TPAC 通常是为期五天的面对面系列会议,首届 TPAC 于2001年举行。
TPAC 汇集 W3C 技术社区,共同探讨当下技术及社会问题的解决方案。
TPAC 促进协调跨领域的技术问题解决方案。
TPAC 期间通过80多个会议、50多个分组话题汇集超过500位与会者。
与会者包括:W3C 小组成员、会员单位代表、咨询委员会(AB)及技术架构组(TAG)成员、特邀嘉宾、W3C 团队及代表处成员等。
本届 TPAC 改为线上召开,我们将侧重于通过协作式会议,汇集社区资源集思广益创造更多动力。
在社交媒体上发布关于 TPAC 会议的消息时,请使用 #w3cTPAC 标签标注相关内容。请留意:不能公开发布仅限会员知晓的内容。
"As usual, the unconference sessions were super useful!"
"TPAC is a very valuable event to me. It allows me to catch up on a bunch of activities I just don't have time to follow closely all year long."
"Possibility to exchange ideas (especially during the breakouts) is excellent."
"Excellent opportunity to discover the other facets of development going on in the W3C, to have an comprehensive overview of the status of the Groups, and to meet people you would never meet elsewhere."
这是一份重点介绍 TPAC 2020 会议价值的报告 [英文原文]。点击页面开始浏览!