ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

04 October 2022


Alex, helen, Jemma, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, s3ththompson, Seth, siri, Zhou

Meeting minutes

Introduction of new member, Helen Zhou


Production site update with PR

Matt_King: Jemma has some feedback on Jon's fix, ready to merge

Jem: let me explain what i'm talking about

Jem: i'm concerned about the living room lights switch - the background color of the switch is very close to the background of the page (white on light grey)

Jem: i can't think of the WCAG SC

MarkMcCarthy: should be under non-text contrast, 3:1 ratio

Matt_King: is this applicable jemma?

Jem: i think so, and I can make a PR to make the colors just a bit more distinct

Matt_King: do all the switch examples have the same design? or is this one different?

Jem: they have the same design

Matt_King: we previously approved these - if we didn't think this was previously a problem, is it an oversight? or discussed prior?

Jem: i think the problem happened when we migrated

Matt_King: we can check against the editors draft

<Matt_King> Switch example from editor's draft: https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/switch/switch.html

CurtBellew: i have a thought - i think what we're looking for is the contrast of the border against the background. the contrast to me looks great, and the hovering looks good too

Matt_King: if what is current looks like the editors' draft, i'd be okay putting it forward, only if we have consensus

Jem: i think curt is right, might not be an issue

CurtBellew: i always thought that border was odd

Matt_King: jon added that to help folks udnerstand where and what the click region is

Matt_King: so then, seth, will we be able to merge this into main and get everything sorted?

seth_thompson: I can open a PR and work with the site ops people, should be fine

Matt_King: i'll @mention you when i close this seth

<Matt_King> The site publication process: https://wai-website-theme.netlify.app/workflow/

Matt_King: here's the process seth

s3ththompson: thanks

Matt_King: if you have questions, send em to Shawn

QA plan for updated Netlify APG site

Matt_King: updates from Alex before we go any further? we can only do QA on 2417 once we have a preview

s3ththompson: last meeting we talked about deferring QA -- having discussed with Alex there's a bit of work to be done on wai-aria-practices that has to happen AFTER it's stable.

s3ththompson: basically there's a roadblock to us generating an example

Matt_King: so let's talk about that process and what the timing is going to be so folks have a heads up about QA demands

s3ththompson: @alex, the main question is what is blocked, and what is happening on the WAI side

Alex: once things are stable enough that I can switch to the wai-aria-practices repo, i'll consume the content differently (since its in a file structure)

Alex: I'll redo the build scripts to work with the new directory strucure

Alex: currently i've been working on getting move-examples into a stable state

Matt_King: the last remaining things for that is getting images and CSS in there, right?

Alex: That's on the table, yeah, and I saw there's a review on the coverage report PR. there's two tasks for move-examples that need to be moved...
… we talked about adding a link checker CI
… then we have to stub the old editors' draft site. those things are what needs to be done

Matt_King: we can probably do the stubbing while we're doing QA

Matt_King: so, the focus should be stabilizing move-examples. so we have to move alert dialog and treeview A and B examples. that should be pretty light?"

Alex: Yeah. I also just opened a PR that adds CSS and some patterns and scripts to the pattern pages

Matt_King: is that about resolving external links?

Alex: the scripts I added are to have SkipTo functional on patterns and practices pages

Alex: The result is making everything feel cohesive

Matt_King: is the CSS just to mirror what we already have?

Alex: Yep, no changes, it just worked

Matt_King: awesome! but the tests are failing?

Alex: Only one

Matt_King: so we might need a sight-dependent person to look at the CSS for that PR

Jem: what number is it?

Alex: It's not ready, but it's 2499

Matt_King: jemma, can you look at that once it's ready?

Jem: yeah I can do that

Matt_King: hoping to merge it as soon as possible (tomorrow some time?)

Matt_King: so the to-dos on the move-examples branch, the only one that sounds unknown as far as time goes is the link checking CI

Matt_King: do you have an estimate for that? or a plan of attack?

Alex: not at this time

Alex: Shouldn't take -too long-, maybe 2 days or so

Matt_King: might that be stabilized by next tuesday then?

Alex: That sounds reasonable

Matt_King: we have lots of links to the ARIA spec, class/role ref, etc. Those links get resolved by your scripts, right?

Matt_King: we'll probably want that in aria-practices

Alex: I'll make a note of it. it was initially being resolved by respec, which ran during build

Matt_King: gotcha, that's what's gonna make it tricky

Alex: there is an HTML attribute that makes those links easily locatable, and hopefully fixable via find/replace

Matt_King: we want to avoid hard coding though, and continue using those classes. we need to keep the respec capability so we can match the current ARIA spec

Matt_King: respec has a config file... maybe this might be a separate issue then

Alex: Sounds like we need to figure out the algorithm for those links to keep functionality

Matt_King: do we want to add something to the script? So if those files are opened, the hrefs point to a real place?

