Meeting minutes
<Matthew_Atkinson> presetn+
Agenda Review & Announcements
janina: synchronization a11y user requirements (SAUR) is published waiting for messaging
janina: Remote meetings a11y note is out for cfc; there is much support but there is one objection - to be discussed further by chairs. All discussion is on list; CfC is open through Friday, July 8 midnight Boston time
New Charters Review
Service Workers WG charter
roy: two new charters and 1 workshop to discuss
<Roy> https://
roy: low level API so I don't believe there are any relevant issues for this group; this is a service between the web service layers and the application.
janina: believe we can pass on this one, any comments from others? We probably don't need a liason statement
Chinese Web Interest Group Charter
Matthew_Atkinson: agree it is very low level. no action
<Roy> https://
Roy: an interest group launched in China to increase participation in web development; interested in accessibility and mention in charter.
janina: happy to have more people interested in accessibility; Mini apps is a good example of how we might work together; Any concerns from anyone?
Workshop on immersive worlds on the web
no other comments - will accept
<Roy> https://
janina: is this the group we have already had a workshop with - folks out of Lisbon?
janina: Shadi had set up something with those folks before he left w3c; we are generally kept in the loop for those, this sounds different
roy: workshop wants to enhance environment to enhance immersive works - integrate user agents, patterns, and accessibility.
roy: a11y wants to include topic of how to may immersive worlds more inclusive
janina: RQTF would probably be interested, please forward to list; all are welcome to participate and submit proposals
A11y Review Comment Tracker
MichaelC: 1 comment
Add linkage between attributes and HTML-AAM
<MichaelC> - comment: https://
<MichaelC> - tracking: https://
<Lionel_Wolberger> * Lionel says to all abashed, I'll take my tardy slip
MichaelC: believe this is specific to ARIA and I can raise with that group
janina: is there overlap with Adapt group?
MichaelC: this is about attributes so mechanism would be the same for adapt
janina: adapt will be asking for attribute(s); agree with Michael that we just need to flag to ARIA group; no need for APA to track
new on TR
Core-AAM 1.2
<MichaelC> - request: https://
<MichaelC> - draft: https://
MichaelC: Core-AAM 1.2 horizontal review request; assume we can say no need to review
janina: agree, we trust ARIA group review
no further input from group
Ethical Principles for Web Machine Learning
<MichaelC> - tracking: https://
<MichaelC> - tr: https://
MichaelC: ethical principles for web machine learning; several people participated in pre-publication development of document; Is an interesting read but I don't think we need to review
janina: I suspect there are several folks who will review, myself included;
Matthew_Atkinson: I think there are accessibility implications.
MichaelC: clarifies - are a11y implication in machine learning or the ethical principles?
Matthew_Atkinson: seems related to a11y and that we might want to review but do appreciate that it isn't technical a11y
janina: I think RQTF is better suited to review this one - they can dig deeper into items than we can on this call
Lionel_Wolberger: I agree RQTF is a great group to incubate topics within
MichaelC: I encourage everyone to read/review. APA was asked to review - are there additional ethical principles to avoid a11y holes?
janina: I support people reading this document
janina: if you have comments post to the APA list but will ask RQTF for deeper review
janina: may want feedback/review from Jutta T.
MichaelC: I will mark this as active and move to RQTF
Multi-Screen Window Placement
<MichaelC> - tracking: https://
<MichaelC> - tr: https://
MichaelC: multi-screen window placement
MichaelC: has api to allow you to position web content in a particular window on a different screen
MichaelC: could be highly technical or an issue for a11y
janina: it could be helpful - could have one screen magnified if needed;
MichaelC: spec provides way to get info about screens in use; probably worth a look by someone who is versed in low vision
Fredrik: I will look at it
<Lionel_Wolberger> * Lionel to all, no IRC issues here
ACTION: Fredrik to review multiple screens https://
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2327 - Review multiple screens https://
mike_beganyi: I can look at it as well
ACTION: Mike_beganyi to review multiple screens https://
<trackbot> Error finding 'Mike_beganyi'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
ACTION: beganyi to review multiple screens https://
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2328 - Review multiple screens https://
RequestIdleCallback() Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks
<MichaelC> - tracking: https://
<MichaelC> - tr: https://
MichaelC: request idle callback scheduling background tasks - don't believe we need to review (reads abstract)
MichaelC: relates to media but believe it is low level
fredrik: people writing collaborative tools requirements may want to review; one of the main issues with AT and collaborative tools is overlap
MichaelC: this doc. is intended to avoid issues due to processing overload
MichaelC: assuming that we just need to notify RQTF and CAUR (collaborative) group
Dangling Spec Review Cleanup:
MiniApp Manifest
<MichaelC> - request: https://
<MichaelC> - tr: https://
<Roy> https://
<Roy> https://
roy: I have reviewed; they offered self check for a11y and added an a11y considerations section that looks good
janina: I will also review the accessibility considerations section
MichaelC: will leave open until Janina reviews
MiniApp lifecycle
<Roy> https://
<Roy> https://
<Roy> https://
roy: I reviewed this - it is low level spec. related to lifecycle items; there is an accessibility considerations section but don't believe it is needed
janina: believe we can sign off;
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
janina: believe we will recommend moving CR request forward at next meeting; expect a CfC coming soon; with luck we will publish on the anniversary of the US ADA
Actions Checkin (Specs)
janina: asks the group - any actions to update?
crickets - no comments
Other Business
janina: will cover TPAC here; still working on getting emails out to other group chairs to schedule meetings
janina: TPAC registration page is open; very good hotel rates for a lengthy periods; APA will be busy at TPAC