WoT PlugFest/Testing

01 December 2021


Ege_Korkan, Fady_Salama, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Nov-24



Kaz: we should add "doodle for February Plugfest" and "adding summary text" to the agenda

Access to the wot-testing repo

Fady: should we do via PRs or directly edit files

McCool: I used to do both, if you cannot do it, something might be broken

Kaz: probably we need to add fady as editor (Kaz has just sent an invitation email to Fady so that he can join the Editors team)

Next PlugFest

Fady: not sure about the schedule of the plugfest

McCool: f2f should be after the testing to get results ready

McCool: on the joint ig wiki page you can update it to give a specific time

<kaz> Upcoming event section of the main wiki

Summary report from TPAC PlugFest

Fady: kaz could you elaborate on this summary point of the agenda

<kaz> TPAC plugfest

Kaz: echonet wants to see the results of the plugfest. We can add some lines that summarizes this

McCool: generating a separate summary page would be better than putting summary text directly on the logistics page

Kaz: that would be even nicer

McCool: I have only added an md file for now

<kaz> summary.md

McCool: (editing the potential summary file)

McCool: we need more work to collect what has happened. Currently, we have mostly echonet stuff

McCool: when does echonet need this?

Kaz: echonet would need this by next week I think

McCool: fady and ege can take this offline

McCool: echonet can give feedback

Next PlugFest date (revisited)

Kaz: do you want to create a doodle poll to identify the week for the next PlugFest?

McCool: the idea was to put the second week of February as an initial proposal and see if it works

Kaz: ok

Updates from McCool

wot-thing-description PR 1304 - Remove TD Canonicalization

McCool: I have created a PR to remove canonicilization features from TD so they'll be removed from the report as well

McCool: assertions.js will be also removed


McCool: just created a template for February PlugFest

<kaz> 2022.02.Online

McCool: created a PR for summary of Online.09 PlugFest

<kaz> PR 200 - Add Summary for Online.09 plugfest

McCool: so we can start making PRs on the summary md file

Fady: wiki can be postponed for next time

Ege: I like wiki approach for better navigation

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).