Meeting minutes
RAUR: preparing for publication of wide review draft.
<joconnor> JS: I have some administrivia
Zoom Enhancement for Transcripts Available
<joconnor> JS: We have the ability to Live transcriptions
<joconnor> They are of high quality - better located - TTY scroll
<joconnor> People are liking it - we should have a look and enable it.
<joconnor> SH: How is it turned on?
<joconnor> JS: The host has the power
<joconnor> JP: There is a claim host button
<joconnor> <josh can't do it on mobile>
<joconnor> <John Paton tried>
<joconnor> JS: Lets follow up with Michael.
<joconnor> SH: Good to see a useful solution.
<joconnor> JOC: It is
<joconnor> JS: There is also a CFC on the APA charter coming soon.
<joconnor> JW: Charter looks good
XAUR: discussion prior to preparing for publication of wide review draft.
RAUR: preparing for publication of wide review draft.
jgw: Closing on a few remaining concerns, but moving well
sh: Remains very good place, just some nits
jo: Thanks all around!
jo: Will work on it this week, also on messaging to go with a publication
jgw: And we'll call for wide review
jo: How about two weeks for the agenda?
jgw: OK
XAUR: discussion prior to preparing for publication of wide review draft.
`jgw: Plan was to move to XAUR review this week again in prep for wide review publication
jgw: Any questions?
<joconnor> JOC: Janina, dont we need to close the gap with Immersive Web on this?
<SteveNoble> need to step away from the call for 3 minutes
jgw: Expectation is XR group can review in parallel with our wide review
W3C Workshop on Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range for the Web (continued).
<SteveNoble> I'm back
jgw: Began discussing last week; expectation we should participate
<joconnor> JS: Are we too late for proposals?
<joconnor> JW: Feb 8th was deadline..
<joconnor> JW: What should we do?
<Judy> JB: Might as well try to get a proposal in...
<joconnor> JS: We have two interesting applications here..
<joconnor> Daltonization - and the user agent control of flashing.
<joconnor> We have discussed this is a little on APA planning call
<joconnor> There are others, that we could move into user agent responsibility.
<joconnor> Putting the load on the user agent and not the author.
<joconnor> Michael outlined something sensible with the FAST
<joconnor> We can do a gap analysis a la FAST on this
<joconnor> User agents can support some user needs here.
<joconnor> JB: Is flash mitigation a colour issue?
<joconnor> Daltonization is..
<joconnor> JB: There are computizational aspects here that can be mediated..
<joconnor> The flash issue may be more complex
<joconnor> JS: Especially in Real Time Comms.
<joconnor> JB: It can be done live- I've seen it. Nice work by Boris Katz and Andrei Barbu at MIT CSAIL on use of a sandbox approach for flash mitigation
<joconnor> JW: This should be go via APA process
<joconnor> JS: We dont have members with these specific low vision or colour related chops. Scott?
<joconnor> JS: We may bring this up to WAI-CC etc
<joconnor> <discusses liason with other groups and spec review etc>
<joconnor> JB: Bring that up today?
<joconnor> JS: Will do.
<joconnor> JS: Yup, this is an APA thing due to spec review needs.
jo: Suggests pinging Alastair for color issues; also contrast
<joconnor> JOC: Alistair Campelll could be worth talking to about this.
<joconnor> JB: I'd also be interested in talking about this..
jb: Also interested
<joconnor> JOC: I'll ping Alistair to see if he is interested
Action: Josh to ping Alistair C to see if he is interested in contributing to W3C colour workshop
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2281 - Ping alistair c to see if he is interested in contributing to w3c colour workshop [on Joshue O Connor - due 2021-02-17].
jo: Will check with Alastair; and JB whether still time
Accessibility of remote meetings and relationship with other W3C/WAI deliverables.
jgw: Believe we agreed to discuss next steps
jb: have questions
<Judy> https://
jb: notes high number of items on page
jb: Suggests summary of applicable WCAG guidance; with 2 subsections incl future guidelines -- ssuggest move the latter out
jb: various item cleanup needed; quality and coverage in current draft uneven
jb: Looking for funding to assign someone this job
jb: Whether this could be a Workshop is now an open question
jb: But, not usable in current state
jb: Asks SH if available to work on doc
jb: Several possible approaches to divide and conquer
sh: Yes, interested
sh: Constantly asked about this
sh: Would be delighted, happy to follow guidance
jb: Thanks!
jb: Suggests followup conversation
jb: Asks any objections?
jgw: Sounds good
jb: Looks to define approach
jgw: Asks JO for any questions related to RAUR
<joconnor> JS: I'm aware that there are new next gen communication platforms, that relate to hyrid meetings.
<joconnor> The industry will want to meet this challenge
<joconnor> JB: Thats a given.
<joconnor> JB: Sounds like you have ideas for this.
<joconnor> SH: In our Perth a11y camp, that will be hybrid event.
<joconnor> I can provide feedback on that.
sh: Notes will be doing hybrid in a few weeks--will have experience to contribute
<joconnor> JOC: Good to hear feedback from Judy and Scott on this
jb: Notes that Workshops can be lots of work; so outcomes need to be worth the effort
jgw: Notes many interdependencies
jgw: EO, APA, spec WGs at W3C, outside standards and pwd groups, etc
jb: Would like to continue using this page as a launching platform for ongoing work
sh: Used wiki to Word, other direction took more time
sh: when CAPTCH review ...
jgw: Understand action to revise existing Wiki and also possible event
jb: Back on agenda in two weeks?
sh: My event is 23rd
jb: will look for time
Continuing work on media synchronization.
jgw: Notes we got lots done, we need to pickit up
steve: I've been adding to the page; there's more to look at
steve: So far, just lip reading use case; caption is another issue
steve: Good research done by BBC
steve: But BBC research done with regular users of "subtitles" as called in Europe; not individuals whose first language is sign
steve: Notes distinction among those whose first lang is sl, vs verbal language and its captioning
steve: Also need to look more at prerecorded vis a vis live
jb: Asks about EO's doc, whose use is way up ...
<Judy> https://
<Judy> Making Audio and Video Media Accessible is a W3C WAI resource, https://