Meeting minutes
trackbot, prepare teleconference
Agenda Review
Action Items
<trackbot> action-989: Addison Phillips to Check tus and if necessary ping unicode folks about d145 normalization case fold ordering questions -- due 2021-01-21 -- OPEN
<trackbot> action-991: Addison Phillips to Ping payment-request chairs to ask if it would be appropriate to do a fresh review based on our look into closing 251 and long time since last full review -- due 2021-02-04 -- OPEN
close action-991
<trackbot> Closed action-991.
<trackbot> action-992: Atsushi Shimono to Close 8 items from email, adding comments from email to our issue and adding comment in matching issue in target wg's github iff needed -- due 2021-02-04 -- OPEN
close action-992
<trackbot> Closed action-992.
Info Share
<r12a> https://
richard: did a report on i18n language enablement initiative
… here's a link
… to a bunch of apple folks who are mostly the funders at the moment
richard: we had someone from monotype join the group
RADAR Review
Action: r12a to check out access to progress report
<trackbot> Created ACTION-993 - Check out access to progress report [on Richard Ishida - due 2021-02-11].
Action: richard: update automated welcome e-mail template
<trackbot> Created ACTION-994 - Update automated welcome e-mail template [on Richard Ishida - due 2021-02-11].
richard: just published 6 gap analysis documents
… about an hour ago
… as FPWD
richard: some improvements in these, trying to spread to other docs
… if create a new issue
… the text users were previously left to own devices
… now you get a template with sub-heads
… specs, tests/results, browser bugs, priority
… and some placeholder text in those so people will know sort of what to write
<r12a> https://
richard: so french document...
<r12a> https://
addison: underscore markdown...
<r12a> https://
richard: fuqiao has been very helpful in raising bugs against the browsers
<trackbot> action-993: Richard Ishida to Check out access to progress report -- due 2021-02-11 -- OPEN
close action-993
<trackbot> Closed action-993.
<r12a> https://
<r12a> "Arabic script has its own number separators, which are used in Arabic language text when the non-European digits are used. They are ٫ [U+066B ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR] and ٬ [U+066C ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR]."
<r12a> https://
<r12a> Specifying changes to parameters for fallback fonts https://