scribenick: dsr
we review the minutes of last week
The Helsinki meeting will now be online rather than face to face
<kaz> Apr-1 minutes
<McCool> above link is for T2TRG hackathon tomorrow
The T2TRG meeting will go ahead as a virtual meeting
McCool: I have some follow up on developer outreach
Any objections to approving the minutes?
We now discuss the compiled minutes from the virtual face to face. Kaz notes that they are all ready.
Kaz fixed links to presentations, not substantial changes
<kaz> vf2f minutes
Any objections to approving the minutes for the virtual face to face?
Proposed change for some calls: the Govtech collab call and the Marketing task force call
The Govtech call will be every other Tuesday at 12UTC
The Marketing TF call on Thursdays at 14UTC, Kaz to provide updated webex coords
<kaz> ACTION: kaz to allocate new webex for govtech and marketing
McCool: I had a meeting regarding the Conexxus retail event, which is reorganising. The proof of concept is being worked on
We have some people at Fraunhofer working on discovery and directory service for the web of things - we will invite them to next week's call
This Friday and the following Monday are holidays in some countries and we're cancelling our calls on those days. Michael will email on this
Our REC transition will now happen on April 9 :-)
The press release is ready and we should reach out on social media to let people know
There is a small change we want to make to Jeff's quote
The document will be at
(currently limited to W3C staff only)
The REC documents are ready to be moved into place
Kaz has run the pub rules checker, and everything is fine
McCool: thanks Kaz on the group's behalf
Please cancel your travel if you haven't already done so
We're working on the plans for a virtual event as the replacement
More details at on the WoT IG wiki
Kaz invites everyone to respond to the doodle poll for your availability for the online meetings
McCool: reiterates the importance for people to give their input
Please use the don't prefer but can make option as appropriate
Dave: we may want to look at how other groups at W3C are planning virtual events, e.g. Dom's planned workshop
McCool: we're looking for someone to host the VPN for the duration of the meeting
for use for the plugfest
Koster: what's the stable long term solution ?
McCool: a permanent host would be valuable, let's talk more in the testing call following this one
Dave: we could ask the W3C systems team and it would be easy enough to get a virtual machine
<kaz> kaz: as I mentioned during the plugfest call last week, I can check with the System team as well, but we'd like to look into Softether's capability first
Koster: we should start with what we need and could later disable lower layers ...
McCool: there is likely to be others with a similar need
Koster: I have asked some people but so far no luck
<kaz> +1 to clarify our requirements
TPAC is still planned as a physical meeting
But that may change.
McCool: we should start to plan for next year's meetings
W3C doesn't provide technical implementations, and in general there is a question around developer outreach.
W3C should be agnostic and encourage use of multiple implementations
McCool cites developer interest via Ege's issue
Examples include node-wot and node-gen for node-RED
<kaz> related issue on wot-marketing repo
Let's discuss further in the marketing call
We need vocabularies for CoAP and MQTT. Where should these be specified. There is an issue for this.
This is not a normative topic in our charter
<kaz> related issue on wot-thing-description repo
We have external interest in moving this forward
(IETF, OASIS and Eclipse Foundation)
Ege: we need to provide good arguments if we want to get other organisations to pick this up
McCool: also Open API
Koster: if people want to use WoT TDs they will be motivated to have the vocab for their favourite protocols
we're adding value to the MQTT community, so we have a case to make
McCool: we can publish a WG Note as a short term solution
Koster: WoT TDs provide a means to annotate use of MQTT etc.
McCool: we need to capture the use cases
<kaz> McCool's comment
Koster: let's add a use case around MQTT
McCool: I will leave this on the agenda for next week's call
Kaz: I completely agree with this approach
McCool: let's see what people have to report
Zoltan: we had a good discussion in the scripting TF relating to protocol binding
I have a pull request for people to review
scribe: main addresses the issues raised by Ege
McCool: For the security TF, it isn't clear that configuration is adequate yet, so we need to look at those
The marketing TF call last week focused on the press release
Kaz asks Koster about the quote from SmartThings for the press release
Koster: I am chasing it ...
McCool: we also need to spend more time on the website design
For architecture TF, we're discussing life cycle and use cases
<kaz> td minutes
Ege: for the TD TF we talked about efficient formats and whether writing to an observable property should generate an event
Ege: and how to describe an initial connection ("reached")
For Binding Templates see pull request 95 (link above)
this has been reviewed and will probably be merged in a week's time
<kaz> kaz: OAuth2 and protocol vocabulary as well
McCool: I do want to have a
plugfest call immediately after this call (with a gap of 5
... end of meeting ...