Silver Community Group Teleconference

07 Jan 2020


KimD, bruce_bailey


<Lauriat> In completely unrelated news, we'll need to start using "Zakim, start meeting" and "Zakim, end meeting" instead of trackbot.

<jeanne> Meeting: Silver Content

<scribe> scribe: Chuck

Group check-in

Lauriat: Group checkin.
... I know Mikoto sent in status with regrets.
... Latest version of alt text doc.

<Lauriat> The latest version of "Alt Text" document is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xI6ooDVxvNelVNJDSvbTJCvrJh92Df9wLXGyWs5f2-w/edit?usp=sharing

Lauriat: Updates for part 3. Write methods. Jennifer reviewed... Tod reviewed techniques, Jennifer and Tod copied existing stuff to part 3.
... Makoto returns next week.
... Any other groups present that can give an update?

Bruce: Andrew Sommers updated some low vision stuff over the break. I'll paste into the minutes.

Jeanne: <garbled>

Bruce: I haven't digested enough to describe it. I noted that there are improvements in the google docs. Trying to track down now.

Chuck: I may have that link, but I can't find and scribe.

Bruce: The URL should be the same as it was in the wiki.
... Some changes about CSS pixels, font thickness, and other improvements that may be advisory.

<Lauriat> Wiki link: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page#Drafts_of_individual_WCAG_success_criteria_to_migrate_to_Silver

Bruce: I'll also note, having formulas in a github project is straight forward. We should be able to have an online calculator soon.

Lauriat: That would be fantastic.

Jeanne: What would be helpful to be would be to... offline... <garbled>. If you have parts that you know will change ...

<bruce_bailey> Google doc:

<bruce_bailey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lmTpfgublIqRggMVbrwo55FMlyJo3Avp_TAvpuFttxI/

Jeanne: Helpful would be if I knew what sections you think are done and I'll move them into the draft. If you have areas where there are substantial changes, I'll wait on those. It would be good to have one place where we can show people what's going into the draft.
... I can start working on that. I'm excited at alt text. They have made a lot of progress. For everybody else let me know what you think is ready.

Bruce: Chuck, cybele or andy will have to answer that question.

Chuck: I'll review doc after call.

Lauriat: This might be a good question for Makoto to address.

Jeanne: Visual contrast looks really good, I'm psyched.

Chuck: Credit goes to everyone else on the team!

Lauriat: Any other groups present?

Draft review next week?

Lauriat: We'll go to second agenda item.
... This is something that ... Jeanne when we talked Friday, when we can bring draft to overall group, and discuss what we plan to get in and what we plan on not going in. Seems possibly next week, I saw an email from Alastiar that January is packed.

<jeanne> Draft today with some conformance work done over the holiday https://raw.githack.com/w3c/silver/conformance-js-dec/guidelines/

Lauriat: Getting WCAG 2.2 advanced. We may need to be loud to get on the agenda. We can suprise the fewest number of people when we call for consensus.

Jeanne: We did conformance work over the break, I included a link to the latest version of the draft. You need to look at it in raw git.
... I think the big chunk of work that needs to be done is to start putting the guidelines in. You can see right now it's sketchy. What I've done... for section headings I called it an explanation. That takes you to the tab version of the individual guidelines.
... I want to start moving the work that's done in the sub groups into the tab format and link from the main editors draft. I don't know how people will like that format. Please review and let me know your thoughts on how to do that.

<bruce_bailey> s/having formulas in a github project is straightforward/having calculations in a github project seems to be straightforward

Jeanne: I considered an accordian that would put it right into the doc. My html javascript skills aren't that sophisticated, and I probably couldn't make it accessible. So I left it as a link. Anybody with more coding knowledge could help. I'll take the help.

Lauriat: Michael also mentioned that he wanted to help work on the introduction part of the draft. He'll review this week. I don't know what he has in mind, but he wants to make sure it's as clear as possible, and he'll review.

Jeanne: Cybele worked on it months ago, I'd like to look at her work, because she's a really good writer and she put a lot of work into it. I'll add to my list of things to do.

Lauriat: You may want to let Michael know sooner rather than later so we don't replace his work.

Jeanne: Yes, he could change things on the fly. I'll let him know.

Lauriat: Timeline I mentioned at the start of the call, how did that sound? Reasonable? We could also say rather than 14th and 28th, we could say ONLY 28th, or 21st. I know that Jeanne and I discussed doing one as soon as possible and doing another...
... Before call for consensus. I've no strong feelings, not gone through this before.

Bruce: 14th of Jan or Feb?

Lauriat: 14th of Jan.

Bruce: Too soon.

<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask was that 1/14 or 2/14?

Lauriat: The idea is to show what we have, and provide an idea of what we'll have for the conformance model so nobody will be suprised when we call for consensus. We've tried to present in previous presentations. But holidays happened, and many probably forgot.

Jeanne: I think we should present asap. It will take a while for folks to get use to. Let's do it on the 14th.

Chuck: So 14th is like a draft of a draft (of a draft...)?

Lauriat: Should we also try for the 28th and... 11th?

Jeanne: We should get in front of them every week, or they may not vote in favor. We have to give them time to look at it, ask questions, make suggestions. We should be on agenda every week, starting next week until we get a consensus vote.
... Bruce what do you think?

