This is a presentation that highlights the value of TPAC 2020. To start, click a slide.

Value of TPAC

W3C BusDev
W3C MarComm
& Member Relations


TPAC is our most popular meeting.

Please, find out why by leafing through this presentation.

W3C TPAC 2020 is coming up as a virtual event. We are looking forward to e-welcoming you!

These cards with information and tips aim to help you make the most of your time at the event.

What is TPAC in 2020?

What is TPAC otherwise?

TPAC habitually is a yearly five-day event. The first TPAC took place in 2001.

TPAC gathers the W3C Technical community to resolve challenging technical or social issues.

TPAC fosters coordinated solutions to technical issues that transcends group borders.

80+ meetings and 50+ potential breakout sessions take place for over 500 attendees.

Attendees are W3C group participants, W3C Member representatives, W3C Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group members, invited guests, W3C Office staff or W3C Team members.

Collaborating virtually

Although this year's TPAC is virtual, our goal is to focus on collaborative meetings that gather the community to create momentum and collective brainstorming.

Anticipated benefits to attendees

picture of the world map

A typical meeting

icon of a laptop and wifi signal

What are breakouts?

If you're an AC Rep

times: 6:30-8:00 am Pacific time, 9:30-11:00 am Eastern time, 13:30-15:00 GMT, 15:30-17:00 Central Europe, 21:30-23:00 China, 22:30-midnight Japan

If you're a group Chair

If you're a speaker

For all participants

Sharing the experience

Use #w3cTPAC to refer to the event on social networking sites, but remember to not microblog W3C Member-confidential matters.

Twitter logo

In praise of TPAC

Testimonials from attendees of previous TPAC meetings:

"As usual, the unconference sessions were super useful!"
"TPAC is a very valuable event to me. It allows me to catch up on a bunch of activities I just don't have time to follow closely all year long."
"Possibility to exchange ideas (especially during the breakouts) is excellent."
"Excellent opportunity to discover the other facets of development going on in the W3C, to have an comprehensive overview of the status of the Groups, and to meet people you would never meet elsewhere."


Created 15 August 2020 by Bert Bos. Last modified $Date: 2021/08/31 16:58:51 $ by $Author: coralie $.