XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

22 April 2022


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

<Alain__> Hello! I cannot see the link to the meeting on IRC...

ACTION-2315: Report on event handling in web components (Erik)


Erik: Continues

ACTION-2314: Compose text that matches the <control/> discussion for

mirroring (Steven)


Steven: I'm a bit ashamed to say that I haven't finished this yet.

ACTION-2319: Investigate the work required for a scheme registration



Close ACTION-2319

<trackbot> Closed ACTION-2319.

Steven: I did the work, we discussed last week, and moved it into Alain's action

ACTION-2320: Suggest a method of specifying a response for an echo



Steven: Looks fine

Alain: Should we allow the submission to continue

Erik: DOM Events allows you to cancel the default action.
… XForms does it non-conditionally.

Steven: Is it an AVT?

Erik: Not sure...
… it could be, or is implicitly
… In Javascript, at some point you can say whether to cancel or not.

Steven: Proposing an action <cancel/> ?

Erik: Possible.
… it depends on our use cases.

ACTION: Steven to propose text for a <cancel/> action

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2321 - Propose text for a <cancel/> action [on Steven Pemberton - due 2022-04-29].

Erik: WRT this new submission event

Alain: request-body is modelled on response-body that we get with a submit-error

Steven: Does this cover our echo use case?

Erik: It would allow an echo-style processing.

Alain: I was thinking about adding a simulated server response.

Erik: I see a difficulty. When you get an actual response, there is the replacement part.
… with this event you would have to do that by hand.

Alain: Right.

<ebruchez> response-body (object (string or node-sequence))

<ebruchez> When the error response specifies an XML mediatype as defined by [RFC 3023], the response body is parsed into an XML document and the root element of the document is returned. If the parse fails, or if the error response specifies a text mediatype (starting with text/), then the response body is returned as a string. Otherwise, an empty string is returned.

Erik: Looking at the text for response-body...
… we may have to work on that (for instance application/json)
… I was confused, this is for submit-error, but we (Orbeon) do this for submit-done as well.
… we should do that for submit-done as well.

ACTION: Erik to summarise the submit/done/error response-body issues

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2322 - Summarise the submit/done/error response-body issues [on Erik Bruchez - due 2022-04-29].

Steven: So to summarise, we are OK with the general approach, but need to clear up some issues

Erik: The goal is for debugging submission, and for that this is a good solution, but I still need to wrap my head around it.

ACTION-2313: Research the alternatives for 'dirty' data, and produce

code in all of them for comparison (Steven)


(Was: Detecting/Ignoring unsaved data


Steven: Continues

State change events



Steven: We still need to discuss this.
… discuss in the future

Call next week

[No link]

Steven: I'm in Atlanta, so it will be a new experience for me.


Steven: XML Prague is going ahead, I have two submissions, but on ixml


Summary of action items

  1. Steven to propose text for a <cancel/> action
  2. Erik to summarise the submit/done/error response-body issues
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/thios/this/

Succeeded 1 times: s/ALain/Alain/G

Succeeded: s/that we get with a submit-done/that we get with a submit-error

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: (Was