APA Personalization Task Force Teleconference - 26 Jul Monday 2021

26 July 2021


janina, JF, Lionel_Wolberger, LisaSeemanKest, Matthew_Atkinson, mike_beganyi_
Becky, Charles

Meeting minutes

<JF> we're 6 today

Reminder, W3C Events Team survey due 20 August 2021

Lionel_Wolberger: Reminder that this survey exists and the events team would like our input.

Set a owners for each TPAC meeting (COGA, i18n, Overview [silver, EPUB, Low vision])

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2021#Suggested_agenda_topics

Lionel_Wolberger: We finalized our list of requested meetings last week and sent to APA.
… Now we need to decide on owners for the meetings.
… Also we need to work on the agendas.

janina: COGA was a very interesting meeting, with both APA and LisaSeemanKest suggested we could meet with COGA separately too.

LisaSeemanKest: COGA has agenda with i18n too.

janina: [requests info, in case we need to be aware of it]

janina: APA is working to coordinate with AGWG.

Lionel_Wolberger: Assigning owners... 1. Overview meeting.

janina: Chairs will own these (outreach needs to come from chairs).

Lionel_Wolberger: Was meaning topics, slides, etc.

Lionel_Wolberger: We thank the chairs for coordinating the meetings. Owner in this case is referring to agenda, slides, speakers, coping with last-minute changes, etc.

Lionel_Wolberger: This is ideally the subject matter expert; can be coordinating with others, too.

<LisaSeemanKest> i can

Matthew_Atkinson: (volunteers help with content, topic, talking to people)

LisaSeemanKest: (volunteers to be owner)

Lionel_Wolberger: Anyone else?

Lionel_Wolberger: Propose LisaSeemanKest is the owner, with Matthew_Atkinson as backup.

Lionel_Wolberger: any objections?

<JF> +1

janina: Expect that chairs will actually chair the meeting.

Lionel_Wolberger: Next: internationalization (i18n). janina?

janina: commented recently: https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/144#issuecomment-883438281

Lionel_Wolberger: also JF was interested, particularly around symbol order.

JF: janina and I are clear on the cause of the apparent disconnect, so happy to help.

JF: Having a roundtable discussion will help us resolve this.

Lionel_Wolberger: For this one we have janina (owner) and JF as backup.

Matthew_Atkinson: Are we still eager to resolve this before TPAC?

janina: Yes (referenced in GitHub comment)

Lionel_Wolberger: COGA: providing more details of implementation.

Lionel_Wolberger: For this specific meeting, who's the SME?

janina: (feels LisaSeemanKest has the expertise and may be able to help with recruitment)

LisaSeemanKest: Sounds similar to the overview meeting (from the other side).

janina: Having a facilitator-level meeting sounds like a good idea.

Lionel_Wolberger: General note that we are all encouraged to attend and contribute on the calls.

LisaSeemanKest: The desire for this meeting is to give an overview, what we've done in Module 1 and what we intend to achieve in Module 2. Might be good to have newer group members such as Lionel_Wolberger and Matthew_Atkinson involved on this one.

janina: So we're looking to provide an overview and moderate the conversation with COGA?

LisaSeemanKest: Yes - perhaps we could swap so that I'm owner of this call and Matthew_Atkinson is of the other one.

janina: Definitely important to have LisaSeemanKest's expertise on this particular meeting given the COGA connection.

Lionel_Wolberger: Is there any aspect of overload between the Overview and COGA meetings?

Lionel_Wolberger: What's the best way to help COGA—have LisaSeemanKest leading it, or someone else?

LisaSeemanKest: Agree, if I'm doing all the talking it may be unclear as to which meeting is which.

Lionel_Wolberger: Just to clarify, the owner won't necessarily be doing all the talking, but it sounds like it would be best for LisaSeemanKest to represent COGA in these meetings.
… Propose that we copy the Overview meeting above (with LisaSeemanKest as owner and Matthew_Atkinson as backup).

Lionel_Wolberger: Could help to have a co-chair as presenting/leading the meeting (but that doesn't mean they're the owner).

janina: There are some specific issues in Module 1 and some in Module 2 that are all derivative of COGA work, so this meeting is perhaps more focused.

Lionel_Wolberger: We have two choices: LisaSeemanKest as owner of the COGA meeting too, and who's the second: Lionel_Wolberger/Sharon, emphasizing the co-chairs' involvement, or Matthew_Atkinson (who will still be providing content/speaking).