Matt_King: or we could configure the link checker to do something similar

Matt_King: i guess this could increase liklihood of broken links though

Alex: sounds like we need to discuss that then. i can do some research and propose something next tuesday?

Matt_King: that works

Jem: respec-config.js is under aria-practices, for what it's worth if it's helpful

Jem: we won't talk about member assignment for QA yet since it's not ready

Next steps in long term ARIA-APG plan

Matt_King: maybe before the long term, what about now and the end of the year? [laughs]

Matt_King: so in terms of our current plan, we're still working on the redesign. we got the front end done, but working on making the back end sustainable

Matt_King: there's two other immediate priorities - 1) changing the about page (intro, acknowledgements, change history). end goal is that the about page is like the patterns page, examples page; just a list of stuff

Matt_King: have to add coverage report, code guide, etc. Isaac will be working on a design for that

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/about/

Matt_King: Shawn asked for a list view for all of our pages, so we'd have a more compact alternative

Matt_King: the about page list will basically be a test for that

Matt_King: item 2, before the end of the year, is incorporating data from the ARIA-AT project

Matt_King: there's a question of which data to include, and it'll be a future agendum

Matt_King: there's two sets of data - candidate and recommended - so we'll have to decide which to put up

s3ththompson: candidate meaning WE'VE reviewed it. recommended when (ideally two) screen reader vendors have looked at it and approved.

<Jem> thanks for the distinction, Seth!

Matt_King: we need to be very sure about the screen reader data/opinions, since the info we surface will have lots of traction

Matt_King: something else i'm hoping to get to before the end of the year is a way for us to start including experimental content. such as Sarah's PR to bring custom/context actions to ARIA

Matt_King: may be part of ARIA 1.3 or 1.4

Matt_King: the idea is we can develop examples that demonstrate future spec additions, maybe only behind a browser with a flag set, and may/may not be supported by a screen reader vendor

Matt_King: the hope being we can tweak things and adjust screen reader expectations

Matt_King: i want to figure out how we can develop that kind of content without automatically surfacing it to all readers of the APG

Matt_King: hopefully we can come up with a design at least

Matt_King: thoughts?

MarkMcCarthy: feels ambitious

Jem: i'm not sure how we might tackle all of that between then and now

Matt_King: longer range, we need to get ready for ARIA 1.3, annotation example being one

Jem: aaron has a prototype for that

Matt_King: i'm worried about it because some of this will take a lot of human power

Matt_King: other bigger things, the biggest of all, is really just that we need more people and how do we make that happen. improving processes, onboarding, develop a community of practice

Jem: Helen, how do you feel about your onboarding today?

Helen: I think I need to learn terminology, and what the process is like, before being able to participate fully and step by step. I'm glad you gave me some information beforehand Jemma.

Jem: thanks for sharing! Glad you joined us, and yes, it's a long process

s3ththompson: to anyone listening/reading - a lot of what we're talking about is infrastructural work that will make writing APG examples easier

s3ththompson: you've come at a point of a bit of chaos, but should be smoother very soon

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E2021-08-15+no%3Alabel++sort%3Aupdated-desc

Matt_King: So, on the about page, the acknowledgements are still being pulled from the aria-practices HTML

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E2021-08-15+no%3Alabel++sort%3Aupdated-desc

Matt_King: Jemma, you wanted to add a PR against that file for Carolyn's acknowledgement. I'd encourage you to wait, or branch off of move-examples

Matt_King: that's just the timing part, and I know timing is tricky

Matt_King: I don't think there's any question we want to include anything, it's just an odd point timing wise

Jem: Carolyn's husband is setting up a scholarship at a Canadian university, and they're hoping for a URL. I was wondering about adding Carolyn as an editor


Jem: also, where we might add some information for her on the about page. i can make a PR so we can work together on it

Matt_King: in that case, branch it off move-examples. you'll find the aria-practices.html file is reduced, but acknowledgements is still there

Matt_King: I like adding her as an editor, and lets add her before the former editors

Jem: i like that


Matt_King: what's the timing you need to get this in?

Jem: hopefully ASAP

Matt_King: then maybe we PR it against production; branch off main and we can have something for next week

MarkMcCarthy: do we want to do something similar/the same as the WG?

Jem: they will, but they have a longer process

Matt_King: if there's a link we're going to provide, then yes we'll want to make sure.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/than,s/thanks

Succeeded: s/seth_thompson:/s3ththompson:

Succeeded: s/a directory/a file

Succeeded: s/example pages/pattern pages

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: MarkMcCarthy

Maybe present: CurtBellew, Jem, seth_thompson