04 May 2022


Addison_Phillips, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Thomas_Jaeckle, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes

minutes review

sk: we need to remove the part 4 (IANA submission) from the minutes

<kaz> (fixed)

Issue 1416

<kaz> Issue 1416 - Use of direction heuristic needs work

sk: Addison, can we do it as it is?

ap: we advice people to use metadata

ap: we should not have many specs with algorithms

sk: we can remove this whole part here

ek: I think we can remove it and simply link to their document via respec

ap: feel free to invite me as a reviewer in the PR

<sebastian> I will reconnect

Issue 1413

<kaz> Issue 1413 - Missing "available languages/locales" feature?

mm: we can search for available languages via the td directory

ap: it is an open question on how to indicate the locale

mm: should we also talk about the language negotiation of thing interactions and not metadata

ap: I don't know if I should filter my directory based on language. presence of a language would effect availability

sk: maybe we cannot solve this with TD

mm: I will create an issue
… in discovery

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/304

Issue 1410

Issue 1410 - Interaction of RFC3986 and JSON Pointer

ap: json has to be utf8 encoded, so you can just refer to the spec no?

ap: the way you set up tmref value is refering to an rfc saying that it has to be url encoded. So you have the risk of doing double encoding


<kaz> Accessibility review

mm: I did accesibility check, created issues in architecture

<kaz> i/subtopic: Issue 1416/topic: I18n/

mm: we have to be consistent across our specs

TAG review

<kaz> TAG review

sk: we got positivite feedback from TAG. They are waiting for the architecture

IANA registration

<kaz> Issue 931 - Content Type for Thing Model (IANA registration needed)

<kaz> PR 1476 - Add section about IANA Thing Model content type registration

sk: I have talked with Philippe Le Hegar

mm: I would prefer to say json pointer is what use in TMs and TDs
… we would be internally consistent

mm: I would prefer to have an ending like json or jsonld and say only one version

sk: I would talk to klaus hartke

kaz: W3C contact for IANA registration is PLH, so let's talk with him again
… and we should clarify our expectations a bit more for that discussion
… e.g., reusing the TD 1.0 definition or extending it
… we can invite PLH to this TD call if he's available

sk: ok
… pleas talk with PLH about this then

ACTION: kaz to talk with PLH about his participation in the TD call to discuss IANA registration

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Privacy review

<kaz> Privacy review

<kaz> Issue 1490 - Limitations on TDs Utilising nosec

sk: we have first response about privacy review

Issue 1490

mm: I can understand that

mm: I can make a PR to address this issue

ek: I find it a bit weird that I need tls in a local network if I have ids in TDs because I want to

mm: I think I will add a PR that simply says that if interactions are on the public network, you MUST use TLS

ek: I think that makes sense if http is the protocol in use

<McCool> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_Security_WebConf#To_Do

mm: please join security call if you are interested in this

Security review

<kaz> Security review

sk: no response yet


PR 1466

PR 1466 - use "@type" instead of rdf:type|

<Ege> sk: We have looked at it last week as well

<Ege> ... it is a fix

<Ege> kaz: I am ok but they should not make further PRs

RESOLUTION: The Pull Request 1466 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it

RESOLUTION: The Pull Request 1327 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it

RESOLUTION: The Pull Request 1468 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it

PR 1474

PR 1474 - fix: allow definition of additional security schemes

<Ege> jr: it is not perfect since we cannot guarantee that the prefix is valid

<Ege> mm: this is not normative, effecting the schema only

<Ege> mm: we have to make sure that json schema is kept in sync with the text

<Ege> sk: we will merge

PR 1478

PR 1478 - support transitive extension in TM definitions

<Ege> sk: there is typo that I should fix

<Ege> sk: there are conflicts

<Ege> jr: you can remove the top one, anyof is correct

PR 1485

PR 1485 - remove tag text in validation sections

<Ege> sk: these tags are simply not used

<Ege> sk: I suggest to merge

<Ege> sk: it is a simple change

<Ege> sk: I will resolve the merge conflicts

PR 1486

PR 1486 - structure @context rules


PR 1480

PR 1480 - default values for read/writeOnly only in PropertyAffordance definitions

sk: don't think any issue with backward compatibility

ek: me neither, people did not use it in other places than properties

<kaz> scribenik: kaz

<kaz> (merged)

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of action items

  1. kaz to talk with PLH about his participation in the TD call to discuss IANA registration

Summary of resolutions

  1. The Pull Request 1466 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it
  2. The Pull Request 1327 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it
  3. The Pull Request 1468 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/1418/1416/

Succeeded: i|addison|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1416 Issue 1416 - Use of direction heuristic needs work|

Succeeded: s/addison can/Addison, can/

Succeeded 2 times: s/topic: Issue/subtopic: Issue/g

Failed: i/subtopic: Issue 1416/topic: I18n/

Succeeded: i|I did a|-> https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues/21 Accessibility review|

Succeeded: i|we got p|-> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/715 TAG review|

Succeeded: s/Philip/Philippe/

Succeeded: i/I have talked/topic: IANA registration/

Succeeded: i|I have talked|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/931 Issue 931 - Content Type for Thing Model (IANA registration needed)|

Succeeded: i|I have talked|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1476 PR 1476 - Add section about IANA Thing Model content type registration|

Succeeded: s/back//

Succeeded: i/W3C contact for/scribenick: kaz/

Succeeded: i/we have first response about/scribenick: Ege/

Succeeded: i|we have first|topic: Privacy review|

Succeeded: i|we have first|-> https://github.com/w3cping/privacy-request/issues/84 Privacy review|

Succeeded: i|we have first|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1490 Issue 1490 - Limitations on TDs Utilising nosec|

Succeeded: i/no/scribenick: kaz/

Succeeded: s/should use TLS/MUST use TLS/

Succeeded: s/14/15

Succeeded: s/15/14/

Succeeded: s/resolution: The Pull Request 1568 is editorial and the group agrees to merge it//

Succeeded: s/subtopic:/-> /

Succeeded: i/1474/subtopic: PR 1474/

Succeeded: i|there is|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1478 PR 1478 - support transitive extension in TM definitions|

Succeeded: i|these tags|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1485 PR 1485 - remove tag text in validation sections|

Succeeded: i/1486/subtopic: PR 1486/

Succeeded: i/merged/scribenick: kaz/

Succeeded: i/me ne/scribenick: Ege/

Succeeded: i/merged/scribenik: kaz/

Maybe present: ap, ek, kaz, mm, sk