Bruce: I am skeptical. Not enough changes to present. Briefing every week won't be helpful.
... We are doing simpler things with techniques. Improve over a week... not a large document.

Jeanne: Maybe every other week would be better. I think we should still start next week. Hopefully I'll have guidelines in there.

Lauriat: One other option is... Jeanne if you could respond on the thread with Michael, with your take on what kind of cadance we should have, I would also like Bruce's thoughts included in that. I have no thoughts myself on this. And we go from there.
... Either way, we need to get on the agenda as quickly as possible. They are swamped with 2.2 work.

<bruce_bailey> agree, wg pretty busy

<bruce_bailey> i defer to wg chairs

Jeanne: Bruce, do you think that they don't want to see it until.... you are right that it hasn't changed much, but it will look very different when I include content from the sub groups.

Bruce: Once that happens then it's ready for the wg.

Jeanne: I'll try and get that done by Friday. We can all look at it on Friday and decide if we can present on Tuesday.

Bruce: Be sure to tell Andrew. This is my subjective opinion. It's not a necessary risk to show it again. I'd take another week.

Jeanne: OK

Lauriat: With that, should we propose the 21st, 4th and 11th? 11th would be call for consensus.

Jeanne: We'll want to be there to review comments on call for consensus.

Lauriat: That would give us the week before then to respond to feedback and say as a reminder when we call for consensus (11th).

Jeanne: We could ask Andrew to do a survey, show on 21st, do a survey (we'd have to think about the question) to get a first round of comments on it. To head things off before... WE don't want the call for consensus to be the first time people are making comments.
... We should discuss with the chairs. See what they would like to do. Surveys can be tediuous for them. Let's see what they want to do.

Lauriat: We'll respond to the thread with Michael, present on 21st, do a survey if doable, present again on the 4th, and 11th would be call for consensus. Correct?

Jeanne: Sounds good.

Bruce: You could do Survey right after 21st.

Lauriat: Agreed.

Jeanne: I agree, we want to introduce first, have them review and answer questions before the survey. I like that schedule better.

Bruce: If the survey is up on the 21st, that's helpful. You need to let the wg know they only have 7 days to respond, as you want time to respond.
... People tend to fill out survey that morning, you need more time.
... By having survey close on 28th that let's people know.

Lauriat: Any other comments or q on that timeline? I've started a draft to Michael with this content.

<bruce_bailey> Just be sure to give WG members a full 7 calendar days to fill in the survey

Lauriat: I'll send out this morning.

Face-to-face CSUN planning

Lauriat: CSUN is coming up. I don't recall how much time we need to give notice...

Jeanne: 8 weeks.

Lauriat: We need to finalize our plans on where it's happening.

Jeanne: I created a page...
... Technically we have a page, we can send out the announcement.

<jeanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/2020_March_F2F_Meeting_at_CSUN

Jeanne: that's what has to be done 8 weeks in advance. We should send that out. Shawn if you want to send that out, that would be helpful.

<CharlesHall> i will not be able to attend CSUN this year, as our budget has only allowed me to attend the WebAIM Strategic a11y workshop instead

Jeanne: We have all the sponsors we need, we have everything covered, we need to formalize that. Peter offered a room that Amazon was going to have for the week, we could use for 2 days. But he has some issues preventing his participation in this call.
... I'll send him an email asking for confirmation. We'll need to ask for needs and support, and food options.

Lauriat: Do we need to have registration form ready for announcement?

Jeanne: We could take last year's google form and update it. We'd have to copy and make a new one, but we have a form we can use.
... We'll send to agwg list as well, they may want to participate.

Lauriat: Do you know where that form is?

Jeanne: I think it's in the presentations folder, if not check phase 3 folder.
... When we did the "who's interested" a few weeks ago I stole from that form.
... We also have in the phase 3 folder at the top level, silver face to face at access u...
... That's not as good of one. I'll search for the best one.

Lauriat: You will confirm the venue and room and stuff, sounds pretty solid. I'll start an email draft to send to agwg and silver, I'll wait on finding that form so we can send out in same email.

Bruce: Jeanne, access u template is the one you want, not the csun. That worked out well last year.

Jeanne: I did it in w3c one last year, not google. You'll need me to do that. Here's the link to last years...

<jeanne> last years registration form: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/94845/2019-03_FtF/

Lauriat: 8 weeks means we need to send by end of week this week.

Jeanne: If we need to send w/o registration, let's send. But I think I can get that updated so we can include it.

Lauriat: Thx.
... That's the last agenda item. Anything else we should discuss in the remaining 10 minutes?

Bruce: 2 minutes for us to take a look at form and make sure nothing needs to be updated.

Lauriat: I can get into it. I don't think we need to update anything besides dates... <reviews doc>

Bruce: last time was good, think it's good to review this time.

Lauriat: Good call.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/01/07 15:21:46 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Mikoto/Makoto/
Succeeded: s/changes on pixes,/changes about CSS pixels, font thickness, and/
FAILED: s/having formulas in a github project is straightforward/having calculations in a github project seems to be straightforward/
Present: KimD bruce_bailey

WARNING: Fewer than 3 people found for Present list!

Found Scribe: Chuck
Inferring ScribeNick: Chuck

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 07 Jan 2020
People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]