trackbot, prepare teleconference
<agendabot> clear agenda
<scribe> scribenick: addison
<JcK> I'm on another call that is running over; will join as soon as possible but may be a bit late.
<trackbot> action-939 -- Richard Ishida to See if we have a definition of ltr/rtl/auto somewhere centralized that specs can refer to -- due 2020-08-13 -- OPEN
<r12a> LTR stands for "left-to-right" and refers to the inline base direction of left-to-right [UAX9]. This is the base text direction used by languages whose starting character progression begins on the left side of the page in horizontal text. It's used for scripts such as Latin, Cyrillic, Devanagari, and many others.
<r12a> RTL stands for "right-to-left" and refers to the inline base direction of right-to-left [UAX9]. This is the base text direction used by languages whose starting character progression begins on the right side of the page in horizontal text. It's used for a variety of scripts which include Arabic, Hebrew, N'Ko, Adlam, Thaana, and Syriac among others.
<JcK> Sorry to be late on this, but RTL has caused confusion because there are few, if any contemporary writing systems that are strictly RTL (unlike those that are strictly LTR)
<scribe> ACTION: richard: create definition of 'ltr'/'rtl'/'auto' that can be referenced by other specifications in string-meta
<trackbot> Created ACTION-946 - Create definition of 'ltr'/'rtl'/'auto' that can be referenced by other specifications in string-meta [on Richard Ishida - due 2020-09-03].
close action-939
<trackbot> Closed action-939.
<trackbot> action-942 -- Addison Phillips to Apply edits discussed in telecon and merge the normalization and localization specdev changes -- due 2020-08-20 -- OPEN
close action-942
<trackbot> Closed action-942.
fuqiao: noticed a new CG
fuqiao: the "Font and Text"
... a lot to do with our work
... should probably track
richard: in a similar vein
richard: a PR against HTML to
remove the section
... in rendering at the end
... that says how you render quotes for non-English
... saying the CSS spec has a new value auto
... that browsers should produce appropriate quotes for the
... so that they could remove
... raised a comment (about 12 min ago)
richard: our older issue may be
redundant becuase nothing to point to in HTML
... need to take to CSS to specify "lang of quotes is
surrounding, not embedded text"
... resort to raising bugs against impls? look at the thread
raised tracking issue
richard: further info share
... released 13 new pickers
... a lot of them are for historical scripts, e.g.
... but a number for living scripts
<xfq> htc-vive
<xfq> oculus-go
<xfq> samsung-gearvr
<xfq> updating RECs will be easier with Process 2020
<r12a> JcK: we should be more proactive about recommending when it's better to use ASCII (ie. for internal-only identifiers) and warn people that if they ddon't they need to consider a bunch of other stuff
<scribe> ACTION: addison: propose content guidance text in charmod-norm
<trackbot> Created ACTION-947 - Propose content guidance text in charmod-norm [on Addison Phillips - due 2020-09-03].
<scribe> ACTION: addison: submit issue 953 to web-xr with appropriate rewording based on telecon
<trackbot> Created ACTION-948 - Submit issue 953 to web-xr with appropriate rewording based on telecon [on Addison Phillips - due 2020-09-03].
felix: review deadline next
... can submit comments in next week
expert -> expertise
<xfq> +1
For Zip / Postal codes, including state or address information close to the number so that speech voices can expand known abbreviations (such as state names) and listeners can perceive the context.
This is a particular problem for phone numbers or zip codes.
When writing long numbers, considering what separators will be familiar to your readers and how it will be read aloud. In general, English speaking countries will use commas between thousands and a period as the decimal separator whereas German and other European countries do the opposite.
<scribe> ACTION: felix: propose text for spec dev around examples such as personal names
<trackbot> Created ACTION-949 - Propose text for spec dev around examples such as personal names [on Felix Sasaki - due 2020-09-03].
perhaps "person with poor language skills, such as an immigrant"
non-native speakers? avoid "poor"?
"non-native speakers with limited language skills"
<scribe> ACTION: felix: submit comments on cognitive disabilities doc
<trackbot> Created ACTION-950 - Submit comments on cognitive disabilities doc [on Felix Sasaki - due 2020-09-03].
<r12a> s|file:///c:/users/addison/Documents/GitHub/string-search/index.html||