The <measure> element (timewise)

Parent element: <score-timewise>

The <measure> element is the top level of musical organization below the <score-timewise> document element. It contains a sequence of <part> elements.


<part> (One or more times)


Name Type Required? Description
number token Yes The attribute that identifies the measure. Going from partwise to timewise, measures are grouped via this attribute. In partwise files, it should be the same for measures in different parts that share the same left barline.

While often numeric, it does not have to be. Non-numeric values are typically used together with the implicit or non-controlling attributes being set to "yes". For a pickup measure, the number attribute is typically set to "0" and the implicit attribute is typically set to "yes".
id ID No Specifies an ID that is unique to the entire document.
implicit yes-no No Set to "yes" for measures where the measure number should never appear, such as pickup measures and the last half of mid-measure repeats. The value is "no" if not specified.
non-controlling yes-no No Intended for use in multimetric music like the Don Giovanni minuet. If set to "yes", the left barline in this measure does not coincide with the left barline of measures in other parts. The value is "no" if not specified.
text measure-text No If measure numbers are not unique within a part, this can cause problems for conversions between partwise and timewise formats. The text attribute allows specification of displayed measure numbers that are different than what is used in the number attribute. This attribute is ignored for measures where the implicit attribute is set to "yes". Further details about measure numbering can be specified using the <measure-numbering> element.
width tenths No Measure width specified in tenths. These are the global tenths specified in the <scaling> element, not local tenths as modified by the <staff-size> element. The width covers the entire measure from barline or system start to barline or system end.


This element is used in the following examples:
