WoT-IG/WG Virtual F2F Meeting - 16-19 Mar 2020


Summary of Action Items

Day 1

[NEW] ACTION: mccool to capture lifecycle stages for key renewal

Day 2

[NEW] ACTION: kaz to ask Dave about his issue on data streaming use case
[NEW] ACTION: Lagally to improve the description on what the "Dependencies" section means in the use case template

Summary of Resolutions

WoT-IG/WG Virtual F2F Meeting - Day 1
16 Mar 2020


Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Christian_Glomb, Jennifer_Lin, Philip_Tran, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis, Michael_Lagally, Ari_Keranen, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Daniel_Peintner, Klaus_Hartke, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Ege_Korkan, Michael_Koster, Taki_Kamiya, Elena_Reshetova, Takahisa_Suzuki, Niklas_Widell, Oliver_Pfaff, Victor_Charpenay, Kevin_Olotu, Glen, Christer_Holmberg
McCool, Sebastian
Christian, Daniel, Kaz, Zoltan

<kaz> Agenda: www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_16-19_March_2020,_Online


<kaz> scripting: Christian

<kaz> architecture: Daniel

<kaz> security: Kaz

<kaz> Discovery: Zoltan


<kaz> scribenick: kaz

McCool: if any problem, please speak up immediately

[Kaz explains the W3C Patent Policy quickly to the invited guests. He also added resoureces on the W3C Patent Policy to the "Preliminaries" section of the agenda. All the participants should be aware of the W3C Patent Policy and possible Royalty-Free commitment on the technical discussions during this virtual f2f meeting.]

Notes on the W3C Patent Policy

Getting started!

Sebastian: looking forward to the discussion this week :)
... any comments, questions?


Sebastian: let's start then!

<scribe> scribenick: glomb

Scripting API

<zkis> Link to Scripting agenda: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GvBcikn7j1qqZ6uC1YBw88AA6J6sYwvyIGeL5-eddzA/edit?usp=sharing

Start Scripting API session - lead Zoltan

ExposedThing implementation -> scripting related questions

Error handling -> how to report to scripting?

Discovery to be harmonized w/ scripting

Semantic API proposal from Michael Koster

Script deployment & management -> also to be covered in architecture

<inserted> Issue 156

Exposed thing #156 issue

how to implement exposed thing

Dictionary -> TD template, create protocol bindings

How to adapt data to run time?

Handling of different content types?

Daniel: node-wot handling

TD snippet provided, than create exposed thing

node-wot does not look into forms

forms highly depend on run-time

e.g. if only support for http, doesn't make sense to address different protocol

content type to be interpreted correctly -> todo in node-wot

forms handling not fully specified

proposal: skip not implemented protocols, so you could specify protocol in TD forms snippet

runtime implementation might report its protocol support

content type vs data schema #201

algorithm to match type <-> schema

forms might have different protocol, encodings -> how does consumer pick one

McCool: implement content negotiation

protocol tag?

which then defines endpoint

TD spec or scripting?

zoltan: also define algorithms to handle user input (TD templates)

kaebisch: concrete content type for the producer

IETF standard for URL patterns?


<McCool> mccool: agree on use of URI templates, makes sense

<Ari_Keranen> URI templates: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570

lagally: be clear about requirements

zoltan: as a solution developer i want to create exposed things, not want to create a TD for every platform, insure interop

lagally: TD template used in a specific way in TD spec

zoltan: maybe "init dictionary"

in scripting "TD template" is constrained on the protocols

<scribe> New term?

in Scripting

TD template: w/ or wo/ protocol definition?

Wording and concepts different in Scripting and TD

Clear terminology!

Scripting -> rather a dictionary

TD template as input for "dictionary"

"Partial TD" ?

Security info is fine to be in Partial TD

no keys, etc. inside

but has to match with additional sec. info

if available elsewhere -> to be filled in automatically

multiple scopes might be in forms

Daniel: mixture "global" sec and interaction affordance specific sec

possible according to TD spec

zoltan: after produce query TD

then see how device it set up

node-wot pull #187

content types other then json


<McCool> mccool: summary of what I said: TD supports both global security scheme and per-form schemes; scripting API needs to allow specification of both; also, per-form information like scopes and per-form security schemes should be interpreted and used

<kaz> TD Pullrequest 869

<kaz> Ege's comment

CBOR currently not supported in node-wot

Jennifer: need example how to use

handle binary content according to content-type

two cases: json w/ binary vs. entire binary

<kaz> Scripting Issue 201

e.g. image inside json structure

media related use cases -> architecture TF

have appropriate mechanisms to create / consume (binary) content

video streams -> delegate to (outband) protocol

Kaz: we should remember to consider concrete use cases like video streaming from the MEIG as well when we think about binary data within the context of WoT: how to handle data wo/ mime type?

McCool: quite complex, first stick to mime-typed data

POC might help to identify real issues

and gaps

Daniel: semantic api proposed by m. koster

e.g. readproperty wo/ property name but based on semantic annotation

layered approached

extend core Scripting API

e.g. tooling / convience layer above Scripting API


still an issue...

McCool: semantic API for interface -> manage name conflicts

<kaz> Scripting issue 204

deployment w/ scripting -> older proposal

constrained device vs. more powerful nodes

needs POC work


solves multiple languages problem and (partly) security

WoT inside web browsers :-)


<kaz> [session 1 adjourned; 5min break; then Architecture session]

WoT Architecture

scribenick: dape

<inserted> Agenda



Lagally: talk about TF agenda and goals
... consolidate use cases
... WoT profile (use cases & requirements, strawman proposal)
... today we will cover maybe sync arch status and parts of consolidate use cases
... On Sync
... looked into life cycle
... have life cycle model
... we have been collecting use cases
... on GitHub
... e.g., define "partial TD" and "Thing Template"
... in WoT repo we have USE_CASES folder
... use template to collect use cases

Sebastian: Collecting technical use cases?

Lagally: Try to get everthing (full overview)
... try to identify gaps (functional vs non-functional requirements)

<kaz> Use Cases

Lagally: Why use-cases:
... - determine target areas and scenarios
... - identify business-relevant work
... - identify gaps of existing specs
... - define common terminology
... - define scoep of spec work
... - collct requirements
... Architecture Process
... use-cases --> shortlist --> gaps/building blocks --> requirements --> address specifications
... Stakeholders:
... - device owners
... - device user
... - cloud provider
... - service provider
... - device manufacturer
... - gateway manufacturer

McCool: overlaps in stakeholders

Lagally: Agree, can be overlap

McCool: directory service provider should go away... discovery only

Ege: "Service" means client side?

Lagally: "Service" is offering something to customer

Ege: combination of multiple other roles?

Lagally: integrated service across devices
... not application specific
... Domains
... - smart cities
... - industrial
... - transportation
... - manufacturing
... Is there a domain missing?

McCool: vagueness ... manufacturing vs industrial
... however, list looks complete

Sebastian: I miss agriculture

Lagally: It is a domain, miss use case though

Ege: In Princeton we had agriculture use cases

McCool: also smart building

Sebastian: also airports et cetera

McCool: right, public spaces, hotels, ..

Kaz: w.r.t. agriculture. There is a community group. can ask them

Lagally: Do they have use case document?

Kaz: Not sure. Have been thinking about terms & terminology. Can try to check with them

McCool: Park management, out-side space management, nature park, ..

Ege: smart home vs home automation?

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention the agriculture cg

Lagally: probably need to align that

<kaz> i|Do thy have|Agriculture CG|

Zoltan: emergengy infrastructure ? Defence?

McCool: Military is important but suggest post-poning it for now

Lagally: Reviewed use cases
... - big data
... - device lifycycle
... - digital twin
... - GPS module

McCool: use case can address multiple domains

<kaz> +1

Jennifer: problem indoor to outdoor. need to figure that out ourselves

Sebastian: interesting use-cases

McCool: precision is also of interest... can change over time

Ege: w.r.t. accuracy topic: different terms people use (accuracy, precision, resolution, ...)
... w.r.t. digital twin use case: can be general use case

Lagally: help w.r.t. requirements would be good
... ... - retail use case
... - x-protocol interworking

McCool: does it include proxies?

Lagally: Not yet described but yes
... MMI use cases
... coming from MultiModalInteraction group
... WoT use cases (UCR)
... lacking some reviews
... e.g, smart grids, health care

McCool: recall distributed energy system use case (Siemens)

Christian: both, smart grid and energy automation

Jennifer: we might have use case for healthcare

Lagally: miss reviewer for healthcare (see https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot/aa90b2b8/ucr-doc/index.html)

Sebastian: I do recall Dave Ragett was providing this use case. Could ping him
... can contact him

Kaz: can work on this topic also, if Dave is busy

Lagally: Use cases in work
... - semantic interop
... - smart home interworking
... - media streaming
... - onboarding
... - edge device
... Use case at risk (no owner yet)
... - fleet managament
... - data streaming
... - video/audio treatment
... - agriculture
... Backlog
... home networking scenarios (MEIG use cases)
... verifiable credential use cases
... Shortlist of use cases - selection criteria
... 1. business relevance
... 2. WoT member relevance
... 3. active contributor

Kaz: logistical question: create place on Github to put slides

Sebastian: suggest adding presentations to agenda
... (Kaz's suggestion is putting slides on GitHub, and then add links from the agenda wiki to those slides on GitHub :) use-cases: Do you ML expect big impact on architecture document

Lagally: stomach feeling: for discovery some more requirements, for TD some extensions, ...

