Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

25 August 2021


Alan, IrfanA, PaulG, Roy, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review & Announcements

<IrfanA> janina: creating another video example

<IrfanA> PaulG: we would need to start immediately

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: i can produce story board and create a video

<IrfanA> PaulG: I can ask some language example from friends

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: I can come up with an example of finish language

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: amazon has not supported finish language.. though, they support swedish

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: may be we can do a gitHUb project for video

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: I started initial conversation with a. finish/swedish digital publisher and hope fully I can persuade them to participate in this meeting.

TPAC https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2021#APA_WG_Meetings_during_TPAC_2021

<IrfanA> janina: proposed break-out session is off now. we may need to think about the audience. Research questions are no longer looking for break-out session. There is place for us in week-2 with aria working group. sense emerging with several people.. existing emerging API are coming to end of life.

<IrfanA> janina: we have some near term problem including gap. e.g. github on browser. I presume we should participate along with Joiie and Glen.

<mhakkinen> I would also suggest Doug Geoffrey from Microsoft Narrator

<IrfanA> janina: what are we going to do in near term to address pronunciation problem.

<IrfanA> janina: I will coordinate with Doug and when this conversation starts, I will make sure he is added.

Action Items

<IrfanA> Alan: I was asked to write down on internationalization.

<IrfanA> Alan: I will send it out initially for suggestions and add it in github based upon feedback

<IrfanA> Alan: reading his draft...

<IrfanA> PaulG: data-ssml attr and how do we interact with lang. do you agree that we do not need voice-lang attribute

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: somewhere between we added things which were not part of early proposal.

<IrfanA> PaulG: its confusing to have both ssml-lang and html-lang..

<IrfanA> PaulG: some dialect are distinct and dont know how to address them.

<IrfanA> janina: this problem exists everywhere. but it matters particularly in literature. do we have any way to simulate it.

<IrfanA> mhakkinen: think it needs different expertise. in finish there are several languages .

<IrfanA> janina: we can tell internationalization to re-think about it to solve this problem.

<IrfanA> janina: I may have an action item here. It needs to be end up a github issue for internationalization. I will find some examples from literature

<IrfanA> PaulG: some people would say that simulation is never going to that good.

<IrfanA> PaulG: look forward to see a github issue. will update our document to make any release.

Github Issues

Action: Janina to provide difficult examples of literary text from different historical periods for better pronunciation technology

<trackbot> Created ACTION-34 - Provide difficult examples of literary text from different historical periods for better pronunciation technology [on Janina Sajka - due 2021-09-01].

<IrfanA> PaulG: https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues/94

<IrfanA> PaulG: I will add some details to clear this issue.

<IrfanA> PaulG: we can provide the details about data-ssml-say-as-detail to tell implementors, how can they use it.

<IrfanA> PaulG: voice language settings and data-ssml-say-as-detail can be taken care at the same time. We will address #94.

Other Business

Summary of action items

  1. Janina to provide difficult examples of literary text from different historical periods for better pronunciation technology
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).