Lionel_Wolberger: Propose LisaSeemanKest is owner (seems natural); who should be second?

janina: I'm fine either way

0 (i.e. I'm fine either way too :-))

Lionel_Wolberger: how far apart will the meetings be?

janina: Likely not close together, but could the the next hour, or days apart. We try to honor timezones.

Lionel_Wolberger: proposes to keep it the same as the other meeting; objections?

(none from the group)

Lionel_Wolberger: decided.

Verify that TPAC meetings are set by APA

Lionel_Wolberger: will check up next week

janina: There should be more detail next week, but not times yet.

Blockers to CR? Summary and review of action items

JF: What's going to CR—all three modules, or the Explainer and Module 1?

Lionel_Wolberger: Module 1

janina: Updated WD of Explainer would be good.

JF: All edits done.
… Can we all go back and check the latest push is accurate?
… As mentioned last time, the structure of Modules 2 and 3 differs from Module 1 due to the passage of time.
… I have an open action item to reflect the structure of Module 1 in the others.

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to confirm scope of CR

JF: My goal is to get it done hopefully by the end of summer, though very busy for the moment.

janina: Prioritize Module 2 in case that needs to be included.

janina: We should all take a last read and decide if Module 1 is ready for CR. Aware of issue 144 as a blocker.

janina: Are there other open issues? We should check.

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions

janina: The process is: a formal resolution from this TF requesting APA publish a CR of Module 1, which will go to an APA CfC.

JF: I believe it's ready for final review by us before we ask APA to do that.

Lionel_Wolberger: What's the process for the resolution?

janina: (Explains it's around a RESOLUTION: issued in the minutes by the scribe.)

How we track actions: review of git, wiki & action tracker

<JF> Request that everyone do a review of the edits for Module 1: https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/index.html

Lionel_Wolberger: we have issues and actions in three places. What are the blockers to CR?

Issue disambiguation

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/labels/1%29%20content%20module

Issue disambiguation

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/personalization/track/actions/

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/labels/1%29%20content%20module

Lionel_Wolberger: This list (of GitHub issues relating to the Content module) needs to be closed.

Lionel_Wolberger: Can we close #66?

Lionel_Wolberger: Propose we can close it because we've added a link to the wiki page, which addresses both Joanmarie and Matthew_Atkinson's concerns, which are related.

janina: Suggest we include a link in the issue when closing.

Matthew_Atkinson: I'd like to follow up on Charles' comments/suggestions on list about the code samples, which are in the Wiki page. Don't disagree with closing this issue given we have the review of approaches.

Lionel_Wolberger: Please respond to Joanmarie, give the link to the wiki page, clarify that link is in Module 1.

Matthew_Atkinson: will do

Lionel_Wolberger: Matthew_Atkinson mentioned that in closing #66 he'd like to make improvements to the table—any comments?


Lionel_Wolberger: Go for it.

Lionel_Wolberger: Is there any concern around the wiki being a living document?

janina: We know we'll have a second CR, so we have room for that to happen (we need something more permanent than data-).

Lionel_Wolberger: the next issue is https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/128

janina: This may be overcome by events; no longer active?

janina: We need two implementations eventually, to go beyond CR.

Lionel_Wolberger & janina: we should continue to reach out, but this is not a blocker.

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/170

Lionel_Wolberger: JF: Were these changes implemented?

JF: There's no reference to prefers-reduced-motion in Module 1.
… I agree they're related, but they're also orthogonal. We've not gone that granular. We talk about animated GIFs but we also talk about scrolling content such as a stock ticker widget.
… also advertising.
… There's a relationship there but I'm leery about making explicit links.

<LisaSeemanKest> follow on meeting...

Lionel_Wolberger: We need a few more minutes discussion on this; next time.

Lionel_Wolberger: We'll deal with 170 next time. That leaves four more, from Matthew_Atkinson.

Lionel_Wolberger: Can you make suggestions by next time to help with getting to CR?

<becky> I am in personalization-plan if needed. I think Roy and Sharon are both out, though

Matthew_Atkinson: Yes (have made PRs for some; others need group discussions on some others).

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/We are working/APA is working/

Succeeded: s/My goal/... My goal/

Succeeded: s/JF: Were/Lionel_Wolberger: JF: Were/