<kaz> [Architecture session adjourned; 3min break; then Security session]

<McCool> mccool: singapore health care use case https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/coronavirus-new-ai-driven-temperature-screening-device-to-save-time-and-manpower


<kaz> scribenick: kaz


Onboarding Slides

McCool: a lot of topics here
... including IETF Anima and OPC-UA
... would like to go over onboarding as well
... my hope was capture some discussion and input about what "onboarding" would be


McCool: Requirements Gathering
... provisioning levels
... different keys for different services
... what is "onboarding"?
... and what is the scope of WoT for onboarding?
... managing large number of devices
... we should discuss it
... Provisioning vs Registration
... 2 separate things for the lifecycle
... easier to separate them
... provisioning
... generate unique identity for a device
... assign keys and access right to a device
... registration
... more discovery topic
... separate things
... directory and registry
... make discovery easier
... nneds to register identity
... provisioning comes first

Lagally: keys...
... what kind of keys do we need?

McCool: 2 problems...

Lagally: this kind of onboarding definition is abstract
... identify devices automatically

McCool: the issue with "key" is key and lock
... keys also use signiture
... what access right would you get?
... onboarding has 2 phases
... assign the right and establishing the trust

Lagally: who would do that?

McCool: there is a separate tool
... user makes the decision for the permission
... could also imagine the other approaches like Mozilla WebThing
... it varies

Lagally: would like to recap the stakeholders
... the "user" here might be identity provider or something else
... maybe we need one or two more
... who is the stakeholder here?
... who is defining the rights

Zoltan: for example, the terminology is defined by somebody like OCF, and we can describe that

Sebastian: make some technical decision here
... and based on some specific technology
... what would be the major context?
... is there any firm framework we should follow?

Lagally: what is the use case?
... and how to solve it?

Sebastian: do we make some concrete mechanism for onboarding?
... just reuse some existing one?

Ege: how can we describe onboarding mechanisms?
... in a way like MQTT
... connect to some broker and get information

McCool: good point
... do I have relationship to TD or directory service?
... once we have onboarding process, we can describe that

Lagally: metadata field with well-know name?

McCool: more than that
... (add notes to the "Discussion" slide)
... in DID there is a proof section
... even referring a public key, it would be dangerous

Kaz: how about looking at the stakeholder diagram from the DID doc and the VC doc again to see the basic architecture for onboarding/discovery?
... and also we should think about some concrete use cases

McCool: we'll talk about DID with Manu on Wednesday

https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/ DID Core

https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-did-use-cases-20200130/ DID use cases

https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/ VC data model

https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-use-cases/ VC use cases

Zoltan: onboarding mode vs operation mode
... would like to take the easiest way
... e.g., looking into OCF way

McCool: related to the issue on our scope
... how to handle the onboarding topic
... where we start
... discussion on lifecycle?

Lagally: should not discuss lifecycle at the moment

Philip: we're still at the very early stage
... how we can deploy this is my question
... security within the browsers

McCool: requirements should be documented
... we should also have guidelines for security recommendations

Philip: agree
... maybe up to the implementations
... whether OAuth2 or anything to be documented
... need clear understanding for onboarding, access controls and authentication

McCool: how to handle the roles, scope
... we should look at OAuth2 as one of the best practices
... we'll look into node-wot for that purpose on Thursday

Philip: tx

McCool: (create a section of "Need recommended best practices" section to his slides)
... Oliver, can you take over the discussion for your lsides?

Bootstrapping IoT Security

Oliver: IETF Anima and OPC-UA
... 2 slides for introduction
... and 5 slides for the description
... the Challenge
... prepare for security
... there are many specification camps
... manufacturing, bootstrapping, operational, maintenance, off-boarding
... we want IoT/OG components to interact securely for the operational phase
... so something to be done at the bootstrapping phase
... and maybe the manufacturing phase too
... the following slides outline the IETF Anima and OPC-UA
... some cryptonite
... terminology from IEEE
... LDevIDs/IDevIDs are triplets
... private key as the starting point
... certificate containing a public key
... root CA certificate
... there is no one-fits-all
... when you think of components
... there are multiple stacks
... we're looking at tools
... IETF Anima
... mostly focused on IoT/OT component
... timeline starts with manufacturing
... manufacture credential: IDevID EE, EDevID CA
... then bootstrapping: site credential(s): LDevID EE, LDevID CA
... IETF Anima: Which Patterns are covered?
... IETF Anima: What are the main ingredients?
... actors: site and manufacturer
... 4 technical components
... pledge including IDevID, Join Proxy, Registrar including IDevID CA certificate
... and MASA (manufacturer authorized signing authority)
... (data transfer sequence)
... discover
... .1a. voucher
... 1b. voucher status
... IETF Anima: How does the protocol stack look like?
... 7-layer diagram (OSI diagram)
... physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application
... IETF Anima: Takeaways
... covers the credentialing of IoT components
... limited to X.509 certificate form-factor
... uses HTTP-over-TLS
... OPC-UA: What does happen inside IoT/OT components?
... OPC-UA: Which patterns are covered
... internally-triggered pull, externally-triggered pull
... ...
... OPC-UA: What are the main ingredients? for pull
... transfer sequence
... OPC-UA: How does the protocol stack look like
... protocol stacks similar to IETF Anima
... OPC-UA: Takeaways
... also covers the credentialing of IoT components
... difference from IETF Anima
... site-controlled
... limited to X.509 certificate form-factor
... arbitrary PKI hierarchies, CRL-based revocation
... uses the native OPC-UA stack for the credentialing interactions

Philip: question about key lifecycle management
... how does the OPC-UA manage recycling the keys?
... any provision about key lifecycle managment?

Oliver: just have the yellow portions
... all of the period is defined by OPC
... can be automated
... and the answer for IETF domain
... it has black portions
... for manufacturer credential management
... the recommendation for this black portion depends on each algorythm

<McCool> ACTION: mccool to capture lifecycle stages for key renewal

Philip: if we don't have automated management mechanism, it would be a nightmare...

McCool: would like to capture the key lifecycle managmeent
... would like to look into OCF model as well
... OPC-UA uses a credential management mechanism for registerer
... would like to suggest we thank Oliver for his explanation first
... put the slides somewhere

Oliver: will do

McCool: on the GH repo?

<zkis> This OPC-UA mechanism is similar to the manufacturer certificate onboarding in OCF (one of the 4 main OCF onboarding mechanisms)

McCool: you can create a pullrequest for that purpose
... now would like to wrap-up the session
... and start the next session in 6 mins

[security session adjourned; 6min bread; then discovery session]


Volto slides

McCool: guests from GoDaddy

Sebastian: and Kevin from Bosch

<zkis> scribe:zkis

<kaz> mm: do you have any resource to be referred to?

<kaz> ko: can show some slides

KO presenting Eclipse Vorto

Kevin: open source, vendor neutral semantic IoT device modeling
... describe, integrate, share
... share in device repository
... different implementations, for Bosch and others
... our interest in WoT is TD and TD Template
... they are quite aligned with Vorto
... we could generate a TD template based on a Vorto model
... need more experimenting
... next step is to manage TDs in Vorto repository
... third level to turn Vorto into a TD template repository
... and deliver more value on top of TD
... questions?

McCool: suggest to continue this discussion in next week's Discovery call
... there are couple of questions: directory, discovery, TD template etc

Lagally: what is the definition of a Vorto template?

Kevin: Vorto has an info model (types of digital twins) and then there are Function Blocks
... in WoT Property, Action, Events and in Vorto there are similar notions
... for interactions
... TD template term was used from TD spec

Koster: looks like there are a lot in common
... need specific examples for both Vorto and TD

Kevin: agree, it's a good idea

<kaz> +1

McCool: let's continue the discussion on next Monday, Discovery call

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/blob/master/requirements.md

Requirements document for Discovery

McCool: we have local, global and directory discovery
... means getting TDs that meet certain criteria
... we have proposals that include directories and ones that don't
... privacy is an issue
... we cannot just broadcast TDs
... there could be a context for that but not by default
... we should be aligned with existing work and standards
... need a mechanism to accommodate various brown field solutions

two-phase discovery proposal

2-Phase framework

<kaz> (two-phase discovery)

scribe: the general idea is to have an intro phase and exploration phase

McCool: we need a first contact protocol
... with minimal info to bootstrap the next stage
... which is an active session that requires authentication and authorization
... the first stage supports brown field protocols like QR codes and NFC etc
... the second phase is to be standardized in WoT and might be based on directories
... for first phase anything returning a link would be a candidate
... in existing solutions a list of tped links is used, e.g. in CoRE resource directory


scribe: may point to a directory
... or a Thing (a very simple directory)
... semantic search could be supported
... in exploration phase (2nd phase) we could have a queryable directory servcie
... then, we could have gateway functionality e.g. for onboarding or management of id's
... to break fingerprinting
... mutable id's need a mechanism to notify the users

McCool: privacy issues
... 2-phase approach not enough to preserve privacy in all cases
... for instance location fingerprinting or triangulation
... which can be inferred by various other information
... another issue is that even if 1st phase returns a list of directories, even from that list location could be inferred
... without having the authority to access that information
... Scripting Discovery API doesn't mention directories

Zoltan: they do :)

McCool: question is how to handle the 2-phase with that API
... we might break down the Scripting API Discovery from the rest

Zoltan: it's already separated in separate conformance classes

McCool: one problem, how to discover directories
... it may be an internal mechanism
... next, we have left some time to discuss

DNS based discovery

McCool: there is an IETC WG looking into this
... DNS is a distributed DB to look things up
... include additional data into this
... typed links
... another extension is location based data
... right now the query is (name, address)
... this could be extended with new attributes like location
... for spatial queries
... this would fit in the 1st phase
... then we'd have a second phase based on directory
... directory for a certain region
... one question in general: there is a tension including other metadata in the first contact protocols
... certain devices have private information, the type of device for instance
... question: which data goes into the first contact protocol and which data into the rest
... there is a CoRE RD for this
... but there are other ways of doing it, too
... so Chris' presentation will be covered later
... questions on the DNS material?

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to ask Christer Holmberg's affiliation

Christer Holmberg joins as a guest from Ericsson.

Working with Ari in Finland on IoT.

McCool: we will follow up on semantics and semantic search
... previous work on Thin Directories supporting semantic queries / SPARQL queries / template based search
... we need to consolidate prior work on this

prior work

Sebastian: this 2-phase discovery approach is protocol specific?

McCool: no, it's a pure framework
... need to figure out what is descriptive and what is normative
... being only descriptive will not work (with Discovery?)
... we can manage security better this way
... we can implement multiple discovery services running on the same device that can be run in parallel
... with other forms of discovery (like OCF, WoT, etc)
... the framework needs validating now

Victor: prepared some slides

Christian: made a PR for use cases
... in WoT Discovery github

<kaz> PR 4

McCool: first we were meant to collect use cases and then brainstorm
... we meant to merge discovery use cases into Architecture spec
... we could sanitize the use cases but they are just a first step for providing new use cases for Architecture

Christian: still, it would help using more structure
... we can discuss it later

McCool: OK, we can discuss later
... the use cases here is more like background work
... it needs to be updated
... we need to capture existing work
... not all of that has been done
... need a volunteer to dig up historical work and create an md file
... first, find all relevant info in the IG repo and list it in the md file
... everyone who has done prior work could add a link to their contribution

<kaz> Issue 6 on previous work assigned to Koster, McCool, Victor and Daniel

Next day's agenda

<kaz> Tuesday agenda

Sebastian: thanks for the first day, it has worked very well

Sebastian outlines Tuesday's agenda

<kaz> kaz: please let me know about the email addresses of the possible guests

<kaz> [Day 1 adjourned]

[End of Day 1]

WoT-IG/WG Virtual F2F Meeting - Day 2
18 Mar 2020


Kaz_Ashimura, Christian_Glomb, Michael_Lagally, Elena_Reshetova, Zoltan_Kis, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jennifer_Lin, Klaus_Hartke, Michael_McCool, Taki_Kamiya, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Takahisa_Suzuki, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Ben_Francis, Ari_Keranen
McCool, Sebastian
Zoltan, McCool, Koster, Kaz


Invited guests

scribenick: kaz

<inserted> Cristiano Aguzzi from Univ. Bologna

<kaz> W3C Patent Policy

<kaz> Patent Policy FAQ


<kaz> Architecture: Zoltan and Sebastian

<kaz> TD: McCool


scribenick: zkis

Recap from yesterday's meeting

Lagally: summarizing yesterday's presentation about use cases

[ML pres link]

Lagally: use case management
... use cases in the github repo, organized in domains
... we have assigned people to care about use cases in each domain
... Healthcare domain needs an owner

McCool: could take that up with Jennifer Lin
... but this is only one use case so far
... it might have regulatory issues

Lagally: TD could be still used

McCool: health has 2 categories, regulated and non-regulated, the latter is a problem

Lagally: ok, we keep it open

Taki: could also volunteer for Medical

Lagally: use cases in work

McCool: these are more like technologies than use cases
... we should look at existing use cases that match with these

Lagally: right, we want to detect the dependencies
... some use cases don't have an owner, like fleet management, data streaming, audio/video, agriculture

McCool, Jennifer, Philip volunteer for Fleet Management

For data streaming, Dave Raggett with question mark

For Audio/Video "treatment", issue-8 in architecture github

McCool: we can merge this

Kaz: we can combine this with other media-related use cases and close this one

Lagally: combined with issue-442 in architecture

McCool: we need to ask Dave whether could take Video/Audio domain

Lagally: Kaz, please ask Dave

<kaz> ACTION: kaz to ask Dave about his issue on data streaming use case

Lagally: finally about Agriculture domain

Taki: take it with Matsukura-san

<kaz> (Kaz will also ask the Agriculture CG guys as well)

Lagally: use cases are grouped based on business relevance, WoT member relevance and by number of active contributors
... that was recap from yesterday, now we move on to today's topics

McCool: presenting uses cases from architecture github

[link to USE-CASES]

<kaz> retails use case

McCool: presenting the retail use case
... related to the PoC to be presented tomorrow

Consolidating use cases

Lagally: we have separate md files in WoT architecture github


McCool: in each use case we need to make a list with related components
... so that we could relate these across use cases
... also for dependencies such as security related things

Kaz: what do we mean by "dependency" here?
... for instance "WoT Profiles" is listed
... maybe use a different name, like "dependent topics"

McCool: we should add description for each section in the template

Lagally: right, they are not very complete

McCool: what about "Target Users"

<kaz> ACTION: Lagally to improve the description on what the "Dependencies" section means in the use case template

Lagally: let's pick a realistic date and complete the use case consolidation
... for instance in 2 weeks time

Schedule and deliverables

Lagally: for Q1, completing requirements and use cases should be realistic

McCool: Jennifer was asking if we can go through the Singapore use cases
... will coordinate off-line

Initial requirements for selected use cases

Lagally: we have quite a list of use cases and requirements from the new WG charter
... these require architectural input

McCool: which version of the charter was that?

Lagally: last year Oct-Nov

McCool: the descriptions should be updated based on latest charter version

Lagally: OK
... presenting requirements

<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/REQUIREMENTS/requirements-template.md

<McCool> mm: regarding my comments regarding thing templates, never mind, I looked it up, and the current one-liner does mention classes, etc.

<McCool> mm: https://www.w3.org/2020/01/wot-wg-charter.html


<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/REQUIREMENTS/geolocation.md

McCool: is security included here?
... in each use case we need to consider dependency on security, discovery, etc

Lagally: McCool, please update the text
... with the security checklist
... and others may add others checklist

McCool: will create an issue and follow up

<McCool> mm: issue to add deliverables checklist to requirements template: https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/457

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to provide some resource on ISO 19116 "Geographic information"

Kaz: I was involved in the Geolocation WG, so thanks for including the Geolocation API.
... My suggestion is adding ISO 19116:2019 as well. There was discussion about the basic mechanisms and also accuracy of geolocation information

<kaz> ISO 19116:2019

McCool: also add OGC and ETSI to "related standards"

Thing Templates

Lagally: affects almost all specs
... this is a substantial change

McCool: yesterday we discussed the role of Scripting and protocol constraints
... we could capture that as a note or TODO


McCool: we should define Thing interface vs template
... for me template means "partial"
... it also shows up in discovery

Sebastian: we should be careful to not introduce so many TD related terms
... this would be confusing
... the concepts are not that different
... we can discuss that in the next session
... to avoid complexity

Lagally: agree, this just tries to capture eventual differences

Sebastian: we need a definition for "template"

Lagally: we can discuss this either this week or in architecture calls
... we need to keep terminology clear

McCool: we need to identify who needs templates
... for instance scripting, discovery, etc
... and then we can decide if they are the same thing or not

Zoltan: agree with McCool

Lagally: agreed

McCool: we need to investigate 3 things: interface, scripting, search template
... and see if they are the same or not

Ege: template is anything that does not have instance information
... for instance href with specific URI
... this is a requirement for Wotify

<McCool> mm: by the way, time check

Lagally: well, something like a stripped-down TD, or subset of a TD

Ege: everything that changes is not a template

Sebastian: this is a very old topic, we discuss this from the beginning
... I think we don't need more time on this, but work on technical realizations

<McCool> mm: I don't think we need to "collect" requirements, but we do need to write them down

Lagally: we anyway need to document what we mean by the terms

Sebastian: we also have plenty of issues in the TD repo related to this
... and I'd like to discuss that in the TD session

Kaz: technical details in TD session should be ok but it should be discussed based on how templates are used in use cases

[Architecture session adjourned; 3min break; and then TD session]

Thing Description

<McCool> scribenick: McCool


<kaz> Agenda for today

Sebastian's slides

guest: Ben Francis, Cristiano Aguzzi

Sebastian: reviews agenda, notes many issues for templates, efficient TD encodings, security aspects (esp OAuth2)
... (sharing presentation)
... reviews what we have done and its motivations
...started with basic idea of affordances, now have a good data model and experience via plugfest
... we need to celebrate this accomplishment, unfortunately not together
... of course much work yet to do; right now we are like HTML1.0; lots of things, but basic functionality is there

TD templates

Sebastian: we have discussed requirements in the previous call
... also interesting to hear from Bosch that they are using something like templates in their system
... there are multiple reasons why we need templates
... there are different phases during development, and during some of these phases the information will be incomplete
... in the planning phase, may have some rough templates to decide on basic affordances, then look at data schemas, etc.
... we should consider the requirements for TDs in these early stages and applications
... we also want templates to describe "classes" of devices

McCool: comment, not just classes, but "sub-interfaces"

Sebastian: and in scripting we also see a need for a partial TDs

Lagally: we do have two use cases that apply; digital twin and big data

Sebastian: think there are many more use cases
... also, in digital twin, also represent classes of devices
... this topic is actually very old, we have lots of use cases

Lagally: we have been discussing this for a long time, is existing text
... we should be careful not to miss any requirements
... simulation
... we need to cross-check against what we have; if something is missing, we need to document it

Ben: two points
... looking at the use cases that relate to templates
... would argue that every TD is a digital twin
... when do we pass a TD?
... vs a template? why not just always compose on the server?

Lagally: there are uses when we are composing TDs from components, etc.

Ben: other question is difference between templates and capability schemas
... capability schemas describe classes of devices, and can be inherited that way
... seem to be some overlap between these

Lagally: we don't yet have capability schemas as a formal component of WoT

Koster: ODM does provide capabilty schemas

Ben: if think of templates as classes and objects
... TDs are instances, capability templates are classes

Koster: ODM do define an object and capability model, can b e composed
... see capabilities as a way to pregenerate metadata, but not at the level of specific instances

Ben: don't quite understand where and when the composition into instances happens, on the server or client
... do TDTs belong in the TD specification?

Koster: good question; do we need a spec for "partial TDs"; what parts you need depend on the workflow
... as noted, there are multiple applications
... for template-based search; for hypermedia forms (eg actions); and for classes as noted

Ben: makes sense you need templates "internally" on the server side
... one use case that is client-side is discovery templates

Sebastian: comment on why we need in spec
... right now we describe what is a valid TD
... need to clarify what is the difference between a full TD and a template
... example is a bulb, that has everything but the specific IP address it is at

Lagally: we mixing the notions of templates and partial TDs
... let me show you what the current spec says

<mlagally> A Thing Description Template is a description for a class of Things. It describes the properties, actions, events and common metadata that are shared for an entire group of Things, to enable the common handling of thousands of devices by a cloud server, which is not practical on a per-Thing basis. The Thing Description Template uses the same core vocabulary and information model from ยง 5. TD Information Model.

Lagally: is from the appendix, so is informative, but it is a definition
... more than just a partial TD, has specific required information, namely affordances

Koster: partial TD may not be consumed by the client, but may be used in other places
... hypermedia controls and search templates
... and then there is the process of creation
... library of things to compose things is useful

<inserted> scribenick: zkis

McCool: categorize use cases to client vs server side
... search templates is client side
... but first we capture requirements

<inserted> scribenick: McCool

McCool: I think we need to step back here and list use cases and requirements here
... also note that hypermedia controls are client-side use cases

Zoltan: would say that scripting use case isn't exactly a partial TD, but a dictionary

Sebastian: problem is we need a concrete definition; to my understanding, everything mentioned so far would be a template

Kaz: discussion reminds me that we should look at classes and interfaces
... we should open up the discussion to additional use cases

Sebastian: how complex do we want to make this?

Kaz: we have to consider what use cases we really need

Lagally: complexity will depend on what we need

Sebastian: in the slides I tried to come up with a minimal definition
... it is clear that TDT <= TD
... but how minimal? is {} a TDT?
... do we want to add an @type to identify a TDT?

Lagally: there are identifiers in TDs
... we need to have two things; unique identifier for templates so they can be referred to (eg as interfaces), e.g. templateID
... we may need an extension

Zoltan: why do we need ids for templates?

<benfrancis> How about a separate context for TDTs vs. TDs which could have different validation requirements...

<benfrancis> {

<benfrancis> "@context": "https://www.w3.org/2020/wot/tdt/v1"

<benfrancis> }

<benfrancis> (note "tdt" vs. "td")

Lagally: so we can manage them and refer to them

Sebastian: why not just put them in a database?

Lagally: need to find them

Ege: agree that we need an id, but it should be a new field to avoid conflict with existing spec

<benfrancis> The URI of the template resource could be used to identify a template, no need for an ID inside the JSON payload

Koster: we may not always need an id if it is something like a hypermedia control

Ben: should we have a separate context URI for TDTs? And maybe a different specification?
... do you need an ID, or just a url?

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to if we introduce a *new* ID for template... -> TDT is not a subset of TD anymore?

Daniel: comment on ids vs. contexts
... if we add a separate context, then the subset relationship might get broken
... new id, or new context, then we won't have TDT subset of TDs
... won't be the case if TDTs have extensions

Lagally: comment on bf's comment about URIs
... because URI is a way to look something up where it is stored, but for databases we need the ID independent of location

McCool: note that ids are currently URIs, but if we want to decouple IDs from location we should use something like DIDs

Sebastian: we are looking for what is the minimal definition that fits the use case we want to target

McCool: we should define the use cases first, then...

Lagally: we have a working definition...

Sebastian: but it is just informative; not binding

Lagally: let's take this offline, let's work on the issues to create definitions for TDTs and partial TDs
... once we have definitions, we can discuss details
... we each have a different definition in our heads; let's discuss using a concrete text

Zoltan: for the id, is use case for databases, etc.
... suggest we take it use case by use case, identify universal requirements
... still need to understand a few of them, eg management use case

Lagally: I understand at least three: hypermedia, discovery, interfaces

Kaz: agree that we should go back to use cases to clarify this discussion
... we should not think about concrete notation just yet, but about requirements

Taki: one use case I have seen is interface management; have been assuming each has an ID
... since it is a "definition", and we want to relate instances to the interfaces they implement

Sebastian: seems we still need to clarify the motivations and requirements, especially for IDs
... as proposed, we have to continue discussion based on use cases and issues

Lagally: (put issues here in minutes)

<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/453

<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/454

Sebastian: another TDT related topic is whether we have relationships between TDTs, e.g. components, inheritance, etc.
... what if we want to override something in an instance?
... do we want to do this?
... is this desirable?

McCool: I would like to see this, and support it with a link and a specific relation type

Lagally: not just for TDTs, but motivates link relation types in general
... so maybe we pool those requirements together when we talk about relation types
... for example, component relationships include TDTs but also other concepts

Sebastian: what do we want on the end?
... considering the TDT context... when we exchange it with someone, should it be self-contained
... or do we have a feature where we have links to refer to other documents that then have to be fetched?

McCool: I think we should realize that links to well-known concepts don't necessarily have to be fetched
... and other standards use links much more extensively; it avoids redundancy

<mjk> @mccool yes

Kaz: links would be useful in many applications, eg. automotive, CE devices

Ben: requiring the client to resolve relationships is a problem; consider the situation of HTML templates

Sebastian: I do think TDTs need to be self-contained
... then don't need inheritance etc. in my opinion

Lagally: problem on this slide; "overwrites the name" is a problem described in requirements document; needs to be a way to manage name scopes, etc.
... need to look into namespaces, etc.
... second, think it is premature to make design decisions without understanding requirements

McCool: first, we may still want to know what TDT a TD is and instance of even if we don't fetch it
... second, if we use semantic annotations the namespace issue already has a solution; but that is an implementation choice we should look at later

Kaz: we should see actual need from the vendors and service providers based on concrete use cases
... there is a possibility we could live with some preprocessing mechanism which provides resulted self-contained TD to the clients for this purpose (=referencing outside TDTs)

Sebastian: we still need a lot more discussion, use cases, and motivation
... on slides, did make a proposal for next steps
... but based on the discussion, maybe have to reconsider; but this slide does point to various issues
... we definitely do need a formal definition
... and we still need to keep the complexity at an appropriate level
... ml has proposed that ml and seb collaborate on a proposed definition, then bring back to group to discuss

Lagally: sounds like a plan. Let's do it
... stakeholders who are interested, please take a look at what we already have and please bring up additional use cases and requirements

Initial connection

Sebastian: (put link here...)
... base term is currently used to define the base URI for affordances
... but may need more information, for example, default contentTypes, subprotocols, protocol settings shared by all interactions, etc

<kaz> Issue 878

Sebastian: this would be useful to avoid redundancy
... (links to issues 878 and 803)

<kaz> Issue 803

McCool: is this specifically a TDT issue?

Sebastian: for a class of devices, want to say that this class of devices uses coap

<kaz> Sebastian's comment on Issue 803

<kaz> [[

<kaz> In the past, we had a base that could be used as an array for multiple protocols. However, this was criticized because of the arithmetic that you have to take care of (as TD designers and implementations).

<kaz> ]]

<kaz> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/803#issuecomment-532986494

Sebastian: but we need a way to identify a protocol but not a full URL
... suggest that we use URL patterns/templates to do that

<zkis> https://url.spec.whatwg.org/

Kaz: mentioning TDT here (=Improves the design of TDTs) is a bit confusing though there is a possibility TDT could be a solution
... it's not specifically related to TDTs, but is a general issue for TDs
... so maybe should change the title of this bullet point from "Improve the design of TDTs" to something generic based on the issue 803 itself

McCool: I see the issue of identifing a protocol without a URI is TDT-specific; but other things are TD improvements

Ben: interesting since still chair of subprotocol websocket CG
... current design is that we use use a link, and would be a subprotocol member of that link
... but what if a web thing has multiple protocols or subprotocal

McCool: maybe we could reuse the "definitions" structure used for security

<inserted> scribenick: mjk

Ben: the wss scheme has a single URI

<inserted> scribenick: McCool

McCool: although we need to simplify it for the common case

Ege: using links like bf describes would useful; common case is only one

Sebastian: slides have some examples based on github discussion
... would expand base with an object
... in addition to an href, would have other information for the protocol binding

Ben: example on the left, however, is not how Mozilla's approach works
... instead we provide a top-level link

Lagally: where are we going to spec this, how do we test?

Sebastian: not decided yet; subprotocols still a large list, many in the market
... sse, webthings protocol, etc

<benfrancis> Correct example of link to WebSocket endpoint in Mozilla implementation (see wss:// URI) https://iot.mozilla.org/wot/#example-6-example-links-member

Lagally: could define various payload formats for a single protocol, so we may not want an exclusive list, just some examples, informative, leave it open

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to breaking change of base, maybe use other term

Daniel: need to be careful about changing meaning of base term; may result in breaking changes
... better to define a new term

Koster: just naming a subprotocol may not be sufficient; we have to describe in some detail how it is used

Ben: webthings is defined explicitly for web of things, though

Ege: relation type "alternate" used in example; rel may not be appropriate here

<mjk> @ege agree

Ege: what is in base is what ALL forms should use

Ben: don't think "rel" makes sense in the base... would put it in a "link" instead, if using websocket alternative

Sebastian: a related topic, should base be both a string and as an array?
... might be a breaking change (?)
... can introduce same feature as for @context
... may also want objects, as in previous example (to include protocols settings, etc)
... propose that object should follow the Form class

Zoltan: is getting very complex
... what is the benefit we are after?

Sebastian: as discussed in the beginning, have all protocol settings in a single place
... of course we currently do it per-form, but it gets redundant

Ege: and actually, in mqtt, not actually very clear
... current system implies we open a socket to the broker for each interaction

<mjk> establish a persistent connection

Ege: but actually we want to open a connection to the broker first, and leave it open...
... also applies to websocket connections

<mjk> don't we have a discussion point scheduled later for this topic?

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-binding-templates/issues/14

McCool: time check

Ege: in case of mqtt of node-wot, I need to configure, out of band, the URI of the broker
... it's not in the TD...

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to extending base to array causes issues in deployed applications

Daniel: proposal does not consider existing implementation; proposal may be a breaking change

Lagally: how many TDs would benefit from this feature?
... how is appropriate base being selected if there is more than one?
... which base would be used for which context?

Sebastian: need to explain in more detail
... would use multiple bases when there are multiple endpoints

<kaz> scribenick: kaz

Kaz: we should clarify our actual need for this capability
... maybe we want to have a sub-manager which bundles multiple things for a mashed-up service
... but we should clarify that to continue the discussion

Sebastian: would like to continue the discussion
... also we should discuss the remaining topics
... e.g., efficient formats by Taki and Daniel

Efficient formats for TD

Tomorrow's meeting

McCool: let's quickly skim the agenda
... joint calls
... me and David Ezell working on Conexxus/EdgeX topic
... Koster, can still do the topic on CHIP/ODM?

Koster: yes
... mind if move to earlier?

Sebastian: what about swapping with eCl@ss topic?

Koster: that would be fine

McCool: should create my slides
... the agenda looks OK to me

Sebastian: ok
... thanks for joining, all!

[Day 2 adjourned]

[End of Day 2]

WoT-IG/WG Virtual F2F Meeting - Day 3
18 Mar 2020


Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Dmitrij_Lagutin, Manu_Sporny, Klaus_Hartke, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Zoltan_Kis, Nikos_Fotiou, Taki_Kamiya, Christian_Glomb, Niklas_Widell, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Takahisa_Suzuki, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_Koster, Ari_Keranen, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally
Sebastian, McCool
Kaz, David, Ege, Sebastian, McCool


scribenick: kaz

Sebastian: Manu from the DID WG
... CHIP updates
... SOFIE, an EU funded project - Dmitrij Lagutin
... also looking forward a joint project Conexxus/EdgeX
... and update on eCl@ss
... we're using IRC for the discussion
... will share the URL for that on WebEx

McCool: the minutes will be publicly published
... also be aware of the W3C Patent Policy as put on the agenda wiki

Preliminaries for the agenda (including the resources on the W3C Patent Policy)


DID: Kaz


SOFIE/eCl@ss: Ege

Conexxus/EdgeX: Sebastian

Testing: Sebastian



Manu: thanks for inviting
... would like to highlight IoT and WoT
... as the most important use case for DID
... really excited to be here :)
... background of me
... DID, VC and JSON-LD
... Anatomy of a VC
... (analogy with a driver's license)
... digital credential from authorities
... government, large companies, insurance companies, etc.
... cryptographycally protected identity
... e.g., some state agency asking you to show your driver license
... number of different attributes on the license
... Which identifiers to we use today?
... in our physical world
... email as well
... phone number, URL, social media, ...
... social security card
... never intended to be used for usual purposes
... Why is this a problem?
... we don't know if it's intended subject, owner, etc.
... possibly got from some black markets
... list of security breach on the right side
... What is missing?
... DID work is based on people are the owners of the personal information
... protected by cryptography
... data portability is important
... Decentralized Identifiers
... new type of URL
... globally unique, highly available, cryptographically verifiable, with no required central authority
... you can have a central authority, though
... What does a DID look like?
... did:example:13456789abcdefghijk
... Scheme:DID-Method:DID-Method-Specific-String
... DID Method is how to use the DID
... e.g., v1 is a DID Method
... pretty simple looking identifier
... Web of Things and DIDs
... a number of entities for WoT/IoT ecosystem
... to identify themselves
... you could have DID on the manufacture side
... who the manufacture is
... also IoT Gateway can identify themselves
... legal controller also can control the legal structure by seeing if drone is permitted or who is using it
... WoT service providers also can identify themselves
... in a cryptographic way
... cryptographically signed
... very broad possibilities
... DIDs Resolve to DID Documents
... when you get a URL on a browser
... the domain name is resolved
... DID is also resolved like that
... resulting a DID document
... IoT device says "this is my DID"
... authenticate it
... there is some kind of CoAP message
... can be published through the DID document
... there are 2 things
... DID document contains public keys
... cryptography intereact with DID
... and higher level protocol communicate with each other
... We use DIDs in Verifiable Credentials
... VC statement also uses DID
... sensor with a DID sends sensor value
... idea here is that we would use TD for that purpose
... you can also identify manufactures
... checksum for the latest firmware, etc.
... Web Identifiers Today
... DID WG is not doing the entire DNS
... DID should not be views as a DNS system
... rather something in addition to DNS
... Decentralized Identifiers
... we use a lot of public/private cryptography
... translate the key into your ID
... one of the interesting ways
... companies/people sometimes would like to control it
... people talk about blockchanes frequently
... but that is not the only one
... one possible framework
... DIDs v1.0
... heavy implementations/modifications
... Decentralized Identifiers Status
... a log of implementations
... weekly CG participants: 15-28 form 345
... spec/issue contributors: 32
... Other WoT - DID Related Specs
... Verifiable Credentials
... Encrypted Data Vaults
... LInked Data Proofs
... Authorization Capabilities
... HTTP Message Signatures
... encrypted data vaults is protected data in transit and at rest
... Linked Data Proofs is mathematical proof mechanism
... not digital signature but equally interesting when you use IoT systems
... Authorization Capabilities is cryptographic authorization and delegation to protected services
... very specific data stream or services
... don't want to encrypt
... we can spend the rest of the time to talk about the collaboration between DID and WoT

McCool: tx for your presentation!
... we've been talking about proofs
... refer to public keys
... TD can be messed up
... and
... the other topic is discovery
... what is the bootstrap approach?
... we don't have authorized repository for TD
... we're also talking about template for TD
... the other thing is HTTPS just work with external network
... issue with isolated networks
... not with internet connection
... and

Manu: digital signature
... can express as JSON-LD
... linked data proofs is a generalized approach
... always conflicts there
... there are 3 different kinds of digital signature approaches
... JWT (JSON Web Token), CWT (CBOR Web Token), ...
... because you have some level of JSON-LD support already
... so linked data proofs approach might make sense
... further resources within the best practices document and use cases document
... the way that the DID/VC work is additive things
... there are perfectly good reasons for the existing mechanisms
... you could use URLs to identify resources for VC, etc.
... you can use the best part of the existing mechanisms
... the most important DID method for the IoT/WoT community is did:key
... translating into the DID Documents
... you can drive anything else
... you can handle it without internet connection
... using purely did:key
... one of the best level of operations

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to can a DID document change over time? Is there a way to know whether a DID document changed? Lifetime in general...

Daniel: life time of DID documents?
... you can be sure did:key can't change?

Manu: benefit of did:key is directly identify the document
... downside is can't change it
... if you need to rotate keys, you need to use a different DID document
... you can do that with bitcoin, etc.
... did:key expected to be short live
... with other DID documents might last for human lifetime

Daniel: tx

Sebastian: DID is globally unique
... possible issue from privacy viewpoint?
... can be used to identify the user

Manu: absolutely

Sebastian: JSON-LD context file?
... cool if it could rely on TD

Manu: the privacy question first
... always constant interest in tracking concerns
... active area for discussion
... there is a massive privacy consideration section within the spec
... if this is not a gasmeter that's taking measurement, that's ok
... but if the devices is somebody's watch
... probably problematic
... tend to depend on use cases
... cookies and tracking mechanisms also to be considered
... possibly really scary surveillance system
... DID document can be expressed as JSON-LD
... but some discussion the other day and now pure JSON
... VC is JSON-LD
... if you use pure JSON-LD, that's totally fine
... but if combination of JSON and JSON-LD, would be difficult
... some conversion required
... we could have a good story

Lagally: do you have typical use cases?

Manu: there is a use case document

Lagally: any mechanism for DID document revocation?

Manu: if you're not connected with the internet at all, possibly purely gossip-based
... purely localized hash table is possible
... some are OK with localized one
... or at some point, make connection with the Internet for key rotation

<manu> Here's use cases document for DIDs: https://w3c.github.io/did-use-cases/

Koster: where the DID methods come from?

<manu> DID Method registry: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-registry/

Manu: DID method registry above
... first come, first serve

Koster: like the IANA registry?

Manu: right

Kaz: interest in the evergreen registry approach?

Manu: definitely

McCool: will move on
... try to reach out you again

Manu: we'd love to that

CHIP and ODM (Michael Koster)

<dezell> scribenick: dezell

<mjk> https://github.com/one-data-model

<mjk> https://www.connectedhomeip.com/

Koster: we're using One Data Model, with iotschema
... One Data Model is attempting to harmonize the semantic side of IoT models
... Originally lots of participation from the connected home group.
... current work is on a common language for IoT semantics, useful to domain experts.
... goal is to converge semantic definitions for common device types
... things, objects, actions, properties, events, and data.
... some items (like object) aid in composition of other things
... ended up with "simple definition format."
... Status: language and metamodel repository is started, translation of some legacy models is underway.
... BT SIG is important (BLE Mesh Sensor)
... driving toward standardization of the language with other groups (IETF, for instance)
... schema.org - IoT extensions, trying to blend in RDF semantic descriptions
... Information Meta-Model - uses "properties, actions, events" as the central precepts.
... we've integrated iotschema definitions with TDs, strawman definitions, investigation in discovery.
... use has begun for semantic annotation.
... CG - Schema Extensions for IoT has begun
... currently working on Hands-on evaluation.
... Project CHIP (Zigbee Alliance) - major smart-home platform companies.
... effort to take existing technologies and integrate
... expect to have a converged ecosystem for IoT (for connected homes) by the end of the year (2020).

Sebastian: regarding CHIP, I think we need to pay more attention. How can W3C be more engaged in collaboration?
... maybe joint plug-fests?

Koster: if we (W3C) don't contribute code it will be hard to gain traction in the initial phases.
... what we want to do is attract the >interest< of the companies involved in CHIP and get them to come to our plug-fests.
... I've actively been looking for "entry points" - as a board member of Zigbee and CHIP I'll work for that.

<McCool> mccool: although using plugfest to build interest may not work out with the travel issues right now... virtual plugfests using VPNs?

Kaz: does this kind of web meeting appeal to your members?

Koster: higher priority activities are eclipsing the ability to do lots of different kinds of outreach, but after the initial work this situation may relax.

Sebastian: Siemens is also a member, and we're interested in seeing things move forward.

Taki: are there websites that could help in understanding and learning?

Koster: I'll revise the presentation to include references.


<kaz> scribenick: Ege

Dmitrij: (introduces SOFIE european project)
... it has 4 pilots to show how the project is implemented
... uses TDs to describe IoT devices and also DIDs
... (a use case for a guest trying to use the printer of a university)
... the printer is a legacy device
... the university gives access token and the user uses this to print the documents he wants, by passing through the Auth. Server
... Auth server does not know the user but trusts the auth. given by the university
... client receives credentials, gets access token and then contacts the resource server (printer in this case) to obtain the resource
... (another use case with an IoT hub, one side connected to the owner and possible users/guests, one side multiple gateways from different manufacturers)
... DIDs can be used between the hub and the user/guest
... then can use the the authorization to interact with the devices
... we also have evaluated on RPis and key pair and signature gneration take 126ms on the first gen. of RPi
... links to our projects are available -> sofie-iot.eu
... questions?

McCool: short question: are you using the DID key method?

Dmitrij: yes

McCool: about oauth2: we removed it but want to put it back in
... we would like to engage you in the discussion as a use case
... would you be willing to join a security call

Dmitrij: sure

Sebastian: do you have a WoT runtime?

Dmitrij: no we have our own runtime to send the appopriate requests
... but we don't develop the devices, the goal is to not touch them


<kaz> scribenick: sebastian

EdgeX slides

showing slide presentation about EdgeX / Conexxus Retail PoC

McCool: outline: goals, about EdgeX Foundry, Intel's ORI, PoC
... showing use case about retail modernization via AI / IoT
... there are many sub-use cases there
... e.g., Edge computing and AI
... about EdgeX foundry: open source project, provides a micro service sofrware framework
... there are dozen micro services in multiple languages (Go, C, ...)
... EdgeX is quite similar to Mozilla Hub
... it has rule engines
... showing the EdgeX Architecture
... showing an example how the rule engine works
... simiar to Mozilla WebThing structure
... the layers of EdgeX constitue a dual transfromation engine
... about the open retail initiative
... promote open source collaboration at the edge
... participating in the EdgeX WG "Commerce Project"
... there is a meeting in October
... today there is a silo situation in retail
... ORI goal is to consolidate and enable integration
... MC showing a computer vision use case
... and data fusion use case
... summary of EdgeX
... sevice API have OpenAPI definition
... JSON and CBOR is used
... can be simple integrated in Thing Description
... MC further investigating on this
... proposed WoT / EdgeX Integration
... generate TDs metadata for all devie services
... and for select analytics services
... need a prototype a Thin directory service supporting semantic search
... genearte template for a 'orchestration service'
... define retail use case that integrates IoT and analytics
... MC shows a PoC definition
... setup demo based on node-red with EdgeX usage
... also show how to write rules
... what is the timeline
... March: def. and planning
... April: first prototype
... July: release candidate
... Sept: demo finaliziation
... Oct: Show @NACS 2020 and @TPAC 2020


Christian: you showed ZeroMQ
... there must be some extension in the TD, why is that?

McCool: Is not sure yet. EdgeX uses ZeroMQ

Christian: have some experiences with ZeroMQ and there was no need of TD extensions

McCool: should have a joint discussion about this

David: thanks to MC for the presentation

Toumura: if there are some functions needed for node-red, please let me know


<kaz> scribenick: Ege

<kaz> Slides

Sebastian: I want to give a summary on the collaboration that was going on with eCl@ss
... it classifies devices, it is used heavily in industrial environments
... here is an example of an electrical screwdriver, with the hiearchy on the left
... it supports many languages (21 at the moment)
... goal is to enable implementers to use eCl@ss knowledge in the TD
... eCl@ss exists since 20 years
... we want to represent the eCl@ss in RDF
... after having the context file for eCl@ss, we can add annotations to the TD that uses eCl@ss
... two weekly calls, you can join.
... We had the first F2F in Feb 2020
... We want to test it WoT plugfests as well

Ege: why integrating into TD?

scribenick: McCool

McCool: how do we combine descriptions in TD with eCl@ss semantics?
... eg for a dashboard display

scribenick: Ege

Sebastian: The representation of eCl@ss is not standardized, this way we can use the eCl@ss information in a more interoperable way

(missed mccool's question)

Taki: in which form are you planning to publish the vocabulary
... and is there any public information?

Sebastian: not sure, I have to look into the page of eCl@ss
... I know that they have press releases and some members of eCl@ss in the Munich Workshop
... definitions of eCl@ss is public already

<sebastian> https://www.eclasscontent.com/index.php?id=21050804&action=det&searchtxt=&options=&version=11.0&language=en

Sebastian: not sure how the vocabulary is published

Kaz: Don't companies use their own vocabularies? How to integrate them

scribenick: McCool

Kaz: how do we apply this to different domains, e.g., automotives, trains and airplanes?

scribenick: Ege

Sebastian: in TD we can integrate multiple vocabularies

scribenick: McCool

Koster: vss schemas - automotive industry example

scribenick: Ege

Sebastian: so we can integrate the vocabulary used in the automative industry into any TD

scribenick: McCool

Koster: VSSschema, BRICKschema are some domain specific ontologies

scribenick: kaz

Kaz: still not sure about the relationship among (1) eCl@ss-based categorization tree, (2) schemas/ontologies (for automotive, etc.) and (3) TDs, and wondring how to put them together. However, we could continue further discussion during our future calls

scribenick: McCool

Ege: for plc example, have a motion controller... what if it is more generic
... in the base you'd describe the PLC, but what if it is connected to a thermocouple
... how do we describe things that in WoT are one thing and in eCl@ss are multiple things

Sebastian: depends on how you want to offer the td
... do you want to represent the sensor or the controller?

Ege: what if I want to do both? might want to know plc cycle time AND temperature?

Sebastian: would use a container mechanism; is a good question, will have to think about
... but it does depend on the use case

Call plans

scribenick: kaz

McCool: would suggest we have our main call and test call on March 25 as usual to talk about the topics on Planning and Testing (which we couldn't discuss today)

Sebastian: what about the TD call?
... ok to skip the call on 20th?

Taki: fine

Daniel: ok

McCool: and start regular calls on Monday, 23rd

Kaz: do you mean starting with scripting, security and discovery on March 23rd?

McCool: right
... also we should have discussion on liaisons during the Chairs call on Wednesday, March 25th


Sebastian: (mentions the topics for tomorrow)

Architecture (3am PDT / 6am EDT / 11am CET / noon EET / 7pm JST; 1h)

node-wot tutorial (4am PDT / 7am EDT / noon CET / 1pm EET / 8pm JST; 1-2h)

Marketing call: (7am PDT / 10am EDT / 3pm CET / 4pm EET / 11pm JST; 1-2h)

McCool: note there is one-hour gap between node-wot tutorial and marketing discussion

[Wednesday call adjourned]

[End of Day 3]

WoT-IG/WG Virtual F2F Meeting - Day 4
19 Mar 2020



Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Taki_Kamiya, Ege_Korkan, Klaus_Hartke, Zoltan_Kis, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, dezell, Takahisa_Suzuki, Philip_Tran, David_Ezell, Jennifer_Lin
McCool, Sebastian
Taki, Kaz, Zoltan



scribenick: kaz

Sebastian: Agenda for today
... Note on the W3C Patent Policy for guests


<kaz> Architecture: Taki

<kaz> node-wot tutorial: Kaz, Zoltan


<taki> scribeNick: taki

Review discussions so far

Lagally: I cannot join marketing call today.
... I already made all inputs.
... I would like to wrap up Arch discussion today.
... We discussed use cases for templates and geolocation, etc.
... There is a document that is a working draft such as device lifecycle comparisons.
... also there is lifecycle diagram.

<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/proposals/WoT%20lifecycle%20diagram-WoT%20new%20lifecycle.svg

<mlagally> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/proposals/Device-lifecycle-comparisons.pdf

McCool: there is also lifecycle content from Oliver wrt OPC-UA etc.

Lagally: can you provide URL?

<McCool> also pres by Oliver Pfaff is relevant to lifecycle discussion:https://github.com/w3c/wot-security/blob/master/presentations/2020-03-16-Bootstrapping%20IoT%20Security%20-%20The%20IETF%20Anima%20and%20OPC-UA%20Recipes.pdf

Lagally: We would like to discuss WoT profile.
... after that, roadmap and action items.

WoT Core Profile

Lagally: We can discuss 30 minutes maximum.
... Motivation is WoT adoption. Some companies had concern about interoperability.
... We have interoperability using limited features in PlugFests.
... across different companies.
... so we would like to formalize the agreements.
... wrt. properties, actions, events, links and security.
... Profile will select meaningful WoT core profiles.

<McCool> McCool: good point that we need to define minimum security support, too...

Sebastian: I have a question about diagram. Do we select a subset of properties, actions, events?

