Internationalization WG Teleconference

28 January 2021


Addison, Atsushi, Bert, David, JcK, Richard
Felix, Fuqiao
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Action Items



<trackbot> action-990: Atsushi Shimono to Review "needs-attention" issues marked "close?" and close as appropriate -- due 2021-01-28 -- OPEN

close action-990

<trackbot> Closed action-990.

Info Share

richard: been working on gap analysis documents
… made solution and ported to all 27
… some problems with bengali
… haven't republished jlreq gap doc yet
… atsushi, any issue with republishing?

atsushi: need to focus with kida-san on one item, but he's busy so we can go

RADAR Review


richard: may get something from WAI, WCAG 3 seems to be making progress

Proposed FPWD gap-analysis docs


https://w3c.github.io/afrlreq/gap-analysis/adlm-gap https://w3c.github.io/afrlreq/gap-analysis/nkoo-gap https://w3c.github.io/amlreq/gap-analysis/osge-osa-gap https://w3c.github.io/eurlreq/gap-analysis/latn-fr-gap https://w3c.github.io/eurlreq/gap-analysis/latn-de-gap https://w3c.github.io/hlreq/gap-analysis/

Proposed: publish 6 new FPWD gap anaylsis documents (Adlam, NKoo, Osage, French, German, and Hebrew)

<atsushi> +1 to publish all in email

<r12a> https://w3c.github.io/eurlreq/gap-analysis/latn-fr-gap

<JcK> +1 to publish

richard: by the way, been introducing a new format for these things

<Bert> +1 to publish

richard: creating in github issues. above link is French document.
… having lead-in subsections is helpful in organizing material
… helps me to be more clear

<Zakim> Najib, you wanted to say https://github.com/w3c/eurlreq/issues/27

<Najib> Just to show it

jck: keep track of issues closed in past x months to have sense of momentum?

richard: keep track of closed

richard to respond to najib's issue 27 after meeting

<r12a> +1 to publish


<David> +1

Resolution: publish 6 new FPWD gap analysis documents

richard: please participate/encourage participation in this work

check results on i18n-activity trackers with needs-attention and close?

atsushi: in summary propose to discuss an item here in detail, keep open one item and close all others (total of 8 items)

<atsushi> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/556

<r12a> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2021Jan/0012.html

atsushi: original issue is quite long
… should carefully review

richard: did work my way through this and think okay to close

Resolution: close our 556

<atsushi> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/251

richard: 3 possibilities:
… 1) it could be okay
… 2) decide to close with recyle to look at in next ver
… 3) leave open

<David> me has a work emergency call

<atsushi> https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-request/

<atsushi> added note

<atsushi> PR


<r12a> "The API does not provide a way for developers to specify the language in which the payment sheet is presented to end users. As such, user agents will generally present the payment sheet using the user agent's default language. The working group is contemplating adding the ability for developers to specify the language of the payment sheet, and of specific PaymentItems, in a future version of this API"

Action: addison: ping payment-request chairs to ask if it would be appropriate to do a fresh review based on our look into closing 251 and long time since last full review

<trackbot> Created ACTION-991 - Ping payment-request chairs to ask if it would be appropriate to do a fresh review based on our look into closing 251 and long time since last full review [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-02-04].

atsushi: think the others can be closed

Resolution: close remaining issues in list

Action: atsushi: close 8 items from email, adding comments from email to our issue and adding comment in matching issue in target WG's github iff needed

<trackbot> Created ACTION-992 - Close 8 items from email, adding comments from email to our issue and adding comment in matching issue in target wg's github iff needed [on Atsushi Shimono - due 2021-02-04].


Summary of action items

  1. addison: ping payment-request chairs to ask if it would be appropriate to do a fresh review based on our look into closing 251 and long time since last full review
  2. atsushi: close 8 items from email, adding comments from email to our issue and adding comment in matching issue in target WG's github iff needed

Summary of resolutions

  1. publish 6 new FPWD gap analysis documents
  2. close our 556
  3. close remaining issues in list
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/having leading/having lead-in/