<janina> scribe: neil
michael: no progress on charter
Janina: stub page is close to
what we want; phillipe is review whether we really need to
... need to be official to publish drafts (pronunciation)
Janina: have been sending out
requests for joint meetings; will start trying to pick
... sometimes we need to meeting with many groups; hopefully
will good outcomes despite being virtual
Janina: pronunciation is going to
have one more call to gather input from some people who were on
vacation. Invites others to join the call. Two hours
... personalizaiton is moving closer to recommendation
... [new member introduction with John Paton]
Janina: FAST is needed by silver,
from APA's point of view, we like to know what other specs do.
We have a questionnaire to do a self eval before we evaluate
their spec
... groups have begun to use and we will promote it more by
Michael: nothing new on the
charter front
... no new publications; TTL went to publication but APA hasn't
formally signed off. Are we good?
Gottfried: it's been a while, but I think it was all good
Janina: we need to update the
... anyone with progress? [no one]
Amy: CSS TF review CSS painting API. CR in 2018?
Janina: can't recall what our issue might have been with it.
Amy: back in 2016 -- Fred said it is low priority to review
Janina: I think we are fine to close this
Amy: I agree
... I will close this one
... next is CSS Table module level 3. Still in draft. Last
updated a year ago (warning says not ready for
Janina: main concern is being able to find out about header info without having to walk all the way to the header
Amy: that's mainly HTML. CSS can
break a11y though.
... I'll leave this one open
Becky: we talked about a CSS
issues last week (users override CSS stylesheets).
... reached out to wayne dick, but he said rarely is user
stylesheet is used for accomodation.
... ... [some potential changes that are user]
... ... this is a personalization problem. I think JSON or XML
schema is better than CSS for doing this
Janina: some of this is address by CSS Media Query 5. Scaling is something that jumped out to me.
Gottfried: I want to set up a
wiki page to collect things to add to a media query level
... I will post it to the list once I have something ready
Janina: something to talk with the CSS group at TPAC. We have a joint meeting scheduled.
Michael: nothing new on the dashboard. Two issues closed by another group.
<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/manifest/issues/860
<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3856
Micheal: ... leonie needs to sign off on this
Michael: ... talked about last week. Did we make a decision?
Becky: I think we did...
Michael: I don't see anything minuted on this (CSS color contrast issue)
Becky: James Craig was on vacation so hasn't been able to comment, awaiting him to comment
Janina: no August calls about CG
Janina: we may have talked about
sync'd media. Should we have W3C talk about what it means to
sync media.
... for a movie, approx scene to scene is ok
... if for actors, it has to be to the millisecond for people
trying to use lip reading
... probably needs to be within 100ms.
... who should take that on?
... The other conversation is who should use
... there has been the concept of a step counter so you can say
you are step one of 5
... navigation is also another use case -- e.g., need a
sidewalk path because of wheelchair usage
... another TPAC group discussion to be had
Becky: we haven't started queries about synchronization, have we?
Janina: not yet
... [issues with real time text (RTT)]
... for blind users if you put it up too fast then it has
trouble converting to braille due to contractions
... for someone who is deaf, you want it ASAP
RSSAgent, make minutes
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