
matatk: We need to keep a record of it.
Dangling Spec Review Cleanup:
matatk: A lot to skip here.
Spec Tracking Wiki Reminder
<matatk> agenda
matatk: No news from me here.
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
Roy: CTAUR is being published as a First Public Workign Draft Note.
Roy: Decision has been sent.
<matatk> Decision on CfC: Publish Collaboration Tools FPWD: https://
Roy: It needs to be published Tuesday or Thursday. I aim to publish on next tuesday.
<matatk> Also: Re: Draft #2 of Collaboration Tools Editor's Note: https://
Roy: Announcement has been prepared in RQTF.
CSS Update (Paul)
Community Group tracking (heads up)
matatk: Becky used to do Community Group activity tracking to make sure we don't miss anything important in the CGs.
matatk: CGs are unofficial arms of WAI where we provide forums anyone can join and they do stuff and it may become an official WG at some point.
matatk: There are hundreds of CGs with varying degrees of acitivity.
matatk: We do have to monitor for things we should be working with the CGs on.
matatk: We have been talking about how to do this and there is a method to use to identify groups of interest.
matatk: It's partly based ona tool showing the CG activities and partly on intuition.
matatk: We'll organize a list of CGs and, with the help of volunteers, we'll go through it and look at the activities.
matatk: This is just a heads-up thus far. We'll be going over this again next week.
Other Business
matatk: Just a reminder: we are rechartering next year and we need to think about that.
be done
matatk: We are done!
rrsagent. make minutes