Lagally: Subset means adding additional constraints.
... resursive levels, for example.
... for interactions, we need to these additional constraints. Subset means you cannot use this and that.
... you cannot use 6000 characters name for example.

Sebastian: It is about data model, it sounds like. It is more about data model issue.

Lagally: Data model is important.

<McCool> McCool: I think sebastian's comment is just about the figure, might want to change the top-level categories to something like interactions, names, data models, links, and security

<McCool> ... for example

Lagally: It is filling gap for device developers.
... so they understand how/what to implement properties, events better.
... Meaningful constraints on data model is important.

McCool: Different categories. Costraints on names, properties, etc.

<kaz> profile definition within the charter

Kaz: I suggest to remove this diagram itself from this slide for now. We should go back to charter first to discuss.

Lagally: I would not remove this diagram, but we should discuss, I agree.

McCool: Charter says "subset", but it does not say how.
... diagram is about what we need to think about when we subset.

Lagally: we have 5 building blocks in specs now.

<McCool> McCool: suggest replacing this diagram with a simple list of the things we need to subset; may be more than five

<McCool> ... this will map to sections in the profile spec, most likely

Lagally: This figure is just illustrative of what we need to discuss.
... Goals. I am concerned about out-of-the box interoperability.
... between devices.
... including onboarding. This is important.

McCool: Self-documenting TD should not be part of the list. It can be discussed as part of TD discussion.

Lagally: We need to discuss that, too.

<McCool> McCool: for now just mark as "needs discussion"

<inserted> (Kaz agrees with McCool and thinks the 4th point "self-documenting TD" should be discussed but separately from this discussion on profiles today.)

Sebastian: Out-of-the-box interoperability is valid for TD template. TD template is missing protocol binding and security. But it has other metadata.
... So it enables simulation. It needs to be out-of-the-box processable for templates.

Lagally: Templates have not been used in PlugFests. But I agree TDT needs to be useful itself.

McCool: TDT, we need to define use cases for out-of-the-box TDT.

Lagally: This list is about published spec.

<McCool> McCool: so I suggest we table the TDT discussion for now, and return to it once we have a complete definition of the various (and multiple...) use cases for them

Kaz: I agree with McCool. This slide is about goals. Some are related points. For example, self-documenting TDs can be discussed somewhere else, I think.

Lagally: OK. self-documenting TDs. Some people suggested this point before.

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to interoperability *highly* depends on domain

Daniel: We need to make sure we are not to define a "single" profile.
... There can be profiles for domains.
... I expect there are domains each has different requirements.

Lagally: Is it protocol domains?

Daniel: Even within protocols, I expect different need for profiles.

Lagally: We can discuss meaningful constraints. There are common practices. Implementation details are different.

McCool: Human-readability is a use case. We can discuss use cases.
... Some say we should have one profile. We can discuss union of all domain requirements.
... One can make further subset later, also.
... we should have a single loose profile that describes what a consumer needs to support to cover all domains first.

Lagally: We can go that details later.
... Next, conformance tesing.
... With profile, simplified device validator and compliance testing can be defined.
... Device can be certified.
... Also, validation tool. We have Ege's playground for now.
... Next, Implementation complexity.

<McCool> McCool: by "loose" I mean "generous", i.e. fairly large limits on things, assuming a relatively powerful consumer

Lagally: 65,000 characters on string, for example.

Sebastian: We can be more precise here. I agree with your aspects of Consumers. I also want to stress on Producer aspects. Producer needs to describe its protocols, etc.

<McCool> McCool: diff between producer and consumer, +1

<McCool> ... limits are mostly relevant to the consumer, since the producer can state limits on what it can accept in the TD already

Lagally: Consumer's problem is also producer's problem.
... You cannot sell products, for example.

Sebastian: You need to think about future, as well. There are multiple usages.

McCool: Consumers are in general powerful. But we can list protocols that consumers can use.

Lagally: POST or PUT for updating property, we need to make clear.

Sebastian: It is clear in TD spec.

McCool: TD is open-ended now, it may be problem for consumers.

Lagally: 4 use cases so far.
... high level use cases.
... Consumer needs to know if a device can work in the consumer's place before buying.

<McCool> McCool: needs vs wants; we NEED to make things finitely implementable; we WANT to limit complexity

<McCool> ... maybe should use

<McCool> ... "need" in certain use cases, "want" in others...

<McCool> ... an example; slide actually says "want"

Lagally: developer wants TDs to be as simple as simple so development work is efficient.
... As a developer, I want to validate whether a device is compatible with a consumer.
... as a service provider, integration of devices from many vendors using TDT.

Zoltan: certification process. How are we going to make it for WoT interoperability?
... What's our position on certification?

Lagally: It should be discussed with wider group(s).

McCool: we can discuss ourselves first on how. On the other hand, we need to discuss W3C, etc.

Ege: Isn't W3C against conformance testing?

McCool: We can start with which implementation implements which features, and posting results.
... legal limitation, we need to discuss with W3C.
... ...

<McCool> McCool: profiles should at least make it possible to have conformance testing for interoperability

Kaz: We should clarify our purpose here.
... As you remember, we invited several people working on testing to our F2F during TPAC 2018 in Lyon.
... We might want to provide a framework for WoT testing purposes publicly like the Web Platform Tests repo

Web Platform Tests repo

Kaz: We need to discuss our requirements first.

Lagally: We started to clarify requirements.
... We need to continue this discussion in Arch calls.

<McCool> McCool: ... and use cases, and stakeholders...

Lagally shows profile requirements...

Lagally: We need to work further on this requirements. Please read them first.
... Recap of status.
... We have a GitHub repo. Issues are already there. Strawman proposal is available.
... Next step, consolidate requirements, review strawman, implement issues.
... questions?

McCool: We can list specs, how peofiles may impact.

Sebastian: I want to clarify further what profiles are.

<McCool> McCool: suggest we deal with this when we build overall use cases; each should identify deliverables they impact... including profiles (but also discovery, TDs, security, etc)

Sebastian: We need to be clear on intention of profile.

Lagally: We discuss them in architecture call. I agree with the point.

Wrap Up

Lagally is showing architecture process diagram.

Lagally: Use cases leads to gaps and building blocks, which makes requirements.
... There is draft roadmaps.
... Use case in march. Shortlist in April with requirements. We have document drafted in May.
... We discuss profile strawman in March. Gather use cases and issues. In May we want to have FPWD.
... This is rough schedule, though it is ambitious.
... We have new issues in architecture repo.

<inserted> virtual+F2F Issues on use cases created during the Virtual F2F

Lagally: We created them during this Virtual F2F.
... Please check the list.

Lagally is iterating Use case assignments...

<inserted> Issue 456

Lagally: Ege, are you OK?

Ege: It is more about descrbing sensor accuracy property in general. Not limited to geolocation.

Lagally: OK.
... DID stakeholder terminology.

Sebastian: McCool or Oliver?

McCool: I can take a look at it as an input.

<kaz> Issue 455

McCool: We need alignment there.

Lagally: Can Sebastian check with Oliver on this?

Sebastian: Please keep me in there as a reminder.

Lagally: TDT terminlogy. We need to discuss.

McCool: also use cases for TDT.

Lagally: We have a issue for that.

McCool: We need to capture use cases we discussed.

Lagally showing issue #458...

<kaz> Issue 458

Lagally: OK

Lagally edited #458...

Lagally: We have use cases documents in GitHub.
... MEIG can help some of them.
... Now we have owners for all of the issues.
... It is important to describe those use cases.
... We need lots of discussion for architecture.
... We have split call morning and evening hours in Europe.
... any other businesses?

Sebastian: Thank you for all the origanization of Architecture work. It is not an easy work.

<McCool> McCool: I will have to drop for a few minutes to reboot my machine and try to fix my audio

Lagally: Thank you. Talk to you next week!

node-wot tutorial

<kaz> scribenick: kaz

node-wot site

Ege's slides

[Before starting this session, Sebastian asks everybody if it's OK to record the session and everybody agreed. So Kaz has started to record the session. We need to confirm how to publish the recorded video.]

<Ege> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1svxKEwCVoI_b1uyw_1zDOinkcCazz5Xzb5I4g2dpRUQ/edit?usp=sharing

Ege: starts to share the slides above
... node-wot as an Eclipse project
... why "node-wot"?
... would like to hide the details of implementation
... what we do?
... how to write device implementation?
... possible without node-wot
... choose a protocol
... that's a pain
... then choose a library/framework
... e.g., mosquitto, flask
... that's also painful
... then program the backend
... and you need to write a TD
... make sure no mistake for the backend
... again
... programs interact with WoT devices without node-wot
... coose a protocol, library/framework
... then programming
... even more complicated
... parse a TD, program the app logic
... then send correct requests
... be sure no mistakes there

<McCool> McCool: well... or the developer should read, which is a "documentation" use case we should capture, actually

<McCool> ... the implementation may not actually parse the TD, and I think this is reasonable, IF the TD will not change

Ege: hopefully you support the protocol of all TDs
... then
... with node-wot
... just program the app logic
... could focus on your projects/apps
... what is node-wot?

<McCool> McCool: although... yeah, we might do minimal parsing to find the concrete URLs; may be more relevant to say dev reads the TDT, so maybe "documentation" is a TDT use case

Ege: open-source node.js library
... under Eclipse THingweb project

node-wot site

Ege: designed for WoT apps
... highly modular
... features
... protocols: HTTP, CoAP, MATT, Websockets, OPC-UA
... media types: application/json, text/plain, images
... WoT operation supports
... security: basic auth, bearer tokens, API key, PSK
... note that node-wot is not an end-to-end framework
... questions?


Ege: let's see some action!
... start with simplified concepts
... then go into more advanced uses
... installation
... node.js 10.13.0 or later
... 1. clone the repo
... 2. change into the directory
... 3. install dependencies
... 4. build the source code
... 5. link the packages to enable the wot-servient command
... all public in npm
... let's use it!
... WoT Scripting API is good document for the API description
... how to write a Thing implementation
... start with describing the interactions
... first write a TD
... script for that
... describe properties
... like temperature including type, description, observable, readOnly and unit
... then actions

<McCool> McCool: in example, Celcius should be Celsius

Ege: then events
... e.g., for overheat
... looks like a TD but no form section
... then we have to program

<McCool> McCool: also, "temperature of the room" should be "set-point of the thermostat"

Ege: how to read the temperature from the internal sensor
... dummy functions here
... getTepmerature, changeTemperature
... thing.setPropertyReadHandler
... thing.setActionHandler
... thing.setActionHandler
... for the events
... setInterval for 5 seconds
... if the curTemp is more than 45 then thing.emitEvent
... at the bottom
... thing.expose
... we didn't have any protocol information so far
... all of that is done within node-wot

<McCool> McCool: although we probably should include protocol information... under discussion

<Ege> https://gist.github.com/egekorkan/ddf2e03f40fb976d9d4b925fbbb9d381

Ege: full code available above

<McCool> McCool: I do want to note that we are missing a step in this tutorial

<McCool> McCool: thanks, kaz; good point for comments

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to client side in Website also

Daniel: if you want the client side, you don't need to use node-wot

McCool: missing one step
... configure the servient
... how to setup security, config file, etc.
... very important documentation needed

Ege: exactly
... would like to show something
... there is a slide for that purpose

McCool: great

Ege: would like to go into configuration as well
... (shares his editor screen)
... myTemperatureThings.js
... properties, actions and events
... this is proposed as specified
... property handler like this here
... myTemperatureThing.js
... running the code
... would like to explain how it works

<McCool> McCool: example needs to be cleaned up a bit to update SetPoint, not Temperature

Ege: changeTemperature
... connected to the MQTT broker

<McCool> McCool: otherwise it is technically inaccurate; a theromstat has a temperature sensor and then a set point at which it *tries* to control the temperature to meet

<McCool> ... but these are two separate properties, logically

Ege: TemperatureController
... http://localhost:8080/TemperatureController
... the name of the thing at the title field here
... read the temperature value based on the request
... increment/decrement
... also subscribe overheated one

<McCool> McCool: maybe I'm being pedantic but I find not being careful about this in a "controller" a bit jarring

Ege: http://localhost:8080/TemperatureController/events/overheat
... (has trouble with screen share)

McCool: good starting point
... but need improvement
... would like to hear fro the user side
... any opinions?

Zoltan: you can provide some security-related setting
... installation for node-wot

Ege: (back)

<McCool> McCool: good point, but we have to make sure we also cover and document things not in the Scripting API, for instance, setting up certs for private keys, which (intentionally, for security reasons) is done "outside" the scope of the Scripting API

<Ege_> https://gist.github.com/egekorkan/ddf2e03f40fb976d9d4b925fbbb9d381

Ege: code available above
... how to use wot-servient command?
... WoT object is unknown for node.js
... wot-servient command builds the necessary infrastructure and creates the WoT object for our scripts to use

<McCool> McCool: not quite sure why we have wot-servient; why don't we just require a package and manage it with npm etc?

Ege: command line interface for node-wot
... we can specify the information for "servient"

<McCool> McCool: would be nicer to follow normal practice here for node scripts, imo

Ege: staticAddress for the servient
... sections for protocols: http, coap, mqtt
... then credentials
... specify them within a configuration file
... and then run wot-servient -f conf-file
... get help by wot-servient -h

<McCool> McCool: although I guess we do need to discuss how and when the configuration file is read and the execution scope for node-wot is set up; it seems that is one of the motivations for the current structure

Ege: you can use any browser or REST client
... as long as they use the expected protocols
... but you can do this easier/faster with node-wot
... and the code would be protocol-independent

McCool: nodeRED also should be included as a possible REST client?

Ege: right
... (shows example again)
... slide 30
... TemperatureThingAddress

<McCool> McCool: in general, we should document node-gen and the use of nodeRED with a similar set of tutorials

Ege: actual interaction by WoT.consume

<McCool> McCool: and these tutorials should point to each other...

Ege: we can create a thing interact with
... slide 31
... setInterval
... if curTemp is less than 20
... await temperatureThing.invokeAction("increment", 4)
... send a request
... slide 32
... specify what the event does
... temperatureThing.subscribeEvent
... in case of overheat

<Ege_> https://gist.github.com/egekorkan/dfd0f999c22396a997eb10994e11aed6

Ege: display error message on the console
... how to write code to interact with a Thing above
... would like to share the code again
... myTemperatureThing.js
... WoT.produce here
... WoTHelpers.fetch
... create temperatureThing
... to expose the methods
... (run wot-servient command)
... if specify "-c" option, it invoke the client
... any questions?

Zoltan: from the code, we need to add cancelRequest, etc.
... to avoid infinite loop
... no way to cancel the request
... possibly some optional value for timeout
... will raise an issue

Ege: any other questions?

Cristiano: node-wot script uses the option to break?

Ege: yes

McCool: because this is node.js
... btw, wondering about typescript

(audio issue)

<McCool> McCool: just wondering about typescript vs node proper

<McCool> ... not mentioned, seems you are just using node

<McCool> ... but is there a way I can use typescript instead?

<McCool> ... not critical to go into detail here, McCool: but would like to understand

<McCool> ... eventually

Ege: coming into how to use typescript
... not runable by default
... advanced feature for node-wot
... the minimum you should do so far

<McCool> McCool: ok, so there is an option to do it, but you don't have to worry about it if you don't want to

Daniel: right

Ege: let's get more advanced
... how to use as an npm dependency

<McCool> McCool: ok, use as npm dependencies answers one of my earlier questions ;)

Ege: recommend you use npm dependency for more complex ones
... project code via require statements
... download the required packages from npm
... and run
... npm install @node-wot/core
... npm install @node-wot/binding-coap (optional binding)
... example
... slide 37
... upper part with [[Servient = require("@node-wot/core").Servient

<McCool> McCool: question: can you also specify the configuration file programmatically?

<McCool> ... as a js object?

Ege: and start the servient
... servient.start().then((WoT) => {
... all the configuration as you wish within the upper side
... lower part same as before
... slide 38
... client side
... build servient properly
... start it
... and same as before
... slide 39
... advantages
... better version control for node-wot
... installing on more constrained devices
... install only what your project needs
... better compatibility
... self-contained
... possibility to use Typescript and Intellisense

<zkis> scribenick: zkis

Ege: node-wot enables building bigger apps for WoT
... for instance, WADE, Shadow-Thing, WoT-Testbench, WAM (WoT Application Manager)
... how to contribute: add new protocol bindings (e.g. MODBUS over TCP)
... or XMPP

<McCool> McCool: would add under "things to contribute": security schemes

Ege: bugfixes are welcome

Zoltan: should we standardize servient-specific APIs

Ege: the danger is to expose the protocol side of things

McCool: we could add an appendix for node-wot

Cristiano: about Shadow-Thing

<McCool> McCool: would be very helpful imo for adoption to fully document the "reference implementation" (node-wot) in one place

Cristiano: we have a use case about this automatic reverse proxy

Ege: you give a TD as an input, consume it with node-wot or shadow-thing and then expose it (after changing it)

Cristiano: but I can not consume the thing behind a firewall

Ege: the IP address is not visible in the TD until port forwarding is not configured in the firewall - it could be handled in the firewall

Christian: node-wot welcomes new protocol bindings, but people should prefer existing ones with the help of a proper TD
... and then send that to wotify
... one should use the base protocols and define a good TD

<McCool> McCool: another example would be OCF, which uses CoAP but with some special header options, security settings, etc

Ege: right, we might have too many bindings that way

Christian: e.g. Fujitsu vs Oracle bindings

Jennifer: 2 quick questions, came up during a pilot
... would be nice to have a tutorial on how to set it up on production

McCool: also, how to set up in docker, for production use as well

Jennifer: then, slides are shared?

Ege: yes

<Ege_> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1svxKEwCVoI_b1uyw_1zDOinkcCazz5Xzb5I4g2dpRUQ/edit?usp=sharing

Kaz: save the pdf version in the repo

<McCool> McCool: but also how to run as a daemon, using systemd, upstart, pm2, etc.

<McCool> ... also there is also a way to set up a daemon using docker

Jennifer: what is the difference between wot servient and cli.js?

Ege: no difference
... it's like a shortcut
... for pros, suggest using as npm dependency

<McCool> McCool: this is an example of something that is trying to make things easier that ends up just being confusing...

Daniel: the wot-servient command might be indeed confusing with the optional things

<McCool> McCool: and wot-servient is also limited; might be better for some people to just start with the npm approach first

Sebastian: thanks Ege for the presentation

Kaz: suggest updating node-wot documentation based on this presentation

Ege: right, we could even have a tutorials folder with various recipes

<McCool> McCool: I'd like to see a written tutorial, not just a video

<McCool> ... with similar content

<McCool> ... but I also want to say this is very valuable material

Kaz: you can use the minutes as a basis for that documentation refactoring

<Philip> Philip: I have a question on the support for Bearer token

<Philip> Philip: is it fully supported and do we have any example on using Bearer token with WoT?

Ege: yes, it's fully supported
... in the plugfest, Panasonic used them

<Philip> Philip: it would be helpful to have an example on that

<McCool> McCool: need to add documentation, an example, and a tutorial on how to set up bearer tokens (and other security schemes, once we implement them)

Jennifer: in general, more examples to cover security

Sebastian: adjourning the tutorial session
... now we will have a break
... will have the marketing session later

Marketing call starts in one hour


[End of Day 4]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/08 11:42